Nebojte se, děti (cross-dressing) jsou v pořádku

Nebojte se, děti (cross-dressing) jsou v pořádku

Odborníci mluvili a není nic špatného s malými kluky, kteří se oblékají v dívčích šatech.

“Děti velmi často hrají šaty do věku pěti let a je to trochu plynulé, a to i po pěti,” řekl Dr. Harold Koplewicz, zakládající prezident Institutu péče o dítě, Meredith Vierě z TODAY. Viera se posadila s doktorem Koplewiczem a dvěma maminkami, kteří obhájili své syny za to, že nosí šaty – včetně bloggerů, jejichž syn se oblékl jako Daphne z “Scooby Doo” pro Halloween.

“Doktor řekl:” Verdikt je, máte zdravého a šťastného malého chlapce, jenž se rád obléká, “řekla Cheryl Kilodavisová, která hledala odbornou radu o tom, jak její syn se obléká jako princezna.

V podstatě je zpráva: Nehrajte se. Malý dětský kříž je normální a pravděpodobně není významný.

Pokud děti říkají: “Nebudu nosit chlapecké oblečení, nosím jen dívčí oblečení, protože jsem jen holka, nejsem chlapec”, je to důležitější věc než říkat, že hraji dnes princeznu a Hrál jsem zítra kovboj, “řekl Dr. Koplewicz. “To nezmění skutečnost, že bychom ještě říkali rodičům, aby byli velmi podporující a milující, protože poslední věc, kterou chcete, je někdo, kdo by se neměl rád sami sebe, aby se jim nelíbilo jejich tělo. Nemělo by žádný rozdíl mezi tím, co jsou to oblečení, to je to, co si o sobě cítí. “

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for those who do not understand the language:

    Experts spoke and there is nothing wrong with little boys wearing girls dresses. “Children often play dress-up until the age of five, and its a bit fluid, even after five,” said Dr. Harold Koplewicz, founding president of the Child Mind Institute, to Meredith Viera of TODAY. Viera sat down with Dr. Koplewicz and two mothers who defended their sons for wearing dresses – including bloggers whose son dressed up as Daphne from “Scooby Doo” for Halloween. “The doctor said: The verdict is, you have a healthy and happy little boy who likes to dress up,” said Cheryl Kilodavis, who sought expert advice on how her son could dress up as a princess. Basically, the message is: Dont worry. A little childs cross-dressing is normal and probably not significant. If children say, “I wont wear boys clothes, I only wear girls clothes because Im a girl, not a boy,” thats more important than saying, “Im playing princess today and Im playing cowboy tomorrow,” said Dr. Koplewicz. “That doesnt change the fact that we would still tell parents to be very supportive and loving because the last thing you want is someone who doesnt like themselves and doesnt like their body. There should be no difference in what clothes they wear, its about how they feel about themselves.” What do you think? Vote in our poll and comment.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for those who do not understand the language:

    Experts spoke and there is nothing wrong with little boys wearing girls dresses. “Children often play dress-up until the age of five, and its a bit fluid, even after five,” said Dr. Harold Koplewicz, founding president of the Child Mind Institute, to Meredith Viera of TODAY. Viera sat down with Dr. Koplewicz and two mothers who defended their sons for wearing dresses – including bloggers whose son dressed up as Daphne from “Scooby Doo” for Halloween. “The doctor said: The verdict is, you have a healthy and happy little boy who likes to dress up,” said Cheryl Kilodavis, who sought expert advice on how her son could dress up as a princess. Basically, the message is: Dont worry. A little childs cross-dressing is normal and probably not significant. If children say, “I wont wear boys clothes, I only wear girls clothes because Im a girl, not a boy,” thats more important than saying, “Im playing princess today and Im playing cowboy tomorrow,” said Dr. Koplewicz. “That doesnt change the fact that we would still tell parents to be very supportive and loving because the last thing you want is someone who doesnt like themselves and doesnt like their body. There should be no difference in what clothes they wear, its about how they feel about themselves.” What do you think? Vote in our poll and comment.

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