David Bowie a Imanova dcera Lexiová jsou 16 – a ohromující

David Bowie a Imanova dcera Lexiová jsou 16 – a ohromující

Alexandria “Lexi” Zahra Jonesová, dcera Imana a Davida Bowieho, slaví své sladké 16 s ohromujícím selfie.


Iman, který zveřejnil nádherný autoportrét Lexiho v pondělí v Instagram, ocenil zvláštní den mladší dcery tím, že napsal: “Šťastné slavné 16. narozeniny mojí holčičce Lexi!” Řekla Lexi, aby “zůstala sladká” a dodává: “Klasický s náznakem drzý.”

Mladiství také obdržel zprávu od manažera svého otce přes oficiální účet Instagram o legendě pozdní hudby.


“Naplňte své srdce láskou dnes, nehrajte hru času …,” píše příspěvek. Pozorné poselství doprovází fotografii dospívajícího Bowieho kolem roku 1963 a popisuje mladého hudebníka, který je na snímku “ambiciózní 16letý muž s mimořádně jasnou budoucností před ním”.

Začátkem letošního roku se Imanův přítel a kolegyně supermodelka Christie Brinkleyová podělila o sladkou návratovou fotku páru, která měla vlastní dceru Sailor jako dítě a napsala, že se Imanovi a Bowiemu dalo sedm let, než se pokoušeli otevírat, než přivítali Lexiho.


Po smrti Bowieho 10. ledna se Iman odrazil na životě svého manžela v řadě emočních příspěvků Instagram.

SOUVISEJÍC: “Boj je skutečný, ale je to taky Bůh”: Viz Imanův upřímný David Bowieho hold

“Boj je skutečný, ale je to také Bůh,” četl jeden obzvláště prudký post.

Bowie se o své rodině otevřel v roce 2002 a řekl Newyorské novinové zprávě, že “narazil na blaženost.” Pokračoval a řekl: “Nechápu, že by někdy chtěla měnit věci v mém osobním životě. Iman a já jsme velmi šťastní a máme tu nejkrásnější dítě. “

David Bowie a manželka Iman: Pohled na jejich milostný příběh, soukromý život


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or emotions. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Czech to English:

    Alexandria “Lexi” Zahra Jones, daughter of Iman and David Bowie, celebrates her sweet 16 with a stunning selfie. Iman, who posted a beautiful self-portrait of Lexi on Instagram on Monday, celebrated her younger daughters special day by writing, “Happy sweet 16th birthday to my baby girl Lexi!” She told Lexi to “stay sweet” and added, “Classy with a hint of sassy.” The teenager also received a message from her late fathers music manager via the official Instagram account of the late music legend.

    “Fill your heart with love today, Dont play the game of time…,” the post reads. The thoughtful message is accompanied by a photo of a teenage Bowie around 1963 and describes the young musician as an “ambitious 16-year-old man with an exceptionally bright future ahead of him.” Earlier this year, Imans friend and supermodel colleague Christie Brinkley shared a sweet throwback photo of the couple, who had their own daughter Sailor as a child, and wrote that it took Iman and Bowie seven years of trying before they welcomed Lexi.

    After Bowies death on January 10, Iman reflected on her husbands life in a series of emotional Instagram posts. RELATED: “The struggle is real, but so is God”: See Imans heartfelt tribute to David Bowie “The struggle is real, but so is God,” read one particularly poignant post. Bowie opened up about his family in 2002, telling the New York Daily News that he had “hit bliss.” He went on to say, “I cant imagine ever wanting to change things in my personal life. Iman and I are very happy, and we have the most beautiful child.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or emotions. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Czech to English:

    Alexandria “Lexi” Zahra Jones, daughter of Iman and David Bowie, celebrates her sweet 16 with a stunning selfie. Iman, who posted a beautiful self-portrait of Lexi on Instagram on Monday, celebrated her younger daughters special day by writing, “Happy sweet 16th birthday to my baby girl Lexi!” She told Lexi to “stay sweet” and added, “Classy with a hint of sassy.” The teenager also received a message from her late fathers music manager via the official Instagram account of the late music legend.

    “Fill your heart with love today, Dont play the game of time…,” the post reads. The thoughtful message is accompanied by a photo of a teenage Bowie around 1963 and describes the young musician as an “ambitious 16-year-old man with an exceptionally bright future ahead of him.” Earlier this year, Imans friend and supermodel colleague Christie Brinkley shared a sweet throwback photo of the couple, who had their own daughter Sailor as a child, and wrote that it took Iman and Bowie seven years of trying before they welcomed Lexi.

    After Bowies death on January 10, Iman reflected on her husbands life in a series of emotional Instagram posts. RELATED: “The struggle is real, but so is God”: See Imans heartfelt tribute to David Bowie “The struggle is real, but so is God,” read one particularly poignant post. Bowie opened up about his family in 2002, telling the New York Daily News that he had “hit the jackpot.” He went on to say, “I cant imagine ever wanting to change things in my personal life. Iman and I are very happy, and we have the most beautiful child.”

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