Слава, с четка: Разгледайте изненадващия концерт на Тони Бенет 2023

Слава, с четка: Разгледайте изненадващия концерт на Тони Бенет

Той може да има 17 Грами, пълен график за лятно турне и нов албум по пътя с Лейди Гага, но дори и Тони Бенет се нуждае от почивка от светлината на прожекторите от време на време. Точно тогава той вдига боята.

в his New York art studio, Tony Bennett finishes a painting while sitting among several of his completed works.

Някои фенове на музиката на звездата ще бъдат изненадани да чуят, че Бенет под новото си име Антъни Бенедето е развявал акварели, маслени картини и скици всеки ден от години, независимо дали е на път или работи от светлото си студио в Ню Йорк.

Бенет улови хубавата художествена грешка като дете, рисувайки с тебешир на тротоара близо до детския си дом в Куинс, Ню Йорк, според художествената си биография, и се обучава с различни майстори през целия си живот.

Фотографът и продуцентът на “ДНЕС” Нейл Картър застана зад сцената с Бенет, за да ни достави специален поглед към самостоятелно описан алтер-его на певеца и колоритна творческа работа.

Бенет поздравява посетителите наскоро галерия изложба на работата си в Ню Йорк.

Изображение: Tony Bennett greets visitors to his exhibit in New York. The gallery of paintings and sculptures features work from throughout his career.

Картините на Бенет, до голяма степен вдъхновени от срещи и преживявания в реалния живот, изпълваха пространството.

Картини by Tony Bennett on display at a gallery in Midtown Manhattan. Bennett says he works on his art every day.

Галерия посетител се в Бенет “неделя в Сентръл парк”  

Изображение: A visitor admires the painting

А портрет на покойния актьор Мики Рууни, близък приятел, беше сред по-ранните работи на певеца.

Изображение: A portrait of actor Mickey Rooney by Tony Bennett. The painting is among Bennett's earlier works.

Бенет се радва на експерименти със стилове и медии, както и в тази акварела, вдъхновена от мемориала “Линкълн”.

Изображение: A gallery visitor admires a painting by Tony Bennett

Бенет наскоро се разклони в скулптура с бронзов глинен бюст на приятел Хари Белафонте.

Изображение: A bust of singer-actor Harry Belafonte is displayed among Bennett’s paintings. Bennett titled the sculpture of his dear friend, “The Patriot.”

Певецът подписва платна с Benedetto, фамилното му име.

  AARP поздравява Люк Пери на 50 години, напомня, че вече не сме тийнейджъри
Изображение: Tony Bennett's signature on a canvas

“Бих искал да продължа да се развивам като художник както музикално, така и художествено”, каза Бенет на TODAY.

Изображение: Tony Bennett in his New York studio

Бенет каза, че семейството му е насърчило двойните си страсти в началото, вдъхвайки го и до днес. 

Изображение: Tony Bennett at work in his art studio

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  1. It seems that even Tony Bennett needs a break from the spotlight from time to time, despite having 17 Grammys, a full schedule for a summer tour, and a new album on the way with Lady Gaga. Thats when he picks up the paintbrush. Today, some fans of the stars music will be surprised to hear that Bennett, under his new name Anthony Benedetto, has been waving watercolors, oil paintings, and sketches every day for years, whether on the road or working from his bright studio in New York. Bennett caught the beautiful artistic mistake as a child, drawing with chalk on the sidewalk near his childhood home in Queens, New York, according to his artistic biography, and trained with various masters throughout his life. Photographer and producer Neil Carter stood behind the scenes with Bennett to give us a special look at the singers self-described alter ego and colorful creative work. Bennett greets visitors to his recent exhibition of his work in New York. Today, Bennetts paintings, largely inspired by real-life encounters and experiences, filled the space. Today, a gallery visitor is in Bennetts “Sunday in Central Park.” Today, a portrait of the late actor Mickey Rooney, a close friend, was among the singers earlier works. Today, Bennett enjoys experimenting with styles and media, as in this watercolor inspired by the Lincoln Memorial. Today, Bennett recently branched out into sculpture with a bronze clay bust of friend Harry Belafonte. Today, the singer signs canvases with Benedetto, his family name. “I would like to continue to develop as an artist both musically and artistically,” Bennett told TODAY. Bennett said his family encouraged his dual passions from the beginning, inspiring him to this day.

  2. It seems that even Tony Bennett needs a break from the spotlight from time to time, despite having 17 Grammys, a full schedule for a summer tour, and a new album on the way with Lady Gaga. Thats when he picks up the paintbrush. Today, some fans of the stars music will be surprised to hear that Bennett, under his new name Anthony Benedetto, has been waving watercolors, oil paintings, and sketches every day for years, whether on the road or working from his bright studio in New York. Bennett caught the beautiful artistic mistake as a child, drawing with chalk on the sidewalk near his childhood home in Queens, New York, according to his artistic biography, and trained with various masters throughout his life. Photographer and producer Neil Carter stood behind the scenes with Bennett to give us a special look at the singers self-described alter ego and colorful creative work. Bennett greets visitors to his recent exhibition of his work in New York. Today, Bennetts paintings, largely inspired by real-life encounters and experiences, filled the space. Today, a gallery visitor is in Bennetts “Sunday in Central Park.” Today, a portrait of the late actor Mickey Rooney, a close friend, was among the singers earlier works. Today, Bennett enjoys experimenting with styles and media, as in this watercolor inspired by the Lincoln Memorial. Today, Bennett recently branched out into sculpture with a bronze clay bust of friend Harry Belafonte. Today, the singer signs canvases with Benedetto, his family name. “I would like to continue to develop as an artist both musically and artistically,” Bennett told TODAY. Bennett said his family encouraged his dual passions from the beginning, inspiring him to this day.

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