Matt Lauer získá celotělové skenování, aby podpořil povědomí o zdraví lidí pro #NoShaveTODAY

Matt Lauer získá celotělové skenování, aby podpořil povědomí o zdraví lidí pro #NoShaveTODAY

Matt Lauer v letošním roce přijal celostátní přístup k naší kampani #NoShaveTODAY.

V rámci každoročního úsilí TODAY zvýšit povědomí o otázkách týkajících se zdraví mužů, podstoupil Matt úplné vyšetření těla, které společně s dalšími testy může pomoci vytvořit základ pro celkový zdravotní stav.

Podívejte se na Matt Lauer: Jak může celoobvodové vyšetření pomoci Vašemu zdraví


Stínové zdravotnické centrum Iris Cantor Medical Center NewYork-Presbyterian Medical Center Weill Cornell provedlo skenování pomocí skeneru Lunar iDXA body composition composition.

“To, co hledáme, je jen obrázek o tom, jak jste vybudován a kde je distribuován,” řekl Dr. Alexis Te.

Skener používá radiaci s nízkými dávkami pro mapování svalů, kostí a tuku. To se pohybuje od tuku těsně pod kůží až po tuk blíže k orgánům, což může být ukazatelem závažných stavů, jako je diabetes typu 2.

Oblasti v těle, kde muži uchovávají tuk, mohou být také důležitým prediktorem zdraví. Ti, kteří mají tvar jablka, mají v pasu více tuku, čímž zvyšují riziko vysokého krevního tlaku, cukrovky a srdečních chorob. Rizika jsou nižší u těch, kteří mají tvar hrušky, nesou více tuku v oblasti boků a stehen.

Skenování, které trvá asi sedm minut, může poskytnout množství zdravotních informací.

“Všechny kosti se zdají být na správném místě správně?” Zeptal se Matt.

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Skenování trvá přibližně sedm minut a generuje bohaté zdravotní informace.DNES

Pokud jde o tuky, řekl Te Matt, že jeho čísla jsou velmi nízké.

“Vy máte skvělou podobu,” řekla Te.

Matt měl 10 lahviček krve odebraných k ověření hladin lipidů, včetně cholesterolu – testoval, zda má vyšší riziko onemocnění srdce nebo mrtvice.

Jiné krevní testy kontrolovaly Mattovu štítnou žlázu, která pomáhá regulovat metabolismus a tyto testy se vrátily do normálu. Jeho testy na kontrolu ledviny, jater a hormonů se také vrátili.

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Skenování těla v jednom okamžiku poskytuje snímek vašeho zdraví.DNES

Jelikož TODAY kotvy pokračovaly v listopadové tradici nošního ohoření, které se začalo dělat, oškubané a prozkoumány, Matt řekl, že je hezké dostat čistý zdravotní doklad.

Dokonce i tak, poznamenal, je důležité držet krok s cvičením a správným jednáním, ale skener, řekl Matt, je dobrý způsob, jak získat momentku celkového zdraví a kondice v jednom okamžiku.

Skenování stojí přibližně 350 dolarů a je volitelným postupem, takže se u své pojišťovny informujte, zda je pokryta. přispěvatel Lisa A. Flamová je novinářka a reportér životního stylu v New Yorku. Sledujte ji na Twitteru: @lisaflam

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text from Czech to English.

    Matt Lauer took a nationwide approach to our #NoShaveTODAY campaign this year. As part of TODAYs annual effort to raise awareness about mens health issues, Matt underwent a full-body examination, which, along with other tests, can help create a foundation for overall health. Watch Matt Lauer: How a full-body exam can help your health Nov.12.201503:51 The Iris Cantor Medical Center NewYork-Presbyterian Medical Center Weill Cornell performed a Lunar iDXA body composition scan. “What were looking for is just a picture of how youre built and where its distributed,” said Dr. Alexis Te. The scanner uses low-dose radiation to map muscles, bones, and fat. This ranges from subcutaneous fat to fat closer to organs, which can be an indicator of serious conditions such as type 2 diabetes. Areas of the body where men store fat can also be an important predictor of health. Those with an apple shape, who carry more fat around their waist, increase their risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Risks are lower for those with a pear shape, who carry more fat around their hips and thighs. The scan, which takes about seven minutes, can provide a wealth of health information. “Are all the bones in the right place?” Matt asked. The scan takes about seven minutes and generates rich health information. As for fats, Te told Matt that his numbers are very low. “You have a great shape,” Te said. Matt had 10 vials of blood drawn to check lipid levels, including cholesterol – testing whether he has a higher risk of heart disease or stroke. Other blood tests checked Matts thyroid, which helps regulate metabolism, and those tests came back normal. His kidney, liver, and hormone checks also came back. A body scan at one moment provides a snapshot of your health. As TODAY anchors continued the November tradition of shaving, plucking, and exploring, Matt said its nice to get a clean bill of health. Even so, he noted, its important to keep up with exercise and proper behavior, but the scanner, Matt said, is a good way to get a snapshot of overall health and fitness at one moment. The scan costs about $350 and is an optional procedure, so check with

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text from Czech to English:

    Matt Lauer took a nationwide approach to our #NoShaveTODAY campaign this year. As part of TODAYs annual effort to raise awareness about mens health issues, Matt underwent a full-body examination, which, along with other tests, can help create a foundation for overall health. Watch Matt Lauer: How a full-body exam can help your health Nov.12.201503:51 The Iris Cantor Medical Center NewYork-Presbyterian Medical Center Weill Cornell performed a Lunar iDXA body composition scan. “What were looking for is just a picture of how youre built and where its distributed,” said Dr. Alexis Te. The scanner uses low-dose radiation to map muscles, bones, and fat. This ranges from fat just under the skin to fat closer to organs, which can be an indicator of serious conditions such as type 2 diabetes. Areas of the body where men store fat can also be an important predictor of health. Those with an apple shape, who carry more fat around their waist, increase their risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Risks are lower for those with a pear shape, who carry more fat around their hips and thighs. The scan, which takes about seven minutes, can provide a wealth of health information. “Are all the bones in the right place?” Matt asked. The scan takes about seven minutes and generates rich health information. As for fats, Te told Matt that his numbers are very low. “You have a great shape,” Te said. Matt had 10 vials of blood drawn to check lipid levels, including cholesterol – testing whether he has a higher risk of heart disease or stroke. Other blood tests checked Matts thyroid, which helps regulate metabolism, and those tests came back normal. His kidney, liver, and hormone checks also came back. A body scan at one moment provides a snapshot of your health. As TODAY anchors continued the November tradition of shaving, plucking, and exploring, Matt said its nice to get a clean bill of health. Even so, he noted, its important to keep up with exercise and proper behavior, but the scanner, Matt said, is a good way to get a snapshot of overall health and fitness at one moment. The scan costs about $350 and is an optional procedure, so check with

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