“Je to jako anděl ke mně”: Barbara Bush, která má být položena na odpočinek vedle dítěte, kterou ztratila

“Je to jako anděl ke mně”: Barbara Bush, která má být položena na odpočinek vedle dítěte, kterou ztratila

Když bývalá první dáma Barbara Bushová položená na odpočinek v Texasu, bude blízká drahému milovanému: její dcera Robinová, která zemřela ve věku 3 let.

Barbara Bush: Dítě ztracené z rakoviny je “anděl pro mě”

25.prosince 201205:23

Robin byl diagnostikován s leukemií v roce 1953, kdy byl rakovina považována za trest smrti. Když Barbara a manžel George H. W. Bush se zeptal lékařů, co potřebují udělat, dostali srdcervoucí odpověď.

“Řekla:” Nic neuděláte. Ona zemře, “řekl Bush vdova, Jenna Bush Hager, v rozhovoru dnešního dne. “Řekla:” Moje rada je vzít ji domů, milovat ji. Za dva týdny bude pryč. “

Rodina tuto odpověď nepřijala a místo toho ji převzala po celé zemi za léčbu, ale nebyla úspěšná. Zemřela těsně před svými čtyřmi narozeninami.

“Já jsem jí česal vlasy a držel ji za ruku,” řekl Bush. “Viděla jsem to malé tělo, viděl jsem, jak se jeho duch vydal.”


Ve středu, den poté, co zmizela bývalá první dáma, její vnučka sdílela redakční karikaturu, v níž se Bush sešel s Robinem v nebi.

“Někdo mi to poslal – nepoznám umělce, ale miluju ho.” “Miss you Gans,” napsala Jenna ve svém Instagramovi repost náčrtu.


Po desetiletích po Robinově smrti již leukémie není pro děti dětem smrti. Výzkumná nemocnice St. Jude odhaduje, že míra přežití u nejčastějšího typu leukémie je 94 procent díky zlepšené technologii, stejně jako buňkám a DNA uchovávaným od pacientů léčených v šedesátých letech, podle nemocničních lékařů.

Hager poukázal na to, že se také změnilo stigma kolem rakoviny. Když byl diagnostikován Robin, sousedé by nedovolili svým dětem kolem sebe, protože se obávali, že by tuto chorobu chytili. Vědecký a společenský pokrok v průběhu let přináší pohodu Bushovi, který daroval Robinovi tělo, aby se po smrti věnovalo výzkumu.

“Udělali jsme z toho Gampyho a já pocit, že z tohoto drahocenného malého života vychází něco dobrého. A dnes téměř nikdo neumírá na leukémii, “řekl Bush Jenně, jehož otec, bývalý prezident George W. Bush, byl sedm, když zemřela jeho sestra.

“Robin ke mně je radost. Je to pro mě jako anděl a není to smutek nebo smutek, “řekl Bush a vzpomněl si” na tuhle malou tlustou ruku kolem krku. “

Barbara Bushová měla v sobě milost, “říká Tom Brokaw


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or feelings. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English for better understanding:

    When former First Lady Barbara Bush is laid to rest in Texas, she will be close to her beloved daughter Robin, who died at the age of 3. Robin was diagnosed with leukemia in 1953 when cancer was considered a death sentence. When Barbara and husband George H.W. Bush asked doctors what they needed to do, they received a heartbreaking response. “She said, Theres nothing you can do. Shes going to die,” said Bushs widow, Jenna Bush Hager, in an interview today. “She said, My advice is to take her home, love her. In two weeks, shell be gone.” The family did not accept this response and instead took her all over the country for treatment, but it was not successful. She died just before her fourth birthday. “I was combing her hair and holding her hand,” Bush said. “I saw that little body, I saw her spirit go.”

    Decades after Robins death, leukemia is no longer a death sentence for children. St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital estimates that the survival rate for the most common type of leukemia is 94 percent due to improved technology, as well as cells and DNA preserved from patients treated in the 1960s, according to hospital doctors. Hager pointed out that the stigma around cancer has also changed. When Robin was diagnosed, neighbors would not allow their children around her because they feared they would catch the disease. Scientific and societal progress over the years brings comfort to the Bushes, who donated Robins body to research after her death. “Weve made it into something that Gampy and I feel is coming out of this precious little life. And today, almost nobody dies of leukemia,” Bush told Jenna, whose father, former President George W. Bush, was 7 when his sister died. “Robin to me is a joy. Shes like an angel to me, and not a sadness or a sorrow,” Bush said, recalling “that little fat hand around my neck.”

    Barbara Bush had grace in her, “says Tom Brokaw.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or feelings. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English for better understanding:

    When former First Lady Barbara Bush is laid to rest in Texas, she will be close to her beloved daughter Robin, who died at the age of 3. Robin was diagnosed with leukemia in 1953 when cancer was considered a death sentence. When Barbara and husband George H.W. Bush asked doctors what they needed to do, they received a heartbreaking response. “She said, Theres nothing you can do. Shes going to die,” said Bushs widow, Jenna Bush Hager, in an interview today. “She said, My advice is to take her home, love her. In two weeks, shell be gone.” The family did not accept this response and instead took her all over the country for treatment, but it was not successful. She died just before her fourth birthday. “I was combing her hair and holding her hand,” Bush said. “I saw that little body, I saw her spirit go.”

    Decades after Robins death, leukemia is no longer a death sentence for children. St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital estimates that the survival rate for the most common type of leukemia is 94 percent due to improved technology, as well as cells and DNA preserved from patients treated in the 1960s, according to hospital doctors. Hager pointed out that the stigma around cancer has also changed. When Robin was diagnosed, neighbors would not allow their children around her because they feared they would catch the disease. Scientific and societal progress over the years brings comfort to the Bushes, who donated Robins body to research after her death. “Weve made it into something that Gampy and I feel is coming out of this precious little life. And today, almost nobody dies of leukemia,” Bush told Jenna, whose father, former President George W. Bush, was 7 when his sister died. “Robin to me is a joy. Shes like an angel to me, and not a sadness or a sorrow,” Bush said, recalling “that little fat hand around my neck.”

    Barbara Bush had grace in her, “says Tom Brokaw.

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