Allison Williamsová, setkat se s dámami, které se pustily: ženy s vysokým létáním, které hrály Peter Pan

Allison Williamsová, setkat se s dámami, které se pustily: ženy s vysokým létáním, které hrály Peter Pan

Když Allison Williams vystoupí na pódium v ​​seriálu NBC “Peter Pan Live!” na 4 prosinec bude nejnovější v dlouhém řetězci ozdobných a plodných ženských herců, které převezmou roli Chlapečka, který by nevyrůstal. A ona je v dobré společnosti. 

Allison Williams: Role “Peter Pan” je “neuvěřitelně zábavná”


Sandy Duncan a Cathy Rigby McCoy se ve čtvrtek ráno připojili k Williamsovi, aby si povídali o tom,.

Tady je pohled na herečky, kteří si vzali tu druhou hvězdu napravo a přímo na “do rána – někteří, kteří vás možná dokonce překvapí!

Mary Martin as Peter Pan, with the Darling children Maureen Bailey, Kent Fletcher and Joey Trent in a 1960 TV special.
Mary Martin jako Peter Pan, s dětmi v Darlingu Maureen Bailey, Kent Fletcher a Joey Trent v televizi z roku 1960.Dnes

Mary Martin vznikla role panu Pan v Broadwayové hudební verzi jeho příběhu (“Peter Pan, Chlapec, který by nevyrostl”), když získala Tony v roce 1955. Rovněž hrála roli na třech samostatných televizních zprávách NBC 1955, 1956 a 1960 a v roce 1956 získal Emmy za část.

Ale ona nebyla první žena na Broadwayi v roli dlouhý výstřel: herečka Maude Adams vylíčil Pan a vypnout od 1905-25. 

Peter Pan přelétl vysoko na Broadwayi sedmkrát v hře a šestkrát v muzikálu.

Mia Farrow as Peter Pan in 1976.
Mia Farrowová jako Peter Pan v roce 1976.Dnes

V roce 1976 se NBC a Hallmark of Hall of Fame spojili do úplně nové hudební verze příběhu (se skladbami, které dnes dnes nejsou známé) a přehlídka vyhrál Emmy. Sir John Gielgud vyprávěl, Julie Andrewsová zpíval jednu z písniček nad kredity a blonďatý Mia Farrowová (pak 31) zobrazil hlavní znak.

Sandy Duncan takes flight as Peter Pan on Broadway with a new set of Darling children played by Marsha Kramer and Jonathan Ward.
Sandy Duncan letí jako Peter Pan na Broadwayi s novou sadou Darlingových dětí, kterou hrají Marsha Kramer a Jonathan Ward.Dnes

Sandy Duncan vedl oživení hudebního na Broadwayi v letech 1979-81; ona přijala roli, když jí bylo 33 a získalo nominaci Tony za to v roce 1980. 

Cathy Rigby went from the Olympics to playing Peter Pan and fighting with Captain Hook in 1974.
Cathy Rigby odešla z olympijských her, hrála Peter Pan a bojovala s kapitánem Hookem v roce 1974.Dnes

Gymnast a vítěz olympijské medaile Cathy Rigby bylo 21, když začala hrát Peter Pan v dalším oživení hudební off-Broadway v roce 1974. Ona vyšla z velmi raného “odchodu do důchodu”, aby vystoupila a milovala svou část tak hodně, že se vrátila na Broadwayi v roce 1990, aby ho zahrál a vypnul až do roku 1999 (vyhrála dvě nominace Tonyho v procesu). Ona se pak vrátila zpátky – Broadway s partou a hrála Pan až do loňského roku, kdy jí bylo 61 let.

Samozřejmě, že ne každý pan byl žena. V live-action 2003 filmu “Peter Pan” hrál Jeremy Sumpter, zatímco v roce 1991 je “Hook” Robin Williams hrál chlapa, který nakonec vyrostl. A na Broadwayově “Petru a Starcatcherovi”, dětský herec, který vylíčil postavu, která šla z Chlapce k Petrovi, byla ve skutečnosti chlapeček Adam Chanler-Berat.

Allison Williams sets a course for adventure as the newest Peter Pan.
Allison Williams nastaví kurz dobrodružství jako nejnovější Peter Pan.NBC / Today

Další v této dlouhé řadě dámských v maskování je, samozřejmě, Williamsová – kdo je 26. Určitě vypadá. Ať se stane cokoli, víme, že bude po celou dobu v její hře.

Sledujte Randee Dawn na Google+ a Twitteru.   

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Czech to English:

    When Allison Williams takes the stage in NBCs “Peter Pan Live!” on December 4th, she will be the latest in a long line of talented and prolific female actors to take on the role of the boy who wouldnt grow up. And she is in good company. Sandy Duncan and Cathy Rigby McCoy joined Williams on Thursday morning to talk about it. Heres a look at some of the actresses who have taken the second star to the right and straight on til morning – some of whom may even surprise you! Mary Martin as Peter Pan, with the Darling children Maureen Bailey, Kent Fletcher and Joey Trent on the 1960 television broadcast. Today Mary Martin originated the role of Pan in the Broadway musical version of his story (“Peter Pan, the Boy Who Wouldnt Grow Up”), winning a Tony in 1955. She also played the role in three separate NBC television broadcasts in 1955, 1956 and 1960, and won an Emmy for the latter in 1956. But she wasnt the first woman to take flight on Broadway: actress Maude Adams portrayed Pan on and off from 1905-25. Mia Farrow as Peter Pan in 1976. Today In 1976, NBC and Hallmark of Hall of Fame teamed up for an entirely new musical version of the story (with songs that arent known today) and the show won an Emmy. Sir John Gielgud narrated, Julie Andrews sang one of the songs over the credits, and blonde Mia Farrow (then 31) portrayed the lead character. Sandy Duncan flying as Peter Pan on Broadway with a new set of Darling children played by Marsha Kramer and Jonathan Ward. Today Sandy Duncan led a revival of the musical on Broadway from 1979-81; she took on the role when she was 33 and earned a Tony nomination for it in 1980. Cathy Rigby left the Olympics, played Peter Pan and battled Captain Hook in 1974. Today Gymnast and Olympic medalist Cathy Rigby was 21 when she began playing Peter Pan in another off-Broadway musical revival in 1974. She came out of very early “retirement” to perform and loved her part so much that she returned to Broadway in 1990 to play

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Czech to English:

    When Allison Williams takes the stage in NBCs “Peter Pan Live!” on December 4th, she will be the latest in a long line of talented and prolific female actors to take on the role of the boy who wouldnt grow up. And she is in good company. Sandy Duncan and Cathy Rigby McCoy joined Williams on Thursday morning to talk about it. Heres a look at some of the actresses who have taken the second star to the right and straight on til morning – some of whom may even surprise you! Mary Martin as Peter Pan, with the Darling children Maureen Bailey, Kent Fletcher and Joey Trent on the 1960 television broadcast. Today Mary Martin originated the role of Pan in the Broadway musical version of his story (“Peter Pan, the Boy Who Wouldnt Grow Up”), winning a Tony in 1955. She also played the role in three separate NBC television broadcasts in 1955, 1956 and 1960, and won an Emmy for the latter in 1956. But she wasnt the first woman to take flight on Broadway: actress Maude Adams portrayed Pan on and off from 1905-25. Mia Farrow as Peter Pan in 1976. Today In 1976, NBC and Hallmark of Hall of Fame teamed up for an entirely new musical version of the story (with songs that arent known today) and the show won an Emmy. Sir John Gielgud narrated, Julie Andrews sang one of the songs over the credits, and blonde Mia Farrow (then 31) portrayed the lead character. Sandy Duncan flying as Peter Pan on Broadway with a new set of Darling children played by Marsha Kramer and Jonathan Ward. Today Sandy Duncan led a revival of the musical on Broadway from 1979-81; she took on the role when she was 33 and earned a Tony nomination for it in 1980. Cathy Rigby left the Olympics, played Peter Pan and battled Captain Hook in 1974. Today Gymnast and Olympic medalist Cathy Rigby was 21 when she began playing Peter Pan in another off-Broadway musical revival in 1974. She came out of very early “retirement” to perform and loved her part so much that she returned to Broadway in 1990 to play

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