Jimmy Kimmel dává své ženě nějakou velkou závist. A zůstala ji víc než zděšená. Říká, že to dělá její život jako peklo.
V humorné eseji pro The Washington Post Molly McNearney popsala, že její manžel se chlubil tím, že dělá roztomilé palačinky jako nepříjemné, ale ve “vysoce produktivní, tiché kreativní a intenzivně přitěžující cestě.”
Je jí také trochu nepříjemné.
McNearneyová, spisovatelka pro Jimmy Kimmel Live !, říkala, že už nemůže ráno jen vylévat 3leté batole páru z misky Cheerios. Přinejmenším ne, když Kimmel je kolem, aby vyrobil své rozkošné palačinky.
“A není to vaše průměrné placky, dělá umění s palačinkovým tělem jako dřevěný psychopat,” napsala v eseji.
Ne vždy to bylo tak, jak si všiml McNearney. Kimmel původně dělal svou dceru, Jane, “normální” palačinky před rokem.
“Vychutnávala se jim a byli jsme potěšeni,” řekla.
Ale Kimmel začal experimentovat s plastovými lisovacími lahvemi a barvením organických potravin. Také si koupil pera na ozdobu potravin.
“Začal s Valentýnem v červených srdcích ve tvaru palačinky. Nepoužíval kuchařku. Svolil se. Jane je milovala. Miloval jsem je. Jedli jsme je spolu a obdivoval jsem jeho přemýšlivost, “připomněl McNearney, 39 let.
O několik dní později se udělal “nádherným tříbarevným klaunem” a všichni ocenili práci.
“Pak se dostal agresivně. Udělal Doryho. Byla dokonalá. Dále plnofarebný Thomas Tank Engine. On udělal Nemo a Spider-Man, který, přísahám, obrátil oči na mě, “řekl McNearney.
Dalšími byli Snoopy a Charlie Brown a “dokonce i Lightning McQueen ráno poté, co hostil Oscary,” poznamenala.
Kimmel se o svém raném úsilí dozvěděl, když se chlubil tím, že připravil snídani své dcery ve formě Doryho, “Finding Nemo”, který vyjádřil jeho přítel Ellen DeGeneres.
Ale od té doby se jeho umělecká schopnost stala jeho břemenem: jejich dcera nyní vyžaduje palačinkové umění, i když její otec není doma.
“Snažím se ji prodat na misce ovesné kaše. Říkám jí, že je to strašidelná žena. Nekupuje ji, “řekl McNearney, který má také 10měsíčního syna s Kimmel. “Požaduje jedlé umění, na které je zvyklá. Já ji jeskyně a nervózně slibuji palačinku. “Udělám ti” hnědou kouli “!” Pohlédla na mě s zmatením, následovanou soudem a pak znechucením. Následuje tantrum. “
Bojující rodiče všude mohou sympatizovat s McNearney, která připustila, že součástí jejího problému je nedostatek podobných uměleckých dovedností.
“Být matkou je dost těžké,” řekla. “Umělec na palačinku NENÍ v popisu práce. Pokusila jsem se jednou tvář smajlíka. Nechci o tom mluvit.”
As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:
Jimmy Kimmel is making his wife quite envious with his pancake art skills. She describes her life as hell because of it. In a humorous essay for The Washington Post, Molly McNearney describes how her husband boasts about making cute pancakes as a “highly productive, quietly creative, and intensely burdensome journey.” Its also a bit uncomfortable for her. McNearney, a writer for Jimmy Kimmel Live!, says she can no longer just pour a bowl of Cheerios for their 3-year-old daughter in the morning when Kimmel is around to make his adorable pancakes. “And its not your average flapjack, hes doing pancake body art like a wooden psychopath,” she wrote in the essay. But it wasnt always like that, as McNearney noticed. Kimmel originally made his daughter, Jane, “normal” pancakes a year ago. “She enjoyed them and we were pleased,” she said. But Kimmel started experimenting with plastic squeeze bottles and organic food coloring. He also bought food decorating pens. “He started with Valentines Day hearts shaped pancakes. He didnt use a cookbook. He acquiesced. Jane loved them. I loved them. We ate them together and I admired his thoughtfulness,” recalled McNearney, 39. A few days later, he made a “gorgeous three-color clown” and everyone appreciated the effort. “Then he got aggressive. He made Dory. It was perfect. Then full-color Thomas the Tank Engine. He made Nemo and Spider-Man, who, I swear, rolled his eyes at me,” McNearney said. Others included Snoopy and Charlie Brown and “even Lightning McQueen the morning after he hosted the Oscars,” she noted. Kimmel learned about his early efforts when he bragged about making his daughter breakfast in the form of Dory, from “Finding Nemo,” which his friend Ellen DeGeneres voiced. But since then, his artistic ability has become his burden: their daughter now demands pancake art even when her father isnt home. “I try to sell her on a bowl of oatmeal. I tell her its a scary lady. Shes not buying it,” said McNearney, who also has a 10-month-old son with Kimmel. “She demands edible art shes accustomed
As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:
Jimmy Kimmel is making his wife quite envious with his pancake art skills. She describes her life as hell because of it. In a humorous essay for The Washington Post, Molly McNearney describes how her husband boasts about making cute pancakes as a “highly productive, quietly creative, and intensely burdensome journey.” Its also a bit uncomfortable for her. McNearney, a writer for Jimmy Kimmel Live!, says she can no longer just pour a bowl of Cheerios for their 3-year-old daughter in the morning when Kimmel is around to make his adorable pancakes. “And its not your average flapjack, hes doing pancake body art like a wooden psychopath,” she wrote in the essay. But it wasnt always like that, as McNearney noticed. Kimmel originally made his daughter, Jane, “normal” pancakes a year ago. “She enjoyed them and we were pleased,” she said. But Kimmel started experimenting with plastic squeeze bottles and organic food coloring. He also bought food decorating pens. “He started with Valentines Day hearts shaped pancakes. He didnt use a cookbook. He acquiesced. Jane loved them. I loved them. We ate them together and I admired his thoughtfulness,” recalled McNearney, 39. A few days later, he made a “gorgeous three-color clown” and everyone appreciated the effort. “Then he got aggressive. He made Dory. It was perfect. Then full-color Thomas the Tank Engine. He made Nemo and Spider-Man, who, I swear, rolled his eyes at me,” McNearney said. Others included Snoopy and Charlie Brown and “even Lightning McQueen the morning after he hosted the Oscars,” she noted. Kimmel learned about his early efforts when he bragged about making his daughter breakfast in the form of Dory, from “Finding Nemo,” which was voiced by his friend Ellen DeGeneres. But since then, his artistic ability has become his burden: their daughter now demands pancake art even when her father is not home. “I try to sell her on a bowl of oatmeal. I tell her its a scary lady. Shes not buying it,” said McNearney, who also has a 10-month-old son with Kimmel. “She demands edible art she