Бившият бивш шампион по бокс Victor Ortiz знаеше, че е танцувал последната си програма за “Dancing With the Stars”, след като изпълни разочароващата румба с про-партньора Линдзи Арнолд в понеделник вечер.
“Моето представяне не се случи, както беше в репетиция”, заяви Ортис скромно на репортерите, след като беше елиминиран във вторник. “Приех в понеделник, че ще бъдем елиминирани.”
Ортис каза, че не съжалява за “Танцуващата” тича, в която е включен видео-пакетът, който му показа, че се е отворил за неуспешна връзка. “Аз не вземам от този опит обратно”, каза той. “Обичах всяка минута от това. Все още печеля, защото направих страхотни приятели и (срещнах) и страхотен гал. Винаги ще бъда фен на мис Линдзи.
Арнолд, подобно на други изгонени професионалисти, ще се върне за резултати, показващи изпълнения. Тя също се надява да се върне през следващия сезон с друга звезда.
“През този сезон бях толкова голям,” каза тя.
Междувременно, Ortiz вече планира да се върне на ринга. “Направих обаждане преди няколко седмици, защото имах чувството, че скоро ще бъда елиминиран”, разкри той. “Уведомях ръководството си, за да се сража. Ще се бия отново през следващите няколко месеца за световен шампионат.
Арнолд и Ортис ще се запишат на дансинга още веднъж, когато всички изхвърлени двойки се завърнат за финала на сезона през май. Докато някои елиминирани звезди не се наслаждават на тази мисъл, всъщност е добре с Ortiz.
– Това ще ми помогне, каза той. – Ще мине известно време, за да си върша работата, а после ще се върна и ще кажа: “Нека се занимаваме с това!”
As an AI language model, I do not have a native language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:
Former boxing champion Victor Ortiz knew he had danced his last program on “Dancing With the Stars” after performing a disappointing rumba with pro partner Lindsay Arnold on Monday night. “My performance didnt happen as it was in rehearsal,” Ortiz humbly told reporters after being eliminated on Tuesday. “I accepted on Monday that we were going to be eliminated.” Ortiz said he had no regrets about the “Dancing” run, which included a video package that showed him opening up about a failed relationship. “I dont take anything back from this experience,” he said. “I loved every minute of it. I still win because I made great friends and (met) a great gal. Ill always be a fan of Miss Lindsay.” Arnold, like other eliminated pros, will return for results-show performances. She also hopes to return next season with another star. “I was so big this season,” she said. Meanwhile, Ortiz is already planning a return to the ring. “I made a call a few weeks ago because I had a feeling I was going to be eliminated soon,” he revealed. “I notified my management to fight. Ill be fighting again in the next few months for a world championship.” Arnold and Ortiz will dance together once more when all the eliminated couples return for the season finale in May. While some eliminated stars may not relish the thought, Ortiz is actually fine with it. “Itll help me,” he said. “Itll take some time to get over it, and then Ill come back and say, Lets do this!”
As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Bulgarian:
Former boxing champion Victor Ortiz knew he had danced his last program for “Dancing With the Stars” after performing a disappointing rumba with pro partner Lindsay Arnold on Monday night. “My performance didnt happen as it was in rehearsal,” Ortiz humbly told reporters after being eliminated on Tuesday. “I accepted on Monday that we would be eliminated.” Ortiz said he did not regret the “Dancing” run, which included a video package that showed him opening up about a failed relationship. “I dont take back anything from this experience,” he said. “I loved every minute of it. I still win because I made great friends and (met) a great gal. I will always be a fan of Miss Lindsay.” Arnold, like other eliminated pros, will return for results shows featuring performances. She also hopes to return next season with another star. “I was so big this season,” she said. Meanwhile, Ortiz is already planning to return to the ring. “I made a call a few weeks ago because I had a feeling I was going to be eliminated soon,” he revealed. “I notified my management to fight. I will fight again in the next few months for a world championship.” Arnold and Ortiz will dance together once more when all eliminated couples return for the season finale in May. While some eliminated stars may not relish the thought, Ortiz is actually fine with it. “This will help me,” he said. “It will take some time to get the job done, and then Ill come back and say, Lets do this!”