Prezident Obama: Odstranění Malie na vysoké škole bylo jako “otevřená chirurgie srdce”

Prezident Obama: Odstranění Malie na vysoké škole bylo jako “otevřená chirurgie srdce”

Bývalý prezident Barack Obama připustil, že se zbavil slz, když upustil od svého prvorozeného dítěte na vysoké škole, ale ujistil se, že se zastavil na vodovodu, dokud ji neopustil.

“Pro ty z nás, kteří mají dcery, to se stává rychle, já jsem odešel z univerzity a já jsem řekl Joe a Jillovi (Bidenovi), že to je trochu jako chirurgie s otevřeným srdcem,” řekl bývalý prezident akce přes víkend pro nadaci Beau Biden a zachycená ve videu společností WDEL.

Barack Obama, Malia Obama
Prezident Barack Obama a jeho dcera, Malia, která začala Harvardskou univerzitu tento rok na podzim poté, co udělala rok mezery po absolvování střední školy v roce 2016.AP

Malia Obama, 19 let, začala svůj první ročník na Harvardově univerzitě minulý měsíc, po roce, který udělala po roce 2016 absolvování střední školy.

“Byla jsem pyšná, že jsem před ní neplakala,” řekl její otec. “Ale na cestě zpátky, tajná služba byla pryč, dívala se přímo před sebe, předstíral, že mě neslyší, když jsem si ošoural a vyfoukl nos.

Americký prezident Barack Obama a dcera Malia se vydali na palubu Air Force One před odletem z mezinárodního letiště Chicago OHare v Chicagu dne 7. dubna 2016. AFP / Getty Images

Bývalý prezident řekl, že emoční okamžik sloužil jako připomínka, že “na konci našeho života, ať už jsme všechno, co jsme dosáhli, věci, které si pamatujeme, jsou radosti, které nám děti přinášejí a doufají, . “

Prezident Obama serenády dceru Malia za její 18. narozeniny


Období Malia Obamy se propojilo s rodinou, která opustila Bílý dům minulý rok. Desetiletou pátou pozici, když poprvé přišla do “Lidového domu”, strávila část svého prázdninového roku v praxi s filmovou a televizní produkční společností vedenou Bobem a Harveym Weinsteinem.

Mezitím její rodiče koupili domov nedaleko Bílého domu v bohaté čtvrti Kaloramy ve Washingtonu. Obamové se rozhodli pokračovat v životě v hlavním městě, aby svou mladší dceru Sashu, 16 let, dokončili střední školu.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Czech to English:

    Former President Barack Obama admitted that he shed tears when he dropped off his eldest child at college, but made sure to stop at the water fountain before leaving. “For those of us who have daughters, this happens quickly, I left the university and I told Joe and Jill (Biden) that its a bit like open-heart surgery,” the former president said at an event over the weekend for the Beau Biden Foundation and captured in a video by WDEL. President Barack Obama and his daughter, Malia, who started Harvard University this year in the fall after taking a gap year following her high school graduation in 2016. Malia Obama, 19, began her freshman year at Harvard University last month after taking a year off following her 2016 high school graduation. “I was proud that I did not cry in front of her,” her father said. “But on the way back, the Secret Service was gone, she looked straight ahead, pretended not to hear me when I sniffled and blew my nose.” The former president said the emotional moment served as a reminder that “at the end of our lives, no matter what we achieve, the things we remember are the joys that our children bring us and hope for.” The Obama period was linked to the family that left the White House last year. When she first came to the “Peoples House” at the age of ten, she spent part of her holiday year in an internship with a film and television production company led by Bob and Harvey Weinstein. Meanwhile, her parents bought a home near the White House in the wealthy Kalorama neighborhood of Washington. The Obamas decided to continue their lives in the capital to complete their younger daughter Sashas high school education.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Czech to English:

    Former President Barack Obama admitted that he shed tears when he dropped off his eldest child at college, but made sure to stop at the water fountain before leaving. “For those of us who have daughters, this happens quickly, I left the university and I told Joe and Jill (Biden) that its a bit like open-heart surgery,” the former president said at an event over the weekend for the Beau Biden Foundation and captured in a video by WDEL. President Barack Obama and his daughter, Malia, who started Harvard University this year in the fall after taking a gap year following her high school graduation in 2016. Malia Obama, 19, began her freshman year at Harvard University last month after taking a year off following her 2016 high school graduation. “I was proud that I did not cry in front of her,” her father said. “But on the way back, the Secret Service was gone, she looked straight ahead, pretended not to hear me when I sniffled and blew my nose.” The former president said the emotional moment served as a reminder that “at the end of our lives, no matter what we achieve, the things we remember are the joys that our children bring us and hope for.” The Obama period was linked to the family that left the White House last year. When she first came to the “Peoples House” at the age of ten, she spent part of her holiday year in an internship with a film and television production company led by Bob and Harvey Weinstein. Meanwhile, her parents bought a home near the White House in the wealthy Kalorama neighborhood of Washington. The Obamas decided to continue their lives in the capital to complete their younger daughter Sashas high school education.

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