“Звездата на играта на тронове” Натали Дормър е изрязана нагоре с полуобръсна глава

“Звездата на играта на тронове” Натали Дормър е изрязана нагоре с полуобръсна глава

На “Игра на тронове”, Margery на Натали Дормър е трябвало да издържи доста тежки моменти, благодарение на садистката си годеница, крал Йофри. Но в понеделник в понеделник британската актриса разкри, че тя може да бъде една твърда бисквитка точно назад.

Как Натали Дормър крие прическата “Гладните игри”


Вземете например косата си. В ролята на Кресида в предстоящия филм “Hunger Games” “Mockingjay” актрисата се подготви за сериозна трансформация, тъй като й беше казала, че главата й ще бъде обръсната. – В края на краищата се оттеглих леко – каза тя. “Съгласих се да бръсна цялата си глава, а след това имах конференция с директора на Франсис Лорънс и той каза:” Знаеш ли какво, мислех си, че може би ще сме наполовина “.

После вдигна раменете си от рамото от лявата страна на главата, за да разкрие, че да, все още беше едва доловимо. – Маргарита носи перука – добави тя бързо, така че “Game of Thrones” не трябваше да има паника.

Действието винаги е било нещо, което Дормер искаше да направи; тя каза като дете, че ще говори със себе си в огледалото и ще направи герои от нейната “тоалетка”. Дете, което прави това, казва тя, “ще бъде или шизофрен или актьор”.

За щастие, за нея беше последната. Но само защото може да разкрие обръсната глава с апломб, или да се изправи срещу сериозната нервност, която може да се появи във Вестерос на “Трони”, не означава, че от време на време не се нуждае от тласък. За това тя има малка татуировка на лявата китка (“страхът е убиецът на ума”), която тя обяснява като извадка от Литва срещу страха от романа на Франк Хърбърт “Дюн”.

“Това е … да ми напомня да се измъкна от моята комфортна зона”, каза тя.

Готово и готово. 

“Игра на тронове” излъчва в неделя в 22 часа. на HBO; “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Част 1” ще се проведе в театри на 21 ноември.

Следвайте Randee Dawn в Google+. 

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    On “Game of Thrones,” Margery, played by Natalie Dormer, had to endure some tough moments thanks to her sadistic fiancé, King Joffrey. But on Monday, the British actress revealed that she can be a tough cookie herself. Take her hair, for example. In her role as Cressida in the upcoming film “Hunger Games: Mockingjay,” the actress prepared for a serious transformation, as she was told her head would be shaved. “In the end, I backed out slightly,” she said. “I agreed to shave my whole head, and then I had a conference with Francis Lawrence, the director, and he said, You know what, I thought maybe wed be halfway.” She then lifted her left shoulder to reveal that, yes, it was still barely noticeable. “Margaery wears a wig,” she quickly added, so “Game of Thrones” didnt have to panic. Acting has always been something Dormer wanted to do; she said as a child she would talk to herself in the mirror and make heroes out of her “dress-up box.” A child who does that, she says, “will either be schizophrenic or an actor.” Fortunately for her, it was the latter. But just because she can confidently reveal a shaved head, or stand up to the serious nerves that can arise in Westeros on “Thrones,” doesnt mean she doesnt need a push from time to time. For that, she has a small tattoo on her left wrist (“fear is the mind-killer”), which she explains is a quote from Frank Herberts “Dune” against the fear. “Its … to remind me to get out of my comfort zone,” she said. Done and done. “Game of Thrones” airs Sundays at 10 p.m. on HBO; “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1” hits theaters on Nov. 21. Follow Randee Dawn on Google+.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    On “Game of Thrones,” Margery, played by Natalie Dormer, had to endure some tough moments thanks to her sadistic fiancé, King Joffrey. But on Monday, the British actress revealed that she can be a tough cookie herself. Take her hair, for example. In her role as Cressida in the upcoming film “Hunger Games: Mockingjay,” the actress prepared for a serious transformation, as she was told her head would be shaved. “In the end, I backed out slightly,” she said. “I agreed to shave my whole head, and then I had a conference with Francis Lawrence, the director, and he said, You know what, I thought maybe wed be halfway.” She then lifted her left shoulder to reveal that, yes, it was still barely detectable. “Margaret wears a wig,” she quickly added, so “Game of Thrones” didnt have to panic. Acting has always been something Dormer wanted to do; she said as a child she would talk to herself in the mirror and make heroes out of her “dresser.” A child who does that, she says, “will either be schizophrenic or an actor.” Fortunately for her, it was the latter. But just because she can confidently reveal her shaved head, or stand up to the serious nerves that can arise in Westeros on “Thrones,” doesnt mean she doesnt need a push from time to time. For that, she has a small tattoo on her left wrist (“fear is the mind-killer”), which she explains is a quote from Frank Herberts “Dune” against the fear. “Its … to remind me to get out of my comfort zone,” she said. Done and done. “Game of Thrones” airs on Sundays at 10 p.m. on HBO; “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1” will be in theaters on November 21. Follow Randee Dawn on Google+.

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