James Franco se oholel hlavou a sdílí plešatě na Instagram

James Franco se oholel hlavou a sdílí plešatě na Instagram

Plešatý je krásný – prostě se zeptat Jamese Franca.

36letý herec, učenec a král selfie se ožral hlavou ve středu za svou roli v “Zeroville”, ve filmu založeném na stejnojmenné knize Steve Ericksona. Franco, který je Francem, zdokumentoval bzučení v sérii zrcadlovek.



Jakmile bylo počáteční oholení dokončeno, kandidát na Oscara zamířil k makeupu, kde sdílel ještě další koupelnové zrcátko selfie, které mu ukázalo “Plešatý jako mutha!” Jeho přeměna na VIkar “Zerovilleho” však nebyla úplná, dokud nebyly nabarveny falešný knír (a pravděpodobně tetování na zádech Frankovy plešaté hlavy).


FOTKY: Viz James Franco je více hvězd na naší E! Novinky Instagramová zeď!

Actor Instagrammed ještě další selfie, tento post-makeup, ve kterém také modeluje své “Zeroville” Glasses by Gooch @ gucci ”


Kdo tedy hraje tato postavička Vikar Franco? No, v knize začíná jako Jerome, mladý muž, který se vydává do Hollywoodu v roce 1969. Je posedlý filmem a podle Lostvillova popisu na autorově internetových stránkách “sleduje posedlost filmem od jednoho screeningu do další a přes sérii rozhovorů a besed s starletmi, zloději, partyzány, eskorty, dospívajícími punky a veteránskými filmovými redaktory, jen aby objevili tajemství, jehož stopy leží ve všech filmech, které kdy byly natočeny, a jen abychom zjistili, sníme filmy, ale spíše nás sní. ”

VIDEO: James Franco doplňuje ALS Ice Bucket Challenge bez kalhot

Hm. Zní to jako skvělá role Franco.

FOTKY: #Selfies Jamese Franca

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses James Francos transformation for his role in the movie “Zeroville” and his documentation of the process through a series of selfies on Instagram. The article also provides a brief summary of the character Franco plays in the movie, Vikar, who is obsessed with film and goes on a journey to discover the secrets hidden within them. Overall, the article highlights Francos dedication to his craft and his willingness to share his process with his fans through social media.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Bald is beautiful – just ask James Franco. The 36-year-old actor, scholar, and selfie king shaved his head on Wednesday for his role in “Zeroville,” a film based on Steve Ericksons novel. Franco, who is Franco, documented the buzzing in a series of mirrors. Once the initial shaving was complete, the Oscar nominee headed to makeup, where he shared yet another bathroom mirror selfie that showed him “Bald like a mutha!” However, his transformation into Vikar in “Zeroville” was not complete until the fake mustache (and likely tattoo on the back of Francos bald head) were dyed. Who then plays this character Vikar Franco? Well, in the book, he starts out as Jerome, a young man who heads to Hollywood in 1969. He is obsessed with film and, according to Lostvilles description on the authors website, “follows his obsession with film from one screening to the next and through a series of interviews and discussions with starlets, thieves, guerrillas, escorts, teenage punks, and veteran film editors, just to discover the secret whose traces lie in all the films ever made, and just to find out that we dream films, but rather films dream us.” Hmm. Sounds like a great role for Franco.”

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