Co jsem nosila dnes: Liza Minnelli

Co jsem nosila dnes: Liza Minnelli

DNES -- Pictured: Liza Minnelli appears on NBC News'
NBC NewsWire / Dnes

Americká legenda Liza Minnelli se dnes v pondělí zastavila, aby mluvila o své nadcházející roli v seriálu NBC “Smash” a bývalá hvězda “Cabaret” hovořila s o největším vlivu na její ikonický styl.

Minnelli říkala, že její přítel, pozdní návrhář Halston, byl její největší módní vliv a dokonce na sobě měla jednu z jeho vrcholů.

“To všechno (oblečení) ovlivňuje Halston. Víš, opravdu se mi podíval,” řekla. “Myslím, že můj největší talent není můj, ale myslím, že uznává nejtalentovanější lidi a jdou na správné lidi a on byl ten, který všechno změnil v módě.”

Minnelli také uvedla, že moderní návrháři Calvin Klein a Kenneth Cole jsou velkou inspirací. “Kenneth je opravdu velkolepá,” řekla nám. “Je podceňován způsobem, který je velmi blízký tradici, ale v tom je ohyb.”

Líbí se vám Lizaův vzhled? Zde je to, co měla na sobě:

  • Gucci blůza
  • Halston top
  • “Plainové” legíny “
  • Elsa Peretti šperky
50 fotografií

Co jsem nosila dnes

Od Usher až po Emmy Rossum, stylové hosté sdílejí své inspirační outfit v zákulisí na TODAY.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference or opinion. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English for those who do not understand Czech:

    NBC NewsWire / Today, American legend Liza Minnelli stopped by to talk about her upcoming role in the NBC series “Smash” and the former star of “Cabaret” spoke with about the biggest influence on her iconic style. Minnelli said her late friend, designer Halston, was her biggest fashion influence and even wore one of his tops. “Its all Halston influenced. You know, he really looked at me,” she said. “I think my biggest talent is not mine, but I think its recognizing the most talented people and going to the right people, and he was the one who changed everything in fashion.” Minnelli also said modern designers Calvin Klein and Kenneth Cole are a great inspiration. “Kenneth is really magnificent,” she told us. “Hes underestimated in a way thats very close to tradition, but thats where the bend is.” Do you like Lizas look? Heres what she was wearing: Gucci blouse, Halston top, “Plain” leggings, Elsa Peretti jewelry.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference or opinion. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English for those who do not understand Czech:

    NBC NewsWire / Today, American legend Liza Minnelli stopped by to talk about her upcoming role in the NBC series “Smash” and the former star of “Cabaret” spoke with about the biggest influence on her iconic style. Minnelli said her late friend, designer Halston, was her biggest fashion influence and even wore one of his tops. “Its all Halston influenced. You know, he really looked at me,” she said. “I think my biggest talent is not mine, but I think its recognizing the most talented people and going to the right people, and he was the one who changed everything in fashion.” Minnelli also said modern designers Calvin Klein and Kenneth Cole are a great inspiration. “Kenneth is really magnificent,” she told us. “Hes underestimated in a way thats very close to tradition, but thats where the bend is.” Do you like Lizas look? Heres what she was wearing: Gucci blouse, Halston top, “Plain” leggings, Elsa Peretti jewelry.

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