Rowan Blanchard dokonale odpovídá na otázku o stravě

Rowan Blanchard dokonale odpovídá na otázku o stravě

Je celkem pěkné vidět 13letého házení kolem slov jako “rovnost” a “objektivizace”. Je dokonce chladnější, když skutečně ví, o čem mluví.

Právě proto jsme natolik ohromeni Rowanem Blanchardem, dvojicí hvězd “Girl Meets World,” mnohem hovoří o sledování milovaných 90. let show “Boy Meets World”.” Je to nová stará hvězda Disney, která se zajímá o moderní feministické dialogy, misogyny a trápení těla. A co víc, ona může vést poetické na všech těchto tématech, protože nedávno zveřejnil třídílný esej na Instagram, který se rychle dostal do virové.

Elle zachytila ​​miniaturní háčky na londýnském módním týdnu, kde je učil dvěma věcmi o způsobech červených koberců.

Časopis se jí zeptal: “Jak můžeme sladit feminismus, který bojuje proti objektivizaci, s módou, která často přeměňuje ženy na předměty, aby prodala šaty?” – otázka, která by pravděpodobně narazila i na zkušené veřejnosti (natož pro někoho, kdo má méně než vysokou školu).

Jeřáb Blanchard
LONDÝN, ANGLIE 22. září: Rowan Blanchard navštěvuje prezentaci Alexandra Lewise během londýnské módy týdne jaro / léto 2016 22. září 2015 v Londýně v Anglii. (Fotografie od Iana Gavana / Getty Images)Getty Images

Ale Blanchardová měla vlastní. “Myslím, že to má dvě argumenty,” řekla Elle. “Na červeném koberci se jediná otázka, která mě často ptá, zní:” Kdo máš na sobě? ” A moje kamarádi, moji přátelé, kteří jsou starší, dokonce mnohem starší, opravdu dosáhli herečky, které obdivuji – je to stejný příběh. Pro jednoho člověka je první otázka: “Co vás přivedlo k tomuto projektu?” A je to jako, pojď! “

Jeřáb Blanchard
LOS ANGELES, CA – 12. září: Rowan Blanchard navštíví v roce 2015 ocenění Creative Arts Emmy v divadle Microsoft 12. září 2015 v Los Angeles v Kalifornii. (Foto JB Lacroix / WireImage)WireImage

Pokračovala. “Chci nosit chladné oblečení Miluju módu Vše to děláme Ale neměli bychom být brát méně vážně, protože jsme v šatech Můžeš být feministka – omlouvám se, vím, že to není technicky přísahat, ale přesto – ale můžete přispět k boji proti objektivizaci a noste svého oblíbeného designéra. Na konci dne je to o rovnosti. “

Přesto, když se zeptal, jestli je téma oblečení zcela neomezené pro reportéry z červených koberců, rozpoznala složitost daného problému: “Jsem rád, že mluvím o tom, co mám na sobě. na dráze a přispět k módnímu světu, které miluji, “přiznala.

A pokud jde o otravné otázky o její stravě? (Ano, někdo se o tom skutečně zeptal.)

“Myslím, pořád. Nemám dietu! Je mi třináct! Nikdo můj věk by neměl dieta nebo se snažit změnit, protože to říká společnost. A vážně, mám třináct! Jediný “dietní tip”, který mám, je, že “pokud si nestačíte hranolky, budete pravděpodobně šílený.” “

Souhlasíme s tím, Blanchard: Jste si jistě feministický kick-a-s – a role kick-a-s role.

Těhotná meteorologka bojuje zpátky po incidentu, který se týká těla


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or a preferred language to use. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Its quite nice to see a 13-year-old throwing around words like “equality” and “objectification”. Its even cooler when they actually know what theyre talking about. Thats why were so impressed with Rowan Blanchard, one of the stars of “Girl Meets World,” who talks a lot about watching the beloved 90s show “Boy Meets World.” Shes a new old Disney star who is interested in modern feminist dialogues, misogyny, and body issues. Whats more, she can be poetic on all these topics because she recently published a three-part essay on Instagram that quickly went viral. Elle caught up with her at the tiny hooks on London Fashion Week, where she taught two things about red carpet ways. The magazine asked her, “How can we reconcile feminism, which fights objectification, with fashion, which often turns women into objects to sell dresses?” – a question that would probably stump even experienced audiences (let alone someone with less than a high school education). But Blanchard had her own. “I think it has two arguments,” she told Elle. “On the red carpet, the only question I often get asked is, Who are you wearing? And my friends, my friends who are older, even much older, have really reached the actresses I admire – its the same story. For one person, the first question is, What brought you to this project? And its like, come on! ” She continued. “I want to wear cool clothes. I love fashion. Were all doing it. But we shouldnt take it less seriously because were in dresses. You can be a feminist – Im sorry, I know its not technically swearing, but still – but you can contribute to the fight against objectification and wear your favorite designer. At the end of the day, its about equality. ” Still, when asked if the clothing topic is entirely unrestricted for red carpet reporters, she recognized the complexity of the issue: “Im glad Im talking about what Im wearing. on the track and contribute to the fashion world that I love, “she admitted. And as for annoying questions about her diet? (Yes, someone actually asked about it.) “I think I still am. I dont have

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or a preferred language to use. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Its quite nice to see a 13-year-old throwing around words like “equality” and “objectification”. Its even cooler when they actually know what theyre talking about. Thats why were so impressed with Rowan Blanchard, one of the stars of “Girl Meets World,” who talks a lot about watching the beloved 90s show “Boy Meets World.” Shes a new old Disney star who is interested in modern feminist dialogues, misogyny, and body issues. Whats more, she can be poetic on all these topics because she recently published a three-part essay on Instagram that quickly went viral. Elle caught up with her at the tiny hooks at London Fashion Week, where she taught her two things about red carpet ways. The magazine asked her, “How can we reconcile feminism, which fights objectification, with fashion, which often turns women into objects to sell dresses?” – a question that would probably stump even experienced audiences (let alone someone with less than a high school education). But Blanchard had her own. “I think it has two arguments,” she told Elle. “On the red carpet, the only question I often get asked is, Who are you wearing? And my friends, my friends who are older, even much older, have really reached the actresses I admire – its the same story. For one person, the first question is, What brought you to this project? And its like, come on! ” She continued. “I want to wear cool clothes. I love fashion. Were all doing it. But we shouldnt take it less seriously because were in dresses. You can be a feminist – Im sorry, I know its not technically swearing, but still – but you can contribute to the fight against objectification and wear your favorite designer. At the end of the day, its about equality. ” Still, when asked if the clothing topic is entirely unrestricted for red carpet reporters, she recognized the complexity of the issue: “Im glad Im talking about what Im wearing. on the track and contribute to the fashion world that I love, “she admitted. And as for annoying questions about her diet? (Yes, someone actually asked about it.) “I think I still am. I dont

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