Джули Андрюс, Кристофър Плъмър се събират за 50 години от “Звук на музиката”

Джули Андрюс, Кристофър Плъмър се събират за 50 години от “Звук на музиката”

Джули Андрюс, Кристофър Плъмър и 50-годишнината от “Звукът на музиката”? Това са някои от любимите ни неща!

В четвъртък актьорите отново се събраха в Холивуд, за да отпразнуват крайъгълен камък на музикалната музика от 1965 г., която се превърна в трайна класика – събиране, което стартира фестивала на TCM и показа прожекция в китайския театър TCL в Холивуд.

Кристофър Plummer and Julie Andrews in
Кристофър Плъмър и Джули Андрюс в “Звукът на музиката” и през 2015 г..Еверетна колекция, Гети изображения

На червения килим 79-годишният Андрюс заяви пред Асошиейтед прес, че не може да определи причината, поради която филмът е толкова популярен от толкова години, но добави: “Всички се събраха, за да направят, предполагам, едно радостно семейство филм, това е най-добрият начин да го опиша. “

Изображение: Cast members actresses Heather Menzies-Urich, Kym Karath and Debbie Turner pose during 50th anniversary screening of musical drama film
Всички възрастни членове на Хедър Мензиес-Урих (Луиза), Ким Карат (Гретъл) и Деби Търнър (Марта) също се присъединиха към празненството.KEVORK DJANSEZIAN / Ройтерс

Добавена е Plummer, на 85 години. “Ние се забавлявахме много забавно, опитвайки се да поддържаме лични лица, когато пеем близко един до друг … Тя е толкова велика дама, Джули и такъв голям приятел”.

В чест на крайъгълния камък е пусната пет-дискова Blu-ray DVD колекция, заедно с реставрацията на саундтрака и четирите нови книги за филма. Филмът ще се отвори в над 500 театъра през април.

Следвайте Randee Dawn в Google+ и Twitter.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, and the 50th anniversary of “The Sound of Music”? These are some of our favorite things! On Thursday, the actors reunited in Hollywood to celebrate the cornerstone of the musical from 1965, which has become a lasting classic – an event that kicked off the TCM festival and featured a screening at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. Christopher Plummer and Julie Andrews in “The Sound of Music” and in 2015. Everett Collection, Getty Images On the red carpet, the 79-year-old Andrews told the Associated Press that she cannot pinpoint why the film has been so popular for so many years, but added: “Everyone came together to make, I suppose, a joyful family film, thats the best way I can describe it.” All adult members of the von Trapp family – Heather Menzies-Urich (Louisa), Kim Karath (Gretl), and Debbie Turner (Marta) – also joined in the celebration. Kevork Djansezian / Reuters Plummer, 85, was also added. “We had a lot of fun trying to keep straight faces when we were singing close to each other… Shes such a great lady, Julie, and such a good friend.” In honor of the cornerstone, a five-disc Blu-ray DVD collection has been released, along with the restoration of the soundtrack and four new books about the film. The film will open in over 500 theaters in April. Follow Randee Dawn on Google+ and Twitter.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, and the 50th anniversary of “The Sound of Music”? These are some of our favorite things! On Thursday, the actors reunited in Hollywood to celebrate the cornerstone of the musical from 1965, which has become a lasting classic – an event that kicked off the TCM festival and featured a screening at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. Christopher Plummer and Julie Andrews in “The Sound of Music” and in 2015. Everett Collection, Getty Images On the red carpet, the 79-year-old Andrews told the Associated Press that she cannot pinpoint why the film has been so popular for so many years, but added: “Everyone came together to make, I suppose, a joyful family film, thats the best way I can describe it.” All adult members of the von Trapp family – Heather Menzies-Urich (Louisa), Kim Karath (Gretl), and Debbie Turner (Marta) – also joined in the celebration. Kevork Djansezian / Reuters Plummer, 85, was also added. “We had a lot of fun trying to keep straight faces when we were singing close to each other… Shes such a great lady, Julie, and such a good friend.” In honor of the cornerstone, a five-disc Blu-ray DVD collection has been released, along with the restoration of the soundtrack and four new books about the film. The film will open in over 500 theaters in April. Follow Randee Dawn on Google+ and Twitter.

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