Text písně Davida Bowieho "Jean Genie" vyšel do aukce 2023

Text písně Davida Bowieho “Jean Genie” vyšel do aukce

Pokud jste ochotni “nechat jít” o desítky tisíc dolarů, mohl byste být hrdým majitelem David Bowieho ručně psaných textů jeho 1972 hit “The Jean Genie”.

Ručně psané lyrics for

Sarah Gouletová, která pracuje pro aukční dům Paddle8, která uvedla vzácnou položku na nabídku, informovala TODAY.com e-mailem, že 18 řádků textu s kuličkovým perem je “jediným kompletním souborem textů od Bowie, aby se někdy objevili v dražbě. “

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Související tisková zpráva uvádí, že píseň byla napsána za zábavu modelu a Andyho Warhola spolupracovník Cyrinda Foxeho během Bowieho prvního amerického turné a že pozdní rocková hvězda darovala ručně psané texty Nealu Petersovi, šéfovi Bowieho fanouškovského klubu v USA.

Při nabízení končící 31. března očekává Paddle8, že texty přinesou alespoň 50 000 dolarů.

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Tato částka by pokračovala ve vývoji prodejní ceny položky, která by zdvojnásobila předchozí vítěznou aukční nabídku, protože texty prodávaly za 27 000 USD na aukci v roce 2013 a za 14 000 USD zpět na aukci v roce 2010.

Ačkoli počáteční vydání “The Jean Genie” – první singl od uměleckého alba “Aladdin Sane” – jen vyvrcholil v čp. 71 na amerických hitparádách, se dostalo na 2. místo ve Spojeném království a stal se obzvláště oblíbeným mezi fanoušky Bowie jak jeho kariéra vystoupila.

SOUBOR – 10. LEDNA: Hudebník David Bowie údajně zemřel po bitvě s rakovinou. Byl mu 69 let. NEW YORK – ČERVENEC 07: David Bowie navštěvuje módní ceny CFDA 2010 v Alice Tully Hall v Lincolnově středisku 7. června 2010 v New Yorku. (Foto: Andrew H. Walker / Getty Images)Getty Images

Po tajné 18ti měsíční rakovinové bitvě zemřela v lednu Bowie, která přiměla smutné fanoušky a celebrity – včetně své supermodelky, Imana – smradlit ztrátu a uctívat jeho pop-kulturní odkaz.

Sledujte TODAY.com spisovatele Chris Serico na Twitteru.

Texty Davida Bowieho jsou na aukčním bloku


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    If you are willing to “let go” of tens of thousands of dollars, you could be the proud owner of David Bowies handwritten lyrics for his 1972 hit “The Jean Genie”. Paddle8s Sarah Goulet, who works for the auction house that listed the rare item, informed TODAY.com via email that the 18-line ballpoint pen text is “the only complete set of Bowie lyrics ever to appear at auction.” The related press release states that the song was written for the amusement of model and Andy Warhol collaborator Cyrinda Foxe during Bowies first American tour and that the late rock star donated the handwritten lyrics to Neal Peters, the head of Bowies fan club in the US. With bidding ending on March 31, Paddle8 expects the lyrics to fetch at least $50,000. This amount would continue the items sales price development, which would double the previous winning auction bid, as the lyrics sold for $27,000 at auction in 2013 and for $14,000 back at auction in 2010. Although the initial release of “The Jean Genie” – the first single from the “Aladdin Sane” art album – only peaked at No. 71 on the US charts, it reached No. 2 in the UK and became particularly popular among Bowie fans as his career soared. After a secret 18-month battle with cancer, Bowie died in January, prompting sad fans and celebrities – including his supermodel wife, Iman – to mourn the loss and celebrate his pop-cultural legacy. Follow TODAY.com writer Chris Serico on Twitter.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    If you are willing to “let go” of tens of thousands of dollars, you could be the proud owner of David Bowies handwritten lyrics for his 1972 hit “The Jean Genie”. Paddle8s Sarah Goulet, who works for the auction house that listed the rare item, informed TODAY.com via email that the 18-line ballpoint pen text is “the only complete set of Bowie lyrics ever to appear at auction.” The related press release states that the song was written for the amusement of model and Andy Warhol collaborator Cyrinda Foxe during Bowies first American tour and that the late rock star donated the handwritten lyrics to Neal Peters, the head of Bowies fan club in the US. With bidding ending on March 31, Paddle8 expects the lyrics to fetch at least $50,000. This amount would continue the items sales price development, which would double the previous winning auction bid, as the lyrics sold for $27,000 at auction in 2013 and for $14,000 back at auction in 2010. Although the initial release of “The Jean Genie” – the first single from the “Aladdin Sane” art album – only peaked at No. 71 on the US charts, it reached No. 2 in the UK and became particularly popular among Bowie fans as his career soared. After a secret 18-month battle with cancer, Bowie died in January, prompting sad fans and celebrities – including his supermodel wife, Iman – to mourn his loss and celebrate his pop-cultural legacy. Follow TODAY.com writer Chris Serico on Twitter.

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