Hugh Jackman macht unseren Tag, eine Tatsache, die wir bereits ausführlich erklärt haben.
Hugh Jackman photobombs Fernsehreporter
Aber Anfang dieser Woche machte er auch den Tag einer australischen TV-Reporterin namens Jessica Turner. Während sie vor der Kamera berichtete, tauchte Jackman aus dem Gebäude hinter ihr auf. Unfähig zu widerstehen, warf Jackman seine Arme weit aus und grinste.
Turner drehte sich um und lachte erfreut.
Und das, wie sie sagen, hätte für einen wundervollen Moment gereicht. Aber es gibt noch mehr zu dieser Geschichte: Das Gebäude, aus dem Jackman und seine Frau Deborra-Lee Furness herauskamen, war ein Krankenhaus, in dem er kranke Kinder im Rahmen seiner Arbeit bei der Stiftung “Fight Cancer Foundation” besucht hatte.
Turner war nicht völlig überrascht, dass Jackman im Gebäude hinter ihr war. Sie war geschickt worden, um die Geschichte zu erzählen. Es war die Photobombe – oder ist das eine Videobombe? – Das hat sie überrascht.
Wie Turner später in ihrem Blog schrieb: “Ich hörte jemanden hinter mir schreien, aber wie alle Reporter bin ich geübt darin, jede Hintergrundverrücktheit zu unterdrücken und konzentriert zu bleiben. Also machte ich weiter. Bis der Wolverine praktisch seine Arme hatte mich!
“Du kannst es nicht wirklich in dem Clip hören, aber er schrie sogar, Entschuldigung ‘, als ich antwortete:’ Die beste Art von Photobombe Hugh! ‘ Ja, Sie können mich den ganzen Tag mit Fotobomben bombardieren, “schrieb sie.
Das Gefühl ist entschieden gegenseitig.
Bonus: Jackman freut sich weiterhin, dieses unverwandte, aber erstaunliche Throwback Thursday Foto zu posten:
Folgen Sie Randee Dawn auf Google+ und Twitter.
Hugh Jackman is definitely making our day, as we have already explained in detail. But earlier this week, he also made the day of an Australian TV reporter named Jessica Turner. While she was reporting in front of the camera, Jackman appeared from the building behind her and photobombed her. Unable to resist, Jackman threw his arms wide and grinned. Turner turned around and laughed delightedly. And that, as they say, would have been enough for a wonderful moment. But theres more to this story: the building from which Jackman and his wife Deborra-Lee Furness emerged was a hospital where he had visited sick children as part of his work with the Fight Cancer Foundation. Turner was not completely surprised that Jackman was in the building behind her. She had been sent to tell the story. It was the photobomb – or is that a videobomb? – that surprised her. As Turner later wrote in her blog: “I heard someone screaming behind me, but like all reporters, Im trained to suppress any background craziness and stay focused. So I kept going. Until Wolverine practically had his arms around me! “You cant really hear it in the clip, but he even shouted sorry as I replied, The best kind of photobomb, Hugh! Yes, you can bomb me with photos all day,” she wrote. The feeling is decidedly mutual. Bonus: Jackman continues to post this unguarded but amazing Throwback Thursday photo: “First day of our honeymoon, April 1996. #TheDebs #TBT.”
Hugh Jackman is definitely making our day, as we have already explained in detail. But earlier this week, he also made the day of an Australian TV reporter named Jessica Turner. While she was reporting in front of the camera, Jackman appeared from the building behind her and photobombed her. Unable to resist, Jackman threw his arms wide and grinned. Turner turned around and laughed delightedly. And that, as they say, would have been enough for a wonderful moment. But theres more to this story: the building from which Jackman and his wife Deborra-Lee Furness emerged was a hospital where he had visited sick children as part of his work with the Fight Cancer Foundation. Turner was not completely surprised that Jackman was in the building behind her. She had been sent to tell the story. It was the photobomb – or is that a videobomb? – that surprised her. As Turner later wrote in her blog: “I heard someone screaming behind me, but like all reporters, Im trained to suppress any background craziness and stay focused. So I kept going. Until Wolverine practically had his arms around me! “You cant really hear it in the clip, but he even shouted sorry as I replied, The best kind of photobomb, Hugh! Yes, you can bomb me with photos all day,” she wrote. The feeling is decidedly mutual. Bonus: Jackman continues to post this unguarded but amazing Throwback Thursday photo: “First day of our honeymoon, April 1996. #TheDebs #TBT.”