Jaslene pojmenoval “Americký další top model”

Jaslene pojmenoval “Americký další top model”

Jaslene Gonzalez, 20letá poradkyně z Chicaga, získala osmou sezonu CW reality show “Americký další top model” ve středu. Vyřadila Natashu Galkinu, 21letou studentku z Dallasu z Ruska. Renee Alwayová, 20letá matka z Maui, byla vyřazena dříve ve finále, přičemž soudkyně komentovala, že fotografovala okázale starší než ostatní dva.

Jako součást svého balíčku ocenění získala společnost Jaslene modelovou smlouvu s Elite Model Management, smlouvu o objemu 100 000 dolarů s Cover Girl Cosmetics a šestistrannou šaržovou a krycí fotku v časopise Seventeen Magazine.

Ve finále se Jaslene a Natasha setkali na módní přehlídce v Sydney v Austrálii. Na jednom místě na přistávací dráze Natasha sukně sklouzla na nohy, ale vykročila ven a šla dál a byla oceněna soudci show, že to vypadalo plánovaně.

Podle závěrečné diskuse rozhodčích bylo rozhodnutí blízké. Legendární model Twiggy z roku 1960 nazval Jasleneovy fotografie “někteří z nejlepších dívek”, “ale oni říkali” jsou to oba krásné dívky. “

Jaslene se pokusila o předcházející sezónu “Top Model”, ale nebyla zvolena. “Myslím, že to ukazuje všem mladým ženám, jestli to máš, pokračuj,” řekla o své druhé šanci.

Oba ženy byly chválí za své silné etnické kultury a Nataša dala část své poslední řeč děkuji za ruskou, zatímco Jaslene jí dodala část ve španělštině. Také poznamenala: “Jsem tady latinská koření. Já nejsem tvoje dívka vedle, ale já jsem tvoje dívka po bloku v kapuci.”

Model Tyra Banks hostí a koprodukuje show.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, I can provide a comment in the appropriate language based on the given information.

    Jaslene Gonzalez, a 20-year-old counselor from Chicago, won the eighth season of the CW reality show “Americas Next Top Model” on Wednesday. She beat Natasha Galkina, a 21-year-old student from Russia who lives in Dallas. Renee Alway, a 20-year-old mother from Maui, was eliminated earlier in the finale, with judges commenting that she photographed noticeably older than the other two. As part of her prize package, Jaslene received a modeling contract with Elite Model Management, a $100,000 contract with Cover Girl Cosmetics, and a six-page spread and cover photo in Seventeen Magazine.

    In the finale, Jaslene and Natasha met at a fashion show in Sydney, Australia. Natashas skirt slipped down her legs at one point on the runway, but she kept walking and was praised by the judges for making it look intentional. According to the judges final deliberation, the decision was close. Legendary model Twiggy from the 1960s called Jaslenes photos “some of the best girls,” but said “they both are beautiful girls.”

    Jaslene had tried out for the previous season of “Top Model” but was not chosen. “I think it shows all young women, if you have it, keep going,” she said of her second chance. Both women were praised for their strong ethnic backgrounds, and Natasha gave part of her final speech thanking in Russian, while Jaslene added a part in Spanish. She also noted, “Im here with Latin spice. Im not your girl next door, but Im your girl from around the block in the hood.”

    Model Tyra Banks hosts and co-produces the show.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, I can provide a comment in the appropriate language on the given topic:

    Jaslene Gonzalez, a 20-year-old counselor from Chicago, won the eighth season of the CW reality show “Americas Next Top Model” on Wednesday. She beat Natasha Galkina, a 21-year-old student from Russia who lives in Dallas. Renee Alway, a 20-year-old mother from Maui, was eliminated earlier in the finale, with judges commenting that she photographed noticeably older than the other two. As part of her prize package, Jaslene received a modeling contract with Elite Model Management, a $100,000 contract with Cover Girl Cosmetics, and a six-page spread and cover photo in Seventeen Magazine. In the finale, Jaslene and Natasha met at a fashion show in Sydney, Australia. Natashas skirt slipped down her legs at one point on the runway, but she kept walking and was praised by the judges for making it look intentional. According to the judges final deliberation, the decision was close. Legendary model Twiggy from the 1960s called Jaslenes photos “some of the best girls,” but said “they both are beautiful girls.” Jaslene had tried out for the previous season of “Top Model” but was not chosen. “I think it shows all young women, if you have it, keep going,” she said of her second chance. Both women were praised for their strong ethnic backgrounds, and Natasha gave part of her final speech thanking in Russian, while Jaslene added a part in Spanish. She also noted, “Im here with Latin spices. Im not your girl next door, but Im your girl from around the block in the hood.” Model Tyra Banks hosts and co-produces the show.

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