Вземете най-добрите мигли от живота си: Как да опитате новата “аниме” тенденция

Вземете най-добрите мигли от живота си: Как да опитате новата “аниме” тенденция

Когато става дума за страхотни мигли, никой не го прави по-добре от анимирани герои (виж: Бети Бууп, Джесика заек) и гримът на mainstream е забелязал. С популярността на cosplay (известен още като “костюм игра” или дресинг като измислен характер), cartoonishly големи и определени мигли са всички ярост.

Експерти в салона за грим на Руж NY покажат на TODAY.com как да получат мигли, които заслужават японски анимационен или анименен характер.

А е за … аниме мигли

Аниме lashes: Beauty trends
  1. Нанесете един набор от фалшиви мигли и оставете да изсъхне. (Съвет: Позволете на лепилото да седне около 30 секунди преди употреба, за да стане по-леко и по-лесно да се работи с.)
  2. Сега добавете втори слой фалшиви мигли. Още повече, когато става дума за тази тенденция!
  3. Използвайки здравословна спирала, съберете двата слоя фалшификати заедно с естествените мигли.
  4. Отделете в прекомерно голяма част с пръсти и / или четка за мигли.
  5. И накрая, създайте дебела хартия с течен линеар, за да подобрите още повече външния вид.

Чудите се какво означава “Б”? Следвайте нашите A-Z красота GIF-теория за нова грим тенденция всеки ден.

Контуриращ грим: Как да получите професионален облик в минути


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on beauty trends. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for those who do not understand the original language:

    “When it comes to amazing lashes, no one does it better than animated characters (see: Betty Boop, Jessica Rabbit) and mainstream makeup has noticed. With the popularity of cosplay (also known as “costume play” or dressing up as a fictional character), cartoonishly large and defined lashes are all the rage. Experts at the Rouge NY makeup salon show TODAY.com how to get lashes that deserve a Japanese anime or animated character. And its all about…anime lashes TODAY. Apply one set of false lashes and let dry. (Tip: Allow the glue to sit for about 30 seconds before use to make it lighter and easier to work with.) Now add a second layer of false lashes. Even more so when it comes to this trend! Using a healthy mascara, gather the two layers of falsies together with natural lashes. Separate into an overly large part with fingers and/or lash brush. And finally, create a thick paper with liquid liner to enhance the appearance even more. Wondering what “B” means? Follow our A-Z beauty GIF theory for a new makeup trend every day. Contouring makeup: How to get a professional look in minutes.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on beauty trends. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for those who do not understand the original language:

    “When it comes to amazing lashes, no one does it better than animated characters (see: Betty Boop, Jessica Rabbit) and mainstream makeup has noticed. With the popularity of cosplay (also known as “costume play” or dressing up as a fictional character), cartoonishly large and defined lashes are all the rage. Experts at the Rouge NY makeup salon show TODAY.com how to get lashes that deserve a Japanese anime or animated character. And its all about … anime lashes TODAY Apply one set of false lashes and let dry. (Tip: Allow the glue to sit for about 30 seconds before use to make it lighter and easier to work with.) Now add a second layer of false lashes. Even more so when it comes to this trend! Using a healthy mascara, gather the two layers of falsies together with natural lashes. Separate into an overly large part with fingers and / or a lash brush. And finally, create a thick paper with liquid liner to further enhance the appearance. Wondering what “B” means? Follow our A-Z beauty GIF theory for a new makeup trend every day. Contouring makeup: How to get a professional look in minutes Aug.31.201502:26 Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on WhatsAppShare on LinkedInShare on Pinterest”

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