Голият истина за Джейк Гиленхал снимка

Голият истина за Джейк Гиленхал снимка

UPDATE: Джейк Гиленхал признава, че е много гол в новия си филм “Любов и други лекарства”. Но може би не това гола. Гиленхал заяви пред Esquire Великобритания: “Бях много гола във филма, бях гола в по-голяма част от това, отколкото дори в последното изрязване. Но горната снимка, правейки кръга в мрежата в петък, почти със сигурност не е Gyllenhaal. Ето връзка към снимка, която изглежда е променена. Очевидно за някои фенове, истинският плакат за филма не стигна достатъчно далеч. Призивите към дистрибутора на филма, “20th Century Fox”, не бяха върнати.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English for better understanding.

    UPDATE: Jake Gyllenhaal admits that he is very naked in his new film “Love and Other Drugs”. But maybe not that naked. Gyllenhaal told Esquire UK: “I was very naked in the movie, I was naked in more of it than even the last cut. But the topless photo that made the rounds on Friday is almost certainly not me. Heres a link to a picture that looks altered. Obviously, for some fans, the real poster for the movie didnt go far enough. Calls to the films distributor, 20th Century Fox, were not returned.” Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on WhatsAppShare on LinkedInShare on Pinterest

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English for better understanding.

    UPDATE: Jake Gyllenhaal admits that he is very naked in his new film “Love and Other Drugs”. But maybe not that naked. Gyllenhaal told Esquire UK: “I was very naked in the movie, I was naked in more of it than even ended up in the final cut. But the topless photo making the rounds on the internet on Friday, almost certainly isnt Gyllenhaal. Heres a link to a photo that looks like it was doctored. Apparently, for some fans, the real poster for the movie didnt go far enough. Calls to the films distributor, 20th Century Fox, were not returned.”

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