Mindy Kalingová je maminka! Herečka porodila holčičku

Mindy Kalingová je maminka! Herečka porodila holčičku

Vánoce jsou dny, ale minulý týden Mindy Kaling slaví Den matek!

Podle E! News, hvězda porodila své první dítě 15. prosince – holčička.

Herečka Mindy Kaling navštěvuje premiéru v “The Mindy Project” v londýnském Západním Hollywoodu 12. září 2023.FilmMagic

Zpráva dokonce obsahuje jméno jejího nového přírůstku: Katherine Kalingové.

Režisér Ava DuVernay, který spolupracoval s Kalingem na nadcházejícím filmu “Wrinkle in Time”, tweeted poselství lásky k nové “mamince”.

“Nechte svůj život spolu plný radosti,” napsala.

Zatím, 38letá herečka a spisovatelka zůstává mamička o narození, ale to není překvapení. Ve skutečnosti počkala až do srpna, aby dokonce potvrdila, že je těhotná – což právě udělala tady v den.

V rozhovoru s Willie Geisterem Kaling říká: “Ráda bych byla zábavná matka. Vím, že budu matka dorky, takže to může být trochu legrace.” “Myslím, že by to bylo hezké.”

Ale hlavně, ráda by byla matka stejně dobrá jako její vlastní.

“Projekt Mindy” končí, Mindy Kalingová je nadšená, že je “dorky maminka”


“Moje máma byla neuvěřitelně zuřivá a tak oddaná nám, prostě nás milovala a opravdu chtěla, abychom byli šťastní bez ohledu na to, co jsme udělali,” řekla. “Můj výběr kariéry nebyl něco, s čím by byla obeznámena a ona byla jen tak podporující A kdybych to mohl dát svému dítěti, jen ten otevřený smysl, tak bych byl tak šťastný. “

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    “Christmas is coming, but last week Mindy Kaling celebrated Mothers Day! According to E! News, the star gave birth to her first child on December 15 – a baby girl. Actress Mindy Kaling attended the premiere of “The Mindy Project” in West Hollywood on September 12, 2017. The report even includes the name of her new addition: Katherine Kaling. Director Ava DuVernay, who worked with Kaling on the upcoming film “Wrinkle in Time,” tweeted a message of love to the new “mom.” “Sending love to #KatherineKaling + her mom, dear @MindyKaling. May your life together be filled with joy. From your WrinkleInTime family!” she wrote. “May your life together be filled with joy,” she wrote. Meanwhile, the 38-year-old actress and writer remains mum on the birth, but thats no surprise. In fact, she waited until August to even confirm she was pregnant – which she just did here on the day. In an interview with Willie Geist, Kaling says, “Id like to be a fun mom. I know Ill be the dorky mom, so it could be a little bit of a laugh.” “I think that would be nice.” But above all, shed like to be as good a mother as her own. “The Mindy Project” is ending, Mindy Kaling is excited to be a “dorky mom” Sep.24.201708:06 “My mom was incredibly fierce and so devoted to us, just loved us and really wanted us to be happy no matter what we did,” she said. “My choice of career wasnt something she was familiar with and she was just so supportive. And if I could give that to my child, just that open-mindedness, Id be so happy.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Czech to English:

    “Christmas is coming, but last week Mindy Kaling celebrated Mothers Day! According to E! News, the star gave birth to her first child on December 15 – a girl. Actress Mindy Kaling attends the premiere of “The Mindy Project” in West Hollywood on September 12, 2017. The report even includes the name of her new addition: Katherine Kaling. Director Ava DuVernay, who worked with Kaling on the upcoming film “Wrinkle in Time,” tweeted a message of love to the new “mom.” “Sending love to #KatherineKaling + her mama, dear @MindyKaling. May your life together be full of joy. From your WrinkleInTime family! pic.twitter.com/37qL57HNVv – Ava DuVernay (@ava) December 20, 2017 “Let your life together be full of joy,” she wrote. Meanwhile, the 38-year-old actress and writer remains mum on the birth, but thats no surprise. In fact, she waited until August to even confirm she was pregnant – which she just did here on the day. In an interview with Willie Geist, Kaling says, “Id like to be a fun mom. I know Ill be the dorky mom, so that could be a little bit of fun.” “I think it would be nice.” But above all, shed like to be as good a mother as her own. “The Mindy Project” is ending, Mindy Kaling is excited to be a “dorky mom” Sep.24.201708:06 “My mom was incredibly fierce and so devoted to us, just loved us and really wanted us to be happy no matter what we did,” she said. “My choice of career wasnt something she was familiar with and she was just so supportive. And if I could give that to my child, just that open-mindedness, Id be so happy.”

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