Моли Шанън си спомня момент за “суперзвезда” като “Мери Катрин Галахър” на SNL

Моли Шанън си спомня момент за “суперзвезда” като “Мери Катрин Галахър” на SNL

В последната си роля в “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl”, Моли Шанън отнема почивка от комедията, за да покаже по-сериозна страна. Но за феновете, които я познават добре, Shannon отдавна е незабравима, благодарение на нейните скандални, чаровни герои на “Saturday Night Live” – ​​като Мери Катрин Галахер.

Моли Шанън е “горд” да участва в “Me and Earl”


Както тя обясни в ДНЕС в понеделник, Мери Катерин беше герой, който никой не разбираше “SNL” веднага. Социално неудобно католическо ученическо училище, предразположено към обявяването на “суперзвезда”, трябваше да се вярва. И едва преди репетицията точно преди нейния дебют на живо, Шанън наистина трябваше да я покаже.

“Вие репетирате всички скици в събота преди шоуто”, обясни тя, “и те слагат път до дъното, което обикновено са тези скици, които не го правят. И аз си мисля:” Аз не мислят, че разбират какво ще бъде това! … Аз бях като, “Трябва да им покажа какво е.”

И тя го направи.

Моли Шанън: Целунах един от моите “SNL” калмати


“Наистина им показах какво е, че ще падне и че е физическо, и тя ще скочи и ще скочи на столове”, спомня си тя.

Шанън получи своята награда: Скицата премина от дъното на шоуто до върха. И Мери Катрин получи “суперзвездата”! момент.

женствен мъж Shannon and TODAY's Natalie Morales, both portraying Shannon's
Моли Шанън и Натали Моралес на ДНЕС, както и Мери Катрин Галахър.NBC; ДНЕС

Плюс това, през 2014 г. получи още една чест: Натали Моралес на ДНЕС днес се облече като Мери Катрин за Хелоуин!

– Обичам Натали като Мери Катрин Галахър – усмихна се Шанън.

“Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” се открива в избрани театри на 12 юни. Другият проект на Шанън, серията предисловие “Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp”, премиери на Netflix на 31 юли.

Следвайте Randee Dawn в Google+ и Twitter.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Bulgarian:

    In her latest role in “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl,” Molly Shannon takes a break from comedy to show a more serious side. But for fans who know her well, Shannon has long been unforgettable thanks to her scandalous, charming characters on “Saturday Night Live” – like Mary Catherine Gallagher. Molly Shannon is “proud” to be part of “Me and Earl” Jun.08.201504:49 As she explained in TODAY on Monday, Mary Catherine was a character that no one understood on “SNL” right away. Socially awkward Catholic schoolgirl, predisposed to declaring herself a “superstar,” had to believe in herself. And just before the rehearsal just before her live debut, Shannon really had to show her. “You rehearse all the sketches on Saturday before the show,” she explained, “and they put a path to the bottom, which is usually those sketches that dont do it. And Im like, I dont think they understand what this is going to be! … I was like, I have to show them what it is. And she did it. Molly Shannon: I kissed one of my “SNL” calmatives Jun.08.201505:05 “I really showed them what it was, that she would fall and that it was physical, and she would jump and jump on chairs,” she recalls. Shannon got her reward: The sketch went from the bottom of the show to the top. And Mary Catherine got her “superstar” moment. Molly Shannon and Natalie Morales on TODAY, as well as Mary Catherine Gallagher.NBC; TODAY Plus, in 2014, she received another honor: Natalie Morales on TODAY dressed up as Mary Catherine for Halloween! – I love Natalie as Mary Catherine Gallagher – Shannon smiled. “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” opens in select theaters on June 12. Shannons other project, the prequel series “Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp,” premieres on Netflix on July 31. Follow Randee Dawn on Google+ and Twitter.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Bulgarian:

    In her latest role in “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl,” Molly Shannon takes a break from comedy to show a more serious side. But for fans who know her well, Shannon has long been unforgettable thanks to her scandalous, charming characters on “Saturday Night Live” – like Mary Catherine Gallagher. Molly Shannon is “proud” to be part of “Me and Earl” Jun.08.201504:49 As she explained in TODAY on Monday, Mary Catherine was a character that no one understood on “SNL” right away. Socially awkward Catholic schoolgirl, predisposed to declaring herself a “superstar,” had to believe in herself. And just before the rehearsal just before her live debut, Shannon really had to show her. “You rehearse all the sketches on Saturday before the show,” she explained, “and they put a path to the bottom, which is usually those sketches that dont do it. And Im like, I dont think they understand what this is going to be! … I was like, I have to show them what it is. And she did it. Molly Shannon: I kissed one of my “SNL” calmatives Jun.08.201505:05 “I really showed them what it was, that she would fall and that it was physical, and she would jump and jump on chairs,” she recalls. Shannon got her reward: The sketch went from the bottom of the show to the top. And Mary Catherine got her “superstar” moment. Molly Shannon and Natalie Morales on TODAY, as well as Mary Catherine Gallagher.NBC; TODAY Plus, in 2014, she received another honor: Natalie Morales on TODAY dressed up as Mary Catherine for Halloween! – I love Natalie as Mary Catherine Gallagher – Shannon smiled. “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” opens in select theaters on June 12. Shannons other project, the prequel series “Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp,” premieres on Netflix on July 31. Follow Randee Dawn on Google+ and Twitter.

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