#Twinning: Деми Мур и дъщерята Румер Уилис изглеждат идентични в Instagram pic

#Twinning: Деми Мур и дъщерята Румер Уилис изглеждат идентични в Instagram pic

Деми Мур и Румер Уилис са майка и дъщеря, но могат да минат за сестри в нова снимка.

Всеки от тях носи костюм от морско облекло, очила с тъмни рамки и дълги, блещукащи брави в образа, които Уилис споделя на Instagram в неделя вечер.

“Този миг, когато осъзнаете, че всъщност ставате майка си #twinning #imnotmad”, 26-годишната й майка подсказваше за себе си и нейната 52-годишна майка.

От своя страна, Мур споделя същата картина на Twitter, като пише: “Bookends !! #twinning”.

Мур и Уилис не са единствената известна дуо майка и дъщеря, които са почти идентични в наши дни.


По-рано този месец, Рийз Уидърспун, на 39 години, сподели впечатление от 15-годишната Ава Филип, която изглежда като нейната мини-ме.

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Selfie lesson from @kaiagerber.

A post shared by Cindy Crawford (@cindycrawford) on

И 13-годишната дъщеря на Синди Крауфорд, Кая Гербер, изглежда все повече и повече като майка си модел.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for better understanding:

    “Demi Moore and Rumer Willis are mother and daughter, but they can pass for sisters in a new photo. Each of them wears a navy costume, dark-framed glasses, and long, sparkling locks in the image, which Willis shared on Instagram on Sunday night. “That moment when you realize you actually are becoming your mother #twinning #imnotmad,” her 26-year-old mother hinted at herself and her 52-year-old mother. Moore, on the other hand, shared the same picture on Twitter, writing: “Bookends !! #twinning”. Moore and Willis are not the only famous mother-daughter duo who are almost identical these days. Earlier this month, 39-year-old Reese Witherspoon shared an impression of her 15-year-old Ava Phillippe, who looks like her mini-me. And Cindy Crawfords 13-year-old daughter, Kaia Gerber, looks more and more like her model mother.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for better understanding:

    “Demi Moore and Rumer Willis are mother and daughter, but they can pass for sisters in a new photo. Each of them wears a navy costume, dark-framed glasses, and long, sparkling locks in the image, which Willis shared on Instagram on Sunday night. “That moment when you realize you actually are becoming your mother #twinning #imnotmad,” her 26-year-old mother hinted at herself and her 52-year-old mother. Moore, on the other hand, shared the same picture on Twitter, writing: “Bookends !! #twinning”. Moore and Willis are not the only famous mother-daughter duo who are almost identical these days. Earlier this month, 39-year-old Reese Witherspoon shared an impression of her 15-year-old Ava Phillippe, who looks like her mini-me. And Cindy Crawfords 13-year-old daughter, Kaia Gerber, looks more and more like her model mother.”

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