“Джърси Шор” хвърли всички италианци? Fuggedaboutit!

“Джърси Шор” хвърли всички италианци? Fuggedaboutit!

В главата на “Джърси Шор” може да са горди самоописани guidos и guidettes – но не всички от тях са изцяло италиански – и Jenni “J-WOWW” Farley изобщо не е италиански.

“Аз дори не съм италианец”, съобщи MTV звездата във Fox News “The Strategy Room” във вторник.

J-WOWW, която каза, че е смесица от испански и ирландски прилични, казва, че съмишлениците си Никол “Снууки” Полици и Рони Маго не са изцяло кръвни италианци.

“Никол не е и Рон не е пълен италианец”, продължи тя в интервюто. “[Snooki] е чилийски … Рони е наполовина испански и половин италиански.

В интервю за ОК! Списание в декември, Snooki се позовава на “половината испански” и казва, че е приета.

Според J-WOWW, живеенето на живота на guido / guidette не зависи от вашето наследство.

“Това е начин на живот и сцената, в която се намираме … не е като италиански”, каза тя.

Независимо от не толкова пълното италианско наследство, актрисата ще се върне в действие през лятото на MTV за втори сезон на шоуто си.

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  1. It seems that in the world of “Jersey Shore”, only self-proclaimed guidos and guidettes can be proud – but not all of them are entirely Italian, and Jenni “J-WOWW” Farley is not Italian at all. “Im not even Italian,” the MTV star told Fox News “The Strategy Room” on Tuesday. J-WOWW, who said she is a mix of Spanish and Irish descent, says her fellow castmates Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi and Ronnie Magro are not entirely of Italian blood either. “Nicole isnt and Ron isnt full Italian,” she continued in the interview. “[Snooki] is Chilean…Ronnie is half Spanish and half Italian. In an interview with OK! Magazine in December, Snooki referred to herself as “half-Spanish” and said she was adopted. According to J-WOWW, living the guido/guidette lifestyle doesnt depend on your heritage. “Its a way of life and the scene were in…its not like Italian,” she said. Despite her not-so-full Italian heritage, the actress will be back in action this summer on MTV for the second season of her show.

  2. It seems that in the world of “Jersey Shore”, only self-proclaimed guidos and guidettes can be proud – but not all of them are entirely Italian, and Jenni “J-WOWW” Farley is not Italian at all. “Im not even Italian,” the MTV star told Fox News “The Strategy Room” on Tuesday. J-WOWW, who said she is a mix of Spanish and Irish descent, says her fellow castmates Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi and Ronnie Magro are not entirely of Italian blood either. “Nicole isnt and Ron isnt full Italian,” she continued in the interview. “[Snooki] is Chilean…Ronnie is half Spanish and half Italian. In an interview with OK! Magazine in December, Snooki referred to herself as “half-Spanish” and said she was adopted. According to J-WOWW, living the guido/guidette lifestyle doesnt depend on your heritage. “Its a way of life and the scene were in…its not like Italian,” she said. Despite her not-so-full Italian heritage, the actress will be back in action this summer on MTV for the second season of her show.

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