Ellen griluje Jim Parsons o tom, kdy se oženil s partnerem

Ellen griluje Jim Parsons o tom, kdy se oženil s partnerem

Hvězda “The Big Bang Theory” Jim Parsons může být spíš jako jeho hezká Sheldon Cooperová, než si fanoušci mohou myslet. Během návštěvy na výstavě “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” ve čtvrtek hostitel grilled ho, když on si vzal jeho dlouholetý partner, Todd Spiewak, zatímco herec zněl trochu jako jeho teoretická fyzik charakter v jeho odpovědi. 

“Nevím!” odpověděl, když se ho zeptal, jestli by uzel uzlali. “Ste tak zvyklí na svůj život tak, jak je …”

Zní to trochu jako to, jak Sheldon, ani po letech seznamování Amy Farrah Fowler, nemá zájem na tom, aby se jejich vztah dostal k další úrovni. (Jen se podívej, jak dlouho mu trvalo, než aby jí dal skutečný polibek!)

“Ale 11 let je dost času na to, abyste věděli (ať se chcete oženit),” naléhal DeGeneres.

Obraz: Todd Spiewak, Jim Parsons
Parsons, správně, s dlouholetým partnerem Toddem Spiewakem na Met Ball Gala dne 5. května.Larry Busacca / Dnes

“Sleduje, Todd. Neříkám, že to odradil, já nejsem!” Parsons trval na tom. “Mám pocit, že jsem o tom nebyl dostatečně nadšený a teď se cítím, že jsem z toho důvodu ztratil.”

Soukromý herec, který v současné době propaguje svůj nový film HBO “The Normal Heart”, tiše vyšel v roce 2012 během rozhovoru v The New York Times.

“Kdy jste se dostala do mého? matka?!”Parsons později vtipkoval.

I když herec rád zachovává svůj soukromý život soukromý, ukázal svou dávnou lásku na slavnostní schůzce. 

“Byla to ta nejzajímavější, eklektická sbírka lidí, jakých jsem kdy viděl v životě,” řekl Parsons předtím, než se vydal podívat, když viděl fotbal skvělý Tom Brady a supermodelka Gisele Bundchenová. 

“Jdou každý rok,” uklidňovala se DeGeneres.

“Vím, ale I ne! “připomněla jí Parsons.

“The Normal Heart” se koná 25. května v 9:00. na HBO.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    The star of “The Big Bang Theory,” Jim Parsons, may be more like his lovely character Sheldon Cooper than fans might think. During a visit to “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” on Thursday, the host grilled him when he took his longtime partner, Todd Spiewak, while the actor sounded a bit like his theoretical physics character in his response. “I dont know!” he replied when asked if they would tie the knot. “You get so used to your life as it is…” It sounds a bit like Sheldon, who, even after years of dating Amy Farrah Fowler, isnt interested in taking their relationship to the next level. (Just look at how long it took him to give her a real kiss!) “But 11 years is enough time to know (if you want to get married),” DeGeneres insisted. Parsons, correctly, with longtime partner Todd Spiewak at the Met Ball Gala on May 5. Larry Busacca / Today “Hes watching, Todd. Im not saying hes deterred, Im not!” Parsons insisted. “I feel like I wasnt enthusiastic enough about it, and now I feel like Ive missed out because of it.” The private actor, who is currently promoting his new HBO film “The Normal Heart,” quietly came out in 2012 during an interview with The New York Times. “When did you get into my mother?!” Parsons later joked. Although the actor likes to keep his private life private, he showed his longtime love at the gala. “It was the most interesting, eclectic collection of people Ive ever seen in my life,” Parsons said before heading off to see football great Tom Brady and supermodel Gisele Bundchen. “They go every year,” DeGeneres reassured him. “I know, but I dont!” Parsons reminded her. “The Normal Heart” airs on May 25 at 9:00 p.m. on HBO. Follow Anna Chan on Google+ and Twitter.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    The star of “The Big Bang Theory,” Jim Parsons, may be more like his lovely character Sheldon Cooper than fans might think. During a visit to “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” on Thursday, the host grilled him when he took his longtime partner, Todd Spiewak, while the actor sounded a bit like his theoretical physics character in his response. “I dont know!” he replied when asked if they would tie the knot. “You get so used to your life as it is…” It sounds a bit like Sheldon, who, even after years of dating Amy Farrah Fowler, isnt interested in taking their relationship to the next level. (Just look at how long it took him to give her a real kiss!) “But 11 years is enough time to know (if you want to get married),” DeGeneres insisted. Parsons, correctly, with longtime partner Todd Spiewak at the Met Ball Gala on May 5. Larry Busacca / Today “Hes watching, Todd. Im not saying hes deterred, Im not!” Parsons insisted. “I feel like I wasnt enthusiastic enough about it, and now I feel like Ive missed out because of it.” The private actor, who is currently promoting his new HBO film “The Normal Heart,” quietly came out in 2012 during an interview with The New York Times. “When did you get into my mother?!” Parsons later joked. Although the actor likes to keep his private life private, he showed his longtime love at the gala. “It was the most interesting, eclectic collection of people Ive ever seen in my life,” Parsons said before heading off to see football great Tom Brady and supermodel Gisele Bundchen. “They go every year,” DeGeneres reassured him. “I know, but I dont!” Parsons reminded her. “The Normal Heart” airs on May 25 at 9:00 p.m. on HBO. Follow Anna Chan on Google+ and Twitter.

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