LeAnn Rimes: Psoriáza je “jedna z mých největších nejistot”

LeAnn Rimes: Psoriáza je “jedna z mých největších nejistot”

LeAnn Rimes je superhvězda country hudby, která dělá hitové záznamy již od třinácti let. Powerhouse zpěvák se odráží v tom, že vyrůstá ve světle reflektorů a jak se jí podařilo přijmout své nejistoty a důvěřovat je!

Leann Rimes: Proč miluji kůži poté, co trpím psoriázou


Jedna z největších nejistot je moje kůže. Měl jsem psoriázu od doby, kdy mi bylo 2 a bylo mi 80% pokrytých v době, kdy mi bylo 6 let, takže jsem byl neustále ve stavu, ve kterém jsem zakrýval všechno jako dítě a cítil jsem se opravdu nepohodlně.

SOUVISEJÍCÍ: LeAnn Rimes sdílí rozkošný návrat z první kazety

Neuvědomila jsem si, jak moc to ovlivnilo mé sebevědomí a opravdu se cítím jako žena.

LeAnn Rimes Bikini Body 2012
LeAnn Rimes se nebojí, když jí zvládne psoriázu. Obrázky Bauer-Griffin / GC

Takže se mi v minulých letech objevila spousta bikinových fotografií; je to proto, že bych šel nahý, kdybych mohl, protože jsem jasný a je to všechno dobré!

Myslím, že hudba mi opravdu dala důvěru.

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Myslím, že jsem byl velmi odpojen od svého těla, takže to byl ten jediný způsob, jak se opravdu připojit. Takže si myslím, že hudba je pro mne velmi velmi uzdravující.

LeAnn Rimes In Concert
“Hudba … bylo pro mě místo, kde jsem mohl uniknout, ale také něco z mého shellu.”Gilbert Carrasquillo / Getty Images

Nikdy jsem si nemyslel, že se dostanu na místo, kde bych mohl být opravdu vděčný za každou věc, která se stala v mém životě … ale teď jsem a cítil se opravdu dobře.

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Jak jsem starší, já jsem se naučil přijmout věci, které mě obtěžují o sobě a opravdu začnou milovat ty věci. Jsou to, co mě dělají, já.

Moje rada ostatním je vlastnit to. Vlastní, kdo jste, protože se cítíte opravdu dobře, když to uděláte.

Jak řekl Jordan Muto dnešnímu TODAY.

Podívejte se na LeAnn Rimes, který od svého posledního alba žije dnešní den


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or feelings. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for better understanding:

    LeAnn Rimes is a superstar of country music who has been making hit records since she was thirteen years old. The powerhouse singer reflects on growing up in the spotlight and how she managed to embrace her insecurities and trust them. One of her biggest insecurities is her skin. She has had psoriasis since she was two years old, and by the time she was six, 80% of her body was covered. She constantly felt uncomfortable and covered everything up as a child. She didnt realize how much it affected her confidence until she became a woman. However, she doesnt let psoriasis hold her back and even poses in bikinis. She believes that music has given her confidence and helped her connect with her body. As she gets older, she has learned to accept and love the things that bother her about herself. Her advice to others is to own who they are because it feels really good to do so.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or feelings. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    LeAnn Rimes is a superstar of country music who has been making hit records since she was thirteen years old. The powerhouse singer reflects on growing up in the spotlight and how she managed to embrace her insecurities and trust them! LeAnn Rimes: Why I love my skin after suffering from psoriasis Feb.06.201700:51 One of my biggest insecurities is my skin. I have had psoriasis since I was 2 and was 80% covered by the time I was 6, so I was constantly in a state of covering everything up as a child and feeling really uncomfortable. I didnt realize how much it affected my confidence and really feeling like a woman. LeAnn Rimes isnt afraid to show off her psoriasis. Bauer-Griffin/GC Images So, Ive had a lot of bikini photos come out in the past few years; its because I would go naked if I could because I feel clear and its all good! I think music really gave me the confidence. RELATED: Ashley Graham: What I Say in the Mirror to Feel Confident I think I was very disconnected from my body, so that was the only way I could really connect. So, I think music is very, very healing for me. “Music…was a place for me to escape, but also something to come out of my shell.” Gilbert Carrasquillo/Getty Images I never thought Id get to a place where I could be really grateful for everything thats happened in my life…but now I am and it feels really good. RELATED: “Forever Country” Brings Past and Present Singers Together for Epic Video As Ive gotten older, Ive learned to embrace the things that bother me about myself and really start to love those things. Theyre what make me, me. My advice to others is to own it. Own who you are because you feel really good when you do. As Jordan Muto said to TODAY. Check out LeAnn Rimes living in the moment since her last album Feb.03.201703:58 Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on WhatsAppShare on LinkedInShare on Pinterest

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