Като актриса от 4-годишна възраст, Мелиса Джоан Харт не е чужда публична критика. Подобно на много холивудски звезди, тя е подложена на внимателно проучване за всичко от избора на роли до теглото й – но това само я подтикна да бъде по-отворено за живота си и да прегърне “несъвършенствата” си.
“Не всеки може да бъде Барби”, каза тя на TODAY вторник. “Харесва ми малко несъвършенство; Мисля, че е важно. Трябва да обичаш някои от вашите недостатъци.
“Недостатък” тя обича най-много? Нейните вдлъбнати зъби. “Моите горни зъби са перфектни, благодарение на зъболекаря ми, а след това и на дънните ми зъби, те се опитват да го поправят и аз няма да ги оставя”, разкри тя. – Това е едно, което искам да запазя.
СВЪРЗАНИ: Алиса Милано по трудните части на родителството: “Обичам моя белег от С-секция”
Макар тя да не се тревожи за външния си вид, майка на трима, която говори с нас на Live Health Women Connect с здравната среща в Ню Йорк, е нервна за повишаване на тийнейджърките момчета.
“Аз работя с някой точно сега, който ми казва ужасите на тийнейджърския си син и какво прави, затова съм малко скептична”, каза Харт, отразявайки бъдещето на 10-годишния си син, Мейсън , “Мислех, че момчетата би трябвало да са трудни, когато са били млади, защото нека ви кажа, моята 4-годишна (Тъкър) ми дава много сиво тази година.”
Повече от това, че се занимава със злобата на юноша, Харт се тревожи за това, което ще се случи, когато се отправи към колежа. “Повече съм разтревожен от факта, че след шест години той ще шофира, а след това той си отиде”, добави тя. “Още не съм готова и знам, че е точно зад ъгъла. Щастлив съм да започнат да стават по-големи и да бъдат собствените си мъже, но аз съм толкова тъжен в сърцето си.
Разбира се, навлизането на Харт се случи по телевизията – и тази седмица всъщност отбелязва 20-годишнината от първия епизод на “Сабрина, Тийнейджърската вещица”.
“Беше седем невероятни години от живота ми”, спомня си Харт, сега 40-годишен. “Взехме един взрив заедно.” Всъщност, много от най-големите моменти в живота й са се появили по време на снимките. “Срещнах съпруга си, докато работех на това шоу и се ожених веднага след като го обвих”, каза тя. “Направих приятели за цял живот, като всеки ден работеше като фрат, а ако работите на 5 аз съм всеки ден, с които са хората да го правят. “
Мелиса Джоан Харт, Робин Гивънс обсъждат как майчинството променя всичко
As an actress since the age of 4, Melissa Joan Hart is no stranger to public criticism. Like many Hollywood stars, she is scrutinized for everything from her choice of roles to her weight – but this only pushed her to be more open about her life and embrace her “imperfections”. “Not everyone can be Barbie,” she told TODAY on Tuesday. “I like a little imperfection; I think its important. You have to love some of your flaws.” One flaw she loves the most? Her crooked teeth. “My top teeth are perfect, thanks to my dentist, and then my bottom teeth, theyre trying to fix it and Im not going to let them,” she revealed. “Thats one thing I want to keep.”
Although she doesnt worry about her appearance, the mother of three, who spoke to us at Live Health Women Connect at the health event in New York, is nervous about raising teenage boys. “Im working with someone right now who tells me the horrors of her teenage son and what hes doing, so Im a little skeptical,” Hart said, reflecting on the future of her 10-year-old son, Mason. “I thought boys were supposed to be difficult when they were young, because let me tell you, my 4-year-old (Tucker) is giving me a lot of gray this year.”
More than dealing with teenage angst, Hart is worried about what will happen when he goes off to college. “Im more worried about the fact that in six years hes going to be driving, and then hes gone,” she added. “Im not ready yet and I know its right around the corner.”
Melissa was the star of the show Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. Of course, Harts breakthrough came on television – and this week actually marks the 20th anniversary of the first episode of “Sabrina, the Teenage Witch.” “It was seven amazing years of my life,” recalls Hart, now 40. “We took a blast together.” In fact, many of the biggest moments in her life have come during filming. “I met my husband while working on that show and got married right after we wrapped,” she said. “I made lifelong friends, like every day was like working at a frat, and if you work at 5 Im every day, with the people to do it.”
As an actress since the age of 4, Melissa Joan Hart is no stranger to public criticism. Like many Hollywood stars, she is scrutinized for everything from her choice of roles to her weight – but this only pushed her to be more open about her life and embrace her “imperfections”. “Not everyone can be Barbie,” she told TODAY on Tuesday. “I like a little imperfection; I think its important. You have to love some of your flaws.” One flaw she loves the most? Her crooked teeth. “My top teeth are perfect, thanks to my dentist, and then my bottom teeth, theyre trying to fix it and Im not going to let them,” she revealed. “Thats one thing I want to keep.”
Although she doesnt worry about her appearance, the mother of three, who spoke to us at Live Health Women Connect at the health event in New York, is nervous about raising teenage boys. “Im working with someone right now who tells me the horrors of her teenage son and what hes doing, so Im a little skeptical,” Hart said, reflecting on the future of her 10-year-old son, Mason. “I thought boys were supposed to be difficult when they were young, because let me tell you, my 4-year-old (Tucker) is giving me a lot of gray this year.”
More than dealing with teenage angst, Hart is worried about what will happen when he goes off to college. “Im more worried about the fact that in six years hes going to be driving, and then hes gone,” she added. “Im not ready yet and I know its right around the corner.”
Melissa was the star of the show Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. Of course, Harts breakthrough came on television – and this week actually marks the 20th anniversary of the first episode of “Sabrina, the Teenage Witch.” “It was seven amazing years of my life,” recalls Hart, now 40. “We took a blast together.” In fact, many of the biggest moments in her life have come during filming. “I met my husband while working on that show and got married right after we wrapped,” she said. “I made lifelong friends, like every day was like working at a frat, and if you work at 5 Im every day, with the people to do it.”