Представете си, че драконите разговарят по време на концерта: “Това не ме прави слаб”

Представете си, че драконите разговарят по време на концерта: “Това не ме прави слаб”

Феновете, които привлече шоуто на “Изображение Дракон” в Мадисън Скуеър Гардън, във вторник бяха свидетели на нещо необикновено: певецът Дан Рейнолдс се отваря на сцената за битката си с депресия.

30-годишният Рейнолдс спря в средата на песента “Demons”, за да насърчи членовете на аудиторията да потърсят помощ, ако се борят с психични заболявания.

Изображение: Dan Reynolds
Певицата Дан Рейнолдс спря тази седмица концерт на Медисън Скуеър Гардън, за да призове феновете, страдащи от депресия и безпокойство, да потърсят помощ. AP

“Днес имаме заклеймяване в нашето общество, което навреди на младостта ни, дори да убива младостта ни, не можем да скрием факта, че всички се нуждаем от помощ.” Не е счупено нещо да се депресира “, каза Рейнолдс на повече от 20 000 души.

Певецът продължи, че няма нищо срамно да страда от депресия или безпокойство, нито да говори с лицензиран съветник по психично здраве.

– Имам терапевт – сподели той. “Това не ме кара да се разбия, не ме прави слаб, ми беше диагностициран с депресия, не ме разбива, не ме прави слаб, има много хора тази вечер, които го държат в себе си, не разговаряйки с приятелите си, родителите си. “

Роденият в Лас Вегас, който има три дъщери с бившата си съпруга Ая Волкман, призова феновете да не го “държат” и вместо да “разговарят с някого”, ако се чувстват депресирани.

“Не сте разбити, разбирам сивото, разбирам изтръпването, стана по-добре”, каза той. “Има светлина пред себе си и преди всичко животът ти винаги си заслужава да живееш винаги.” Винаги “Винаги” Винаги “.

Някои концерти споделяха снимки и видеоклипове на могъщия момент в социалните медии, благодарение на Рейнолдс заради неговата искреност.

Карсън Дали също участва в пост, възхвалявайки Рейнолдс.


През юли 2023 г. певицата се отваря в Би Би Си за дългогодишната си депресивна битка, разкривайки: “Дойде до момент, когато нямах възможност да изгубя семейството си, да изгубя живота си или да потърся помощ. “

Може да приемате медикаменти, които имат потенциал да причинят депресия, казва проучването


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    The fans who attended the “Imagine Dragons” show at Madison Square Garden on Tuesday witnessed something extraordinary: singer Dan Reynolds opened up on stage about his battle with depression. The 30-year-old Reynolds stopped in the middle of the song “Demons” to encourage audience members to seek help if they are struggling with mental illness. The singer paused this weeks concert at Madison Square Garden to urge fans suffering from depression and anxiety to seek help. “Today we have a stigma in our society that harms our youth, even kills our youth, we cannot hide the fact that we all need help,” Reynolds told more than 20,000 people. The singer continued that there is nothing shameful about suffering from depression or anxiety, or talking to a licensed mental health counselor. “I have a therapist,” he shared. “It doesnt make me break, it doesnt make me weak, I was diagnosed with depression, it doesnt break me, it doesnt make me weak, there are many people tonight who hold it in themselves, not talking to their friends, their parents.” Born in Las Vegas, who has three daughters with his ex-wife Aya Volkman, called on fans not to “hold” him and instead to “talk to someone” if they feel depressed. “Youre not broken, I understand the gray, I understand the numbness, it gets better,” he said. “There is light in front of you and above all your life always deserves to be lived always.” Always “Always” Always “. “Youre not broken” ️ Thank you @DanReynolds @Imaginedragons tonight was exceptional and this moment brought me to tears #ImagineDragonsMSG pic.twitter.com/tAYUogSyVD – Issa Ψ️ | #DirkGentlyIsntOver (@rena_issa_nce) June 20, 2018. Some concertgoers shared photos and videos of the powerful moment on social media, thanks to Reynolds for his honesty. Carson Daly also participated in the post, praising Reynolds. In July 2017, the singer opened up to the BBC about his long-standing battle with depression, revealing: “It came to a point where I didnt have the option to lose my family, to lose my life or to seek help.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    The fans who attended the “Imagine Dragons” show at Madison Square Garden on Tuesday witnessed something extraordinary: singer Dan Reynolds opened up on stage about his battle with depression. The 30-year-old Reynolds stopped in the middle of the song “Demons” to encourage audience members to seek help if they are struggling with mental illness. The singer paused this weeks concert at Madison Square Garden to urge fans suffering from depression and anxiety to seek help. “Today we have a stigma in our society that harms our youth, even kills our youth, we cannot hide the fact that we all need help,” Reynolds told more than 20,000 people. The singer continued that there is nothing shameful about suffering from depression or anxiety, or talking to a licensed mental health counselor. “I have a therapist,” he shared. “It doesnt make me break, it doesnt make me weak, I was diagnosed with depression, it doesnt break me, it doesnt make me weak, there are many people tonight who hold it in themselves, not talking to their friends, their parents.” Born in Las Vegas, who has three daughters with his ex-wife Aya Volkman, called on fans not to “hold” him and instead to “talk to someone” if they feel depressed. “Youre not broken, I understand the gray, I understand the numbness, it gets better,” he said. “There is light in front of you and above all your life always deserves to be lived always.” Always “Always” Always “. “Youre not broken” ️ Thank you @DanReynolds @Imaginedragons tonight was exceptional and this moment brought me to tears #ImagineDragonsMSG pic.twitter.com/tAYUogSyVD – Issa Ψ️ | #DirkGentlyIsntOver (@rena_issa_nce) June 20, 2018. Some concertgoers shared photos and videos of the powerful moment on social media, thanks to Reynolds for his honesty. Carson Daly also participated in the post, praising Reynolds. In July 2017, the singer opened up to the BBC about his long-standing battle with depression, revealing: “It came to a point where I didnt have the option to lose my family, to lose my life or to seek help.”

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