ESPN kotva Sam Ponder odhaluje, že novorozené dítě podstoupilo nouzovou operaci

ESPN kotva Sam Ponder odhaluje, že novorozené dítě podstoupilo nouzovou operaci

ESPN kotva Sam Ponderová a její manžel, bývalý NFL quarterback Christian Ponder, děkují za “zázračnou” obnovu své novorozené děvčátko poté, co minulý týden podstoupila nouzovou operaci.

Sam Ponderová odhalila v pondělí v Instagram postu, že jejich dcera, Priceová, byla ponořena do chirurgického zákroku kvůli nezveřejněné problematice jen několik dní poté, co se narodila.

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I often struggle with social media. How do I accurately show what my life off of TV is like without appearing to either complain when reality is hard or brag when reality is pleasant? How can I simultaneously be compassionate and relatable to the hurting, but also encouraging and hopeful to people looking for positivity? My tendency to over analyze these decisions makes this post a little scary for me. I know I risk looking like I’m asking for sympathy or even pity. I’m abundantly aware of the undeserved goodness of God I’ve experienced early in life. Especially when it comes to the health of my children and loved ones. Last week, that changed in an instant. Through a series of terrifying and sudden events, our sweet newborn baby Price ended up in emergency surgery in the middle of the night. We were short on time and frankly, in shock. Thanks to the incredible surgical team @mountsinainyc and their skill and decisiveness, our precious girl made it. They treated her like their own, and answered all our blubbering fearful questions. Her recovery in the #NICU was nothing short of miraculous for a tiny body that had just undergone such trauma. I cannot thank the women who cared for her day and night enough. We are home now, still recovering, but overwhelmed with thankfulness for a God who provided real peace and comfort in the midst of our worst nightmare, incredible surgeons, doctors and nurses, parents who didn’t hesitate to jump on a plane and help and the prayers of friends and family who believed for her healing. Oh and thank you to my sweet friend @ellieholcomb for your song “Find You Here”… it got me through hours of waiting room anxiety and fear that I didn’t think I’d be able to bear. Now, back to holding and singing (terribly) to this special girl. Thanks for loving and supporting our family in the good times and bad. ❤️

A post shared by Sam Steele Ponder (@samanthaponder) on

“Prostřednictvím řady děsivých a náhlých událostí se naše sladké novorozené dítě v polovině noci dostalo do nouzového chirurgického zákroku,” napsala. “Byli jsme v úterý krátce a upřímně řečeno, v šoku.”

Poněkud poděkoval lékařům v nemocnici Mount Sinai v New Yorku, kteří provedli operaci. Nespecifikovala detaily operace ani to, co ji způsobilo.

“Zacházeli s ní jako se svými a odpověděli na všechny naše blbé strašné otázky,” napsala. “Její zotavení v NICU nebylo nic zázračné pro malé tělo, které právě prošlo takovou traumou.”

ESPN anchor shares that baby underwent emergency surgery
Christian a Sam Ponder jsou vděční za zotavení novorozené dcery poté, co podstoupili nouzovou operaci. WireImage

Cena je pár třetího dítěte, připojuje se k dceři Scout, 4, a syn Pravda, 1. Sam Ponder je hostitelem ESPN Sunday NFL Countdown, zatímco Christian je bývalý Florida State hvězda quarterback kdo hrál čtyři sezóny v NFL.

Sam byla vděčná za to, že má cenu za domů po desivých několika dnech.

“Nemůžu poděkovat ženám, které se o ni starají den a noc … Teď, zpátky do této zvláštní dívky a zpěvu (strašně),” napsala. “Děkujeme, že jste milovali a podporovali naši rodinu v dobrém a špatném životě. “

Následujte spisovatele Scott Stump na Twitteru.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or emotions. However, I can provide a translation of the article from Czech to English. The article discusses the gratitude expressed by ESPN anchor Sam Ponder and her husband, former NFL quarterback Christian Ponder, for the successful surgery of their newborn daughter, Price. The surgery was performed shortly after the babys birth due to an undisclosed issue. Sam Ponder thanked the surgical team at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York for their skill and care during the operation. The couple has two other children, Scout and Truth. Sam Ponder is the host of ESPN Sunday NFL Countdown, while Christian is a former Florida State quarterback who played four seasons in the NFL.

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