Russell Crowe oživil Michael Jackson žertovné volání s dokonalým dojmem

Russell Crowe oživil Michael Jackson žertovné volání s dokonalým dojmem

Pokud potřebujete trochu něco, co by vás mohlo osvětlit během uplynulého týdne, máme pro vás skvělý zážitek!

Ve středu ráno se Russell Crowe zastavil v TODAY a znovu žil žertovné volání, které získal od Michaela Jacksona – kompletní s krátkým zosobněním pozdního krále popu.

Russell Crowe na režijním debutu, Michael Jackson


Ano, jak to znělo divně, Jackson opravdu zvykl, jak vybírat herce za sérii hloupých žertů.

“Pokud znáte Michaela, víte, že je to skutečná věc,” řekl Crowe Savannah Guthrie. “Je to něco, co se mu líbilo.”

Russell Crowe tells TODAY's Savannah Guthrie
Russell Crowe vypráví TODAYOVI Savannah Guthrie.DNES

Ale to, co dělá zrovna zvláštní, bylo, že Crowe ho vůbec neznali.

“Nikdy jsem ho neviděl,” přiznal. “Nikdy jsem neotočil ruku nebo cokoli jiného. Zavolal mi znova a znovu a nasadil své legrační hlasy.”

A řekněte jeho ne-tak-legrační vtipy.

Když Crowe poprvé odhalil Jacksonovu zálibu pro žertovné volání v rozhovoru s The Guardian minulý měsíc, dal příklad sladkého a prostého humoru: “Je tam pan Wall? Je tam paní Wall? držení střechy? “

Michael Jackson, Russell Crowe
Michael Jackson oznámil plány na letní pobyt v O2 aréně na tiskové konferenci, která se konala v O2 areně 5. března 2009 v Londýně v Anglii. Russell Crowe na show TODAYSoubor Getty Images, DNES

Ale pokud se opravdu chcete dobře smát, stačí se podívat na klip TODAY, abys slyšel, jak Crowe-as-Jackson přidal žertovku: “Ach, nebojte se, Russellu, je to jen Michael!”

Důvěřujte nám, stojí to za to! A zatímco se díváte, podívejte se na detaily, které Crowe sdílel o svém celovečerním režijním debutu v seriálu The Water Diviner, který se v pátek otevře v divadlech.

Sledujte Ree Hines na Google+.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Czech to English:

    “If you need something to brighten up your week, we have a great experience for you! On Wednesday morning, Russell Crowe stopped by TODAY and relived the prank calls he received from Michael Jackson – complete with a short impersonation of the late King of Pop. Russell Crowe talks to TODAYs Savannah Guthrie. But what makes it particularly funny is that Crowe didnt even know him. “Ive never met him,” he admitted. “Ive never shaken his hand or anything. He just kept calling me over and over and doing his funny voices.” And tell his not-so-funny jokes. When Crowe first revealed Jacksons love of prank calls in an interview with The Guardian last month, he gave an example of sweet and simple humor: “Is Mr. Wall there? Is Mrs. Wall there? Holding up the roof?” But if you really want to laugh, just watch the TODAY clip to hear Crowe-as-Jackson add a joke: “Oh, dont worry, Russell, its just Michael!” Trust us, its worth it! And while youre at it, check out the details Crowe shared about his feature directorial debut in The Water Diviner, opening in theaters on Friday. Follow Ree Hines on Google+.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Czech to English:

    “If you need something to brighten up your week, we have a great experience for you! On Wednesday morning, Russell Crowe stopped by TODAY and relived the prank calls he received from Michael Jackson – complete with a short impersonation of the late King of Pop. Russell Crowe talks to TODAYs Savannah Guthrie. But what makes it particularly funny is that Crowe didnt even know him. “Ive never met him,” he admitted. “Ive never shaken his hand or anything. He just kept calling me over and over and doing his funny voices.” And tell his not-so-funny jokes. When Crowe first revealed Jacksons love of prank calls in an interview with The Guardian last month, he gave an example of sweet and simple humor: “Is Mr. Wall there? Is Mrs. Wall there? Holding up the roof?” But if you really want to laugh, just watch the TODAY clip to hear Crowe-as-Jackson add a joke: “Oh, dont worry, Russell, its just Michael!” Trust us, its worth it! And while youre at it, check out the details Crowe shared about his feature directorial debut in The Water Diviner, opening in theaters on Friday. Follow Ree Hines on Google+.”

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