“Harry & Meghan”: Celoživotní obsazení zbytku královské rodiny v televizním filmu

“Harry & Meghan”: Celoživotní obsazení zbytku královské rodiny v televizním filmu

Již jsme se setkali s Murraym Fraserem a Parisem Fitz-Henleyem, herci, kteří budou portrétem prince Harryho a jeho snoubenky Meghan Markle v Lifetime nadcházející “Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance”.

Nyní získejte první pohled na hvězdy, které budou hrát zbytek našich oblíbených členů královské rodiny.

Burgess Abernethy and Laura Mitchell Cast as Prince William and Catherine Middleton in The Lifetime Feature
Burgess Abernethy a Laura Mitchellová představí princ William a Catherine, vévodkyně z Cambridge, v celovečerním filmu “Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance” spolu s Prestonem Karwatem a Brielou Wintraubovou jako Prince George a princezna Charlotte.Michael Courtney / Život

Kanadský kanál tento týden vydal tři nové fotky členů obsazení v kostýmu jako jejich skutečné protějšky – vévoda a vévodkyně z Cambridge, královna Elizabeth a pozdní princezna Diana.

Australský herec Burgess Abernethy (“H20: Just Add Water”) a kanadská herečka Laura Mitchell představí prince Williama a bývalou Kate Middletonovou. Mitchell má několik televizních filmů, které už jsou pod pásem, včetně “Najít Santa” a “Menendez: Blood Brothers”.

Obsazení prince Harryho a Meghan Markle TV-movie


Královský pár je rozkošný děti, princ George a princezna Charlotte, budou hrát dětské herci Preston Karwat a Briella Weintraub.

Maggie Sullivun portrays Queen Elizabeth II in Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance, premiering on Lifetime.
Maggie Sullivun zobrazuje královnu Alžbětu II.Michael Courtney / Život

Maggie Sullivun bude trvat jako královna Alžběta II.

Bonnie Soper portrays the legendary Princess Diana in Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance, premiering on Lifetime.
Bonnie Soper hraje legendární princeznu Dianu.Michael Courtney / Život

A novozélandská herečka Bonnie Soperová zahraje Diana, princeznu z Walesu. Není jisté, zda se Harry a Williamova maminka, která zemřela v roce 1997, objeví ve vzpomínkách nebo ve snu. (Doufáme, že oba!)

“Harry & Meghan” bude kronikovat romantiku mezi milovaným princem a jeho snoubenkou od okamžiku, kdy se setkali s jejich oznámení o pádu.

Film, který se nyní natáčí ve Vancouveru, se očekává, že na jaře bude vysílat – možná v době, kdy skutečný Meghan a Harry váznou uzel 19. května na kapli sv. Jiří v Windsor Castle.

Život odhaluje herce hrát ve filmu Meghan Markle a Prince Harry


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Czech to English:

    “We have already met Murray Fraser and Paris Fitz-Henley, actors who will portray Prince Harry and his fiancée Meghan Markle in Lifetimes upcoming “Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance”. Now get a first look at the stars who will play the rest of our favorite members of the royal family. Burgess Abernethy and Laura Mitchell will portray Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, in the feature film “Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance” along with Preston Karwat and Briella Wintraub as Prince George and Princess Charlotte. Canadian channel Life released three new photos of the cast members in costume as their real-life counterparts – the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Queen Elizabeth, and the late Princess Diana. Australian actor Burgess Abernethy (“H20: Just Add Water”) and Canadian actress Laura Mitchell will play Prince William and former Kate Middleton. Mitchell has several TV movies under her belt, including “Finding Santa” and “Menendez: Blood Brothers”. The adorable royal children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, will be played by child actors Preston Karwat and Briella Weintraub. Maggie Sullivan portrays Queen Elizabeth II. And New Zealand actress Bonnie Soper will play Diana, Princess of Wales. It is not clear whether Harry and Williams mother, who died in 1997, will appear in memories or in a dream. (We hope both!) “Harry & Meghan” will chronicle the romance between the beloved prince and his fiancée from the moment they met to their engagement announcement. The film, which is now being filmed in Vancouver, is expected to air in the spring – perhaps at the time when the real Meghan and Harry tie the knot on May 19 at St. Georges Chapel in Windsor Castle. Life reveals actors to play in the Meghan Markle and Prince Harry movie.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Czech to English:

    “We have already met Murray Fraser and Paris Fitz-Henley, actors who will portray Prince Harry and his fiancée Meghan Markle in Lifetimes upcoming “Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance”. Now get a first look at the stars who will play the rest of our favorite members of the royal family. Burgess Abernethy and Laura Mitchell will portray Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, in the feature film “Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance” along with Preston Karwat and Briella Wintraub as Prince George and Princess Charlotte. Canadian channel Life released three new photos of the cast members in costume as their real-life counterparts – the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Queen Elizabeth, and the late Princess Diana. Australian actor Burgess Abernethy (“H20: Just Add Water”) and Canadian actress Laura Mitchell will play Prince William and former Kate Middleton. Mitchell has several TV movies under her belt, including “Finding Santa” and “Menendez: Blood Brothers”. The adorable royal children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, will be played by child actors Preston Karwat and Briella Weintraub. Maggie Sullivan portrays Queen Elizabeth II. And New Zealand actress Bonnie Soper will play Diana, Princess of Wales. It is not clear whether Harry and Williams mother, who died in 1997, will appear in memories or in a dream. (We hope both!) “Harry & Meghan” will chronicle the romance between the beloved prince and his fiancée from the moment they met to their engagement announcement. The film, which is now being filmed in Vancouver, is expected to air in the spring – perhaps at the time when the real Meghan and Harry tie the knot on May 19 at St. Georges Chapel in Windsor Castle. Life reveals actors to play in the Meghan Markle and Prince Harry movie.”

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