Експертите са говорили и нищо не е наред с малките момчета, облечени в женствени дрехи.
“Децата много често играят рокля до петгодишна възраст и има някаква гъвкавост в това, дори след пет,” каза д-р Харолд Клоувич, основател на президента на Института за детски ум, за Мередит Виера на TODAY. Виера седна с д-р Клоувич и две майки, които защитиха синовете си, че носят рокли – включително блогър, чийто син е облечен като Дафна от “Скуби Ду” за Хелоуин.
“Лекарят каза:” Присъдата е, че имате здраво и щастливо малко момче, което просто обича да се облича “, каза Черил Килодавис, който търси професионален съвет за интереса на сина си да се облича като принцеса.
По принцип посланието е: Не се страхувайте. Малкото превръзка на дете е нормално и вероятно не е значимо.
Ако децата кажат: “Няма да нося момче дрехи, аз нося само момиче дрехи, защото съм само момиче, не съм момче”, това е по-важно нещо, отколкото да кажа, че играя принцеса днес и Аз играя утре каубой “, каза д-р Клоувич. “Това не променя факта, че все още ще кажем на родителите, че са много подкрепящи и любящи, защото последното, което искаш, е някой, който да не харесва себе си, да не харесва телата им. Няма значение кои са дрехите, какво мислят за себе си. “
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As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for better understanding:
Experts have spoken and there is nothing wrong with little boys dressed in feminine clothing. “Children often play dress-up until the age of five, and there is some flexibility in that, even after five,” said Dr. Harold Klowitch, founder of the Institute for Child Mind, to Meredith Vieira on TODAY. Vieira sat down with Dr. Klowitch and two mothers who defended their sons wearing dresses – including a blogger whose son was dressed as Daphne from “Scooby-Doo” for Halloween. “The doctor said, The verdict is that you have a healthy and happy little boy who just loves to dress up,” said Cheryl Kilodavis, who sought professional advice for her sons interest in dressing like a princess. The message is generally: Dont be afraid. A little boys dress-up is normal and probably not significant. If children say, “I wont wear boy clothes, I only wear girl clothes because Im a girl, not a boy,” thats more important than saying, “Im playing princess today and Im playing cowboy tomorrow,” said Dr. Klowitch. “This doesnt change the fact that we will still tell parents that they are very supportive and loving because the last thing you want is someone who doesnt like themselves, doesnt like their bodies. It doesnt matter what clothes they wear, what they think of themselves.” What do you think? Vote in our poll and share your opinion in the comments.
As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for better understanding:
Experts have spoken and there is nothing wrong with little boys dressed in feminine clothing. “Children often play dress-up until the age of five, and there is some flexibility in that, even after five,” said Dr. Harold Klowitch, founder of the Institute for Child Mind, to Meredith Vieira on TODAY. Vieira sat down with Dr. Klowitch and two mothers who defended their sons wearing dresses – including a blogger whose son was dressed as Daphne from “Scooby-Doo” for Halloween. “The doctor said, The verdict is that you have a healthy and happy little boy who just loves to dress up,” said Cheryl Kilodavis, who sought professional advice for her sons interest in dressing like a princess. The message is generally: Dont be afraid. A little boys dress-up is normal and probably not significant. If children say, “I wont wear boy clothes, I only wear girl clothes because Im a girl, not a boy,” thats more important than saying, “Im playing princess today and Im playing cowboy tomorrow,” said Dr. Klowitch. “This doesnt change the fact that we will still tell parents that they are very supportive and loving because the last thing you want is someone who doesnt like themselves, doesnt like their bodies. It doesnt matter what clothes they wear, what they think of themselves.” What do you think? Vote in our poll and share your opinion in the comments.