George W. Bush sdílí slavnostní výroční zprávu “milovat můj život” Lauru

George W. Bush sdílí slavnostní výroční zprávu “milovat můj život” Lauru

George W. a Laura Bush měli během víkendu dva velké důvody k oslavě a bývalý prezident oba shrnul oba v jednom krátkém a velmi sladkém příspěvku na Instagram.

Vedle fotografie dvou z nich napsal: “Šťastné 40. výročí a nezveřejněné narozeniny lásky mého života, @laurawbush”.

Ano, sobota označila narozeniny bývalé první dáma a protože nejsme její laskavý opatrný manžele, můžeme dodat, že se jí stalo 71 – stejně jako její manžel několik měsíců dříve.

Příští den duo oslavilo své výročí.

Nejen si připomínají 40 let od svatby – je to sotva víc než to, co se poprvé setkali!

Trvalé partnerství Bushů začalo v roce 1977 bouřlivým bouřím. V červenci se představili navzájem a zabývali se slavnostmi 5. listopadu téhož roku.

Jenna Bush Hagerová, Barbara Bushová říká matka, bývalá první dáma Laura Bushová, byla hippie


Když víš, víš!

Bush mají dvě dcery – včetně dnešní Jenny Bush Hager – a dvě vnučky.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language nor culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    George W. and Laura Bush had two big reasons to celebrate over the weekend, and the former president summed them both up in one short and very sweet Instagram post. Alongside a photo of the two of them, he wrote: “Happy 40th anniversary and undisclosed birthday to the love of my life, @laurawbush.” Yes, Saturday marked the former first ladys birthday, and because were not her kind and cautious husband, we can add that she turned 71 – just like her husband a few months earlier. The next day, the duo celebrated their anniversary. Theyre not just marking 40 years of marriage – its barely more than that since they first met! The Bushes enduring partnership began in 1977 with a stormy courtship. They were introduced in July and were engaged by November 5 of that year. Bushes have two daughters – including todays Jenna Bush Hager – and two granddaughters.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language nor culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    George W. and Laura Bush had two big reasons to celebrate over the weekend, and the former president summed them both up in one short and very sweet Instagram post. Alongside a photo of the two of them, he wrote: “Happy 40th anniversary and undisclosed birthday to the love of my life, @laurawbush.” Yes, Saturday marked the former first ladys birthday, and because were not her kind and cautious husband, we can add that she turned 71 – just like her husband a few months earlier. The next day, the duo celebrated their anniversary. Theyre not just marking 40 years of marriage – its barely more than that since they first met! The Bushes enduring partnership began in 1977 with a stormy courtship. They were introduced in July and were engaged by November 5 of that year. Bushes have two daughters – including todays Jenna Bush Hager – and two granddaughters.

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