“Kitchen Nightmares” verwandelte Amy’s Baking Co. für die Verrückten in “Disneyland”, sagt Besitzer

“Kitchen Nightmares” verwandelte Amy’s Baking Co. für die Verrückten in “Disneyland”, sagt Besitzer

Wer könnte das explosive Saisonfinale von “Kitchen Nightmares” vergessen, als Star Gordon Ramsay aufgab und Amy’s Baking Co. in Arizona verließ? Die Episode sorgte dank der Eigentümer Amy und Samy Bouzaglo, die sowohl persönlich als auch online Kunden beschimpften, für zahlreiche Schlagzeilen.

Nun kehrt die Show für die Premiere der sechsten Staffel in die Bäckerei zurück, um zu sehen, wie es den Bouzaglos ergeht. Und in einem exklusiven Vorgeschmack, den Fox zuerst mit TODAY.com teilt, scheint es, dass die Dinge für die Restaurantbesitzer närrischer geworden sind.

“Wir sind die Touristenattraktion Nr. 1 für den Sommer, nur für die Verrückten wie Disneyland!” Besitzer Amy erklärt.

“Diese Show hat aus einer Vielzahl von Gründen so viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt und wir haben beschlossen, mehr Zeit zu investieren, als nur in eine neue Show zu bringen”, sagte Executive Producer Arthur Smith am Dienstag bei einer Telefonkonferenz. 

Aber für diejenigen, die auf einen Showdown zwischen Ramsay und dem feurigen Paar hoffen, tut mir leid, die Neuigkeiten zu brechen, aber es wird nicht passieren.

“So wie die Dinge noch waren, Gordon ging aus und es war eine sehr hitzige Abfahrt, wir entschieden, dass es das Beste war, dass Gordon nicht gegangen ist, und auch nicht zurück wollte”, erklärte Smith. “Also zogen wir es vor, es so zu machen – schick einen Reporter in … und lass sie nachsehen und sehen, was sie machen und sehen, wie sie sich fühlen und alles andere.”

Nicht, dass Ramsay zusammen in der Episode fehlen wird. Wie Smith hervorhob, wird der Star die Show moderieren und kommentieren, was er durchgemacht hat und was er fühlte, während er diese letzte Episode filmte.

Und für diejenigen, die beim ersten Mal nicht genug von dem Drama bekommen haben? Smith sagte, dass es in der Staffelpremiere aus der letztjährigen Episode neues Material geben wird.

“Es war eine harte Show, bis zu 42 Minuten zu bearbeiten, also hatten wir eine Menge zusätzliches Material, das wir für interessant hielten”, sagte Smith.

“Kitchen Nightmares” Premieren mit einer speziellen zweistündigen Episode Freitag um 20 Uhr. auf Fox.

Folge Anna Chan auf Google+.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    Who could forget the explosive season finale of “Kitchen Nightmares” when star Gordon Ramsay gave up and left Amys Baking Co. in Arizona? The episode made headlines thanks to owners Amy and Samy Bouzaglo, who insulted both customers in person and online. Now the show returns to the bakery for the premiere of the sixth season to see how the Bouzaglos are doing. And in an exclusive preview that Fox is sharing with TODAY.com, it seems that things have gotten even crazier for the restaurant owners. “We are the number one tourist attraction for the summer, only for the crazy ones like Disneyland!” owner Amy explains. “This show has attracted so much attention for a variety of reasons, and we decided to invest more time than just bringing in a new show,” Executive Producer Arthur Smith said Tuesday on a conference call. But for those hoping for a showdown between Ramsay and the fiery couple, Im sorry to break the news, but it wont happen. “As things were, Gordon left and it was a very heated departure, we decided it was best for Gordon not to go back,” Smith explained. “So we preferred to do it this way – send a reporter in… and let them check and see what theyre doing and how they feel and everything else.” Not that Ramsay will be missing from the episode altogether. As Smith highlighted, the star will host the show and comment on what he went through and how he felt while filming this final episode. And for those who didnt get enough drama the first time around? Smith said there will be new material from last years episode in the season premiere. “It was a tough show to edit down to 42 minutes, so we had a lot of additional material that we found interesting,” Smith said. “Kitchen Nightmares” premieres with a special two-hour episode Friday at 8 p.m. on Fox. Follow Anna Chan on Google+.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    Who could forget the explosive season finale of “Kitchen Nightmares” when star Gordon Ramsay gave up and left Amys Baking Co. in Arizona? The episode made headlines thanks to owners Amy and Samy Bouzaglo, who insulted both customers in person and online. Now the show returns to the bakery for the premiere of the sixth season to see how the Bouzaglos are doing. And in an exclusive preview that Fox is sharing with TODAY.com, it seems that things have gotten even crazier for the restaurant owners. “We are the number one tourist attraction for the summer, only for the crazy people like Disneyland!” Owner Amy explains. “This show has attracted so much attention for a variety of reasons, and we decided to invest more time than just bringing in a new show,” Executive Producer Arthur Smith said Tuesday on a conference call. But for those hoping for a showdown between Ramsay and the fiery couple, sorry to break the news, but it wont happen. “As things were, Gordon left and it was a very heated departure, we decided it was best for Gordon not to go back,” Smith explained. “So we preferred to do it this way – send a reporter in… and let them check and see what they do and how they feel and everything else.” Not that Ramsay will be missing from the episode altogether. As Smith highlighted, the star will host the show and comment on what he went through and how he felt while filming this final episode. And for those who didnt get enough drama the first time around? Smith said there will be new material from last years episode in the season premiere. “It was a tough show to edit down to 42 minutes, so we had a lot of additional material that we found interesting,” Smith said. “Kitchen Nightmares” premieres with a special two-hour episode Friday at 8 p.m. on Fox. Follow Anna Chan on Google+.

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