Елън скача Джим Парсънс, когато ще се ожени за партньора си

Елън скача Джим Парсънс, когато ще се ожени за партньора си

Звездата “Теория на Големия взрив” Джим Парсънс може да е по-скоро неговият извратен Шелдън Купър, отколкото феновете могат да мислят. По време на посещение в “Елън Дженералс шоу” в четвъртък домакинът го приготви, когато се ожени за дългогодишния си партньор Тод Спиев, докато актьорът звучеше малко като неговия теоретичен физик в отговорите му. 

“Не знам!” той отговори, когато е попитан дали ще свържат възела. – Ти си толкова свикнал с живота си, както е …

Звучи малко като как Шелдън, дори след години на запознанство на Ейми Фара Фовер, няма интерес да захване връзката си със следващото ниво. (Просто вижте колко време му е нужно да му даде истинска целувка!)

“Но 11 години е достатъчно време да знаете (дали искате да се омъжите)”, заяви Дегенерес.

Изображение: Todd Spiewak, Jim Parsons
Парсонс, прав, с дългогодишния партньор Тод Спиев, който се проведе на 5 май в Met Ball Gala.Лари Бусака / Днес

– Той гледа, Тод. Не казвам, че го е обезкуражавал, не съм! – настоя Парсънс. “Чувствам се така, сякаш не съм достатъчно ентусиазиран, а сега се чувствам като губещ за каузата.”

Частният актьор, който понастоящем популяризира новия си филм на HBO “The Normal Heart”, тихо излезе през 2012 г. по време на интервю в The New York Times.

– Кога се превърна в моя майка?!”Парсонс по-късно се пошегува.

Въпреки че актьорът обича да запази частния си живот личен, той се отказал от дългогодишната си любов в Met Gala. 

“Това беше най-интересната, еклектична колекция от хора, които някога съм виждал в живота си”, изтъкна Парсънс, преди да се разболя, за да види футболния велик Том Брейди и супермоделката Жизел Бундхен. 

– Идват всяка година – развълнува се Дегенерес.

“Знам но аз не! – напомни й Парсънс.

“The Normal Heart” излъчва 25 май в 9 часа. на HBO.

Следвайте Ан Чан в Google+ и Twitter.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    The star of “The Big Bang Theory” Jim Parsons may be more like his quirky character Sheldon Cooper than fans might think. During a visit to “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” on Thursday, the host caught him off guard when she married him to his longtime partner Todd Spiewak, while the actor sounded a bit like his theoretical physicist character in his responses. “I dont know!” he replied when asked if they would tie the knot. “Youre so used to your life as it is… It sounds a little like how Sheldon, even after years of dating Amy Farrah Fowler, has no interest in taking their relationship to the next level. (Just look at how long it took him to give her a real kiss!) “But 11 years is enough time to know (if you want to get married),” DeGeneres said. Parsons, who is right, with longtime partner Todd Spiewak, who tied the knot on May 5 at the Met Ball Gala. “Hes watching, Todd. Im not saying hes discouraging me, Im not!” Parsons insisted. “I feel like Im not enthusiastic enough, and now I feel like Im losing for the cause.” The private actor, who is currently promoting his new HBO film “The Normal Heart,” quietly came out in 2012 during an interview with The New York Times. “When did he become my mother?!” Parsons later joked. Although the actor likes to keep his private life private, he did make a public declaration of his longtime love at the Met Gala. “It was the most interesting, eclectic collection of people Ive ever seen in my life,” Parsons said before falling ill to see football great Tom Brady and supermodel Gisele Bundchen. “They come every year,” DeGeneres exclaimed. “I know, but I dont!” Parsons reminded her. “The Normal Heart” airs on May 25 at 9 p.m. on HBO. Follow Ann Chan on Google+ and Twitter.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    The star of “The Big Bang Theory” Jim Parsons may be more like his quirky character Sheldon Cooper than fans might think. During a visit to “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” on Thursday, the host caught him off guard when she married him to his longtime partner Todd Spiewak, while the actor sounded a bit like his theoretical physicist character in his responses. “I dont know!” he replied when asked if they would tie the knot. “Youre so used to your life as it is… It sounds a little like how Sheldon, even after years of dating Amy Farrah Fowler, has no interest in taking their relationship to the next level. (Just look at how long it took him to give her a real kiss!) “But 11 years is enough time to know (if you want to get married),” DeGeneres said. Parsons, who is in a long-term relationship with Spiewak, tied the knot on May 5 at the Met Ball Gala. “Hes watching, Todd. Im not saying hes discouraging me, Im not!” Parsons insisted. “I feel like Im not enthusiastic enough, and now I feel like Im losing for the cause.” The private actor, who is currently promoting his new HBO film “The Normal Heart,” quietly came out in 2012 during an interview with The New York Times. “When did I turn into my mother?!” Parsons later joked. Although the actor likes to keep his private life private, he did make a public declaration of his longtime love at the Met Gala. “It was the most interesting, eclectic collection of people Ive ever seen in my life,” Parsons said before falling ill to see football great Tom Brady and supermodel Gisele Bundchen. “They come every year,” DeGeneres exclaimed. “I know but I dont!” Parsons reminded her. “The Normal Heart” airs on May 25 at 9 p.m. on HBO. Follow Ann Chan on Google+ and Twitter.

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