Бащата на Хийт Леджър разкрива защо победата с Оскар означаваше толкова много за семейството

Бащата на Хийт Леджър разкрива защо победата с Оскар означаваше толкова много за семейството

Изминаха седем години, откакто Хийт Леджър спечели най-добрата подкрепа за актьорска награда “Оскар” за своето зашеметяващо представление като “Жокера” в “Черният рицар”.

Но победата над Оскарите беше горчиво. Актьорът умира преди една година, на 28-годишна възраст, от инцидентно предозиране на наркотици с рецепта.

Изображение: Heath Ledger
В тази снимка от 6 ноември 2006 г. актьорът Хийт Леджър пристига за премиерата на новия си филм “Candy” в Ню Йорк.Дима Гавриш / АП

Актьорският баща Ким, който прие възнаграждението за 2009 г. от името на сина му, разкри точно колко много заслужава честта за семейството на покойния австралийски актьор в едно откровено интервю с “Холивудския репортер”.

Въпреки че синът му спечели близо 100 актьорски награди по време на краткия си живот, Оскар би бил най-значим за него, главният Леджър, на 66 години, каза пред THR.

“Беше признание от страна на връстниците, което беше важно за Хийт, а Оскарът беше олицетворение на това.”

Семейството – Ким; Майката на Хийт, Сали; сестра Кейт; и половин сестри Ашли и Оливия – все още бяха много наскърбени по онова време, но духовете им бяха подсилени от признанието на Холивуд за Хийт.

СВЪРЗАНИ: Ретроспекция! Гледайте как Хийт Леджър комфортно крещи “фен” на червения килим

“Ние не бяхме хванали главата около трагедията да го загубим, но в същото време получаваше такива признания за това, което знаеше, че е най-добрият му труд”.

Стакета “Оскар” е част от дисплей, който описва живота на актьора в Западен австралийски музей в Пърт, но един ден той ще бъде предаден на 10-годишната си дъщеря Матилда, която живее в Бруклин заедно с майка си, актрисата Мишел Уилямс.

“Мишел е наясно, че останките от Оскарите са обезпечени с музея, а в края на деня всичко е заради Матилда, а когато тя може да го завладее, всичко е нейно”, каза Леджър.

Ledger запазва живата памет на сина си, като подкрепя стипендията Heath Ledger, която признава талантлив австралийски актьор всяка година.

Той е и патрон на ScriptWise, австралийска организация с нестопанска цел, която предоставя информация за злоупотребата с лекарства по лекарско предписание.

Червеният килим излезе за 88-ия Оскар


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  1. It has been seven years since Heath Ledger won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his stunning performance as the Joker in “The Dark Knight”. But the victory over the Oscars was bitter. The actor died a year ago, at the age of 28, from accidental prescription drug overdose. In this photo from November 6, 2006, actor Heath Ledger arrives for the premiere of his new film “Candy” in New York. The actors father, Kim, who accepted the award for 2009 on behalf of his son, revealed just how much the honor meant to the family of the late Australian actor in a candid interview with The Hollywood Reporter. Although his son won nearly 100 acting awards during his short life, the Oscar would have been most significant for him, said the elder Ledger, 66. “It was recognition from peers, which was important to Heath, and the Oscar was the epitome of that.” The family – Kim; Heaths mother, Sally; sister Kate; and half-sisters Ashley and Olivia – were still very grieving at the time, but their spirits were buoyed by Hollywoods recognition of Heath. “We hadnt caught our breath from losing him, but at the same time, he was receiving such accolades for what he knew was his best work.” The Oscar statuette is part of a display that describes the actors life at the Western Australian Museum in Perth, but one day it will be handed over to his 10-year-old daughter, Matilda, who lives in Brooklyn with her mother, actress Michelle Williams. “Michelle is aware that the Oscar is secured with the museum, and at the end of the day, everything is for Matilda, and when she can take possession of it, its hers,” Ledger said. Ledger keeps his sons memory alive by supporting the Heath Ledger Scholarship, which recognizes talented Australian actors each year. He is also a patron of ScriptWise, an Australian non-profit organization that provides information on prescription drug abuse.

  2. It has been seven years since Heath Ledger won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his stunning performance as the Joker in “The Dark Knight”. But the victory over the Oscars was bitter. The actor died a year ago, at the age of 28, from accidental prescription drug overdose. In this photo from November 6, 2006, actor Heath Ledger arrives for the premiere of his new film “Candy” in New York. The actors father, Kim, who accepted the award for 2009 on behalf of his son, revealed just how much the honor meant to the family of the late Australian actor in a candid interview with The Hollywood Reporter. Although his son won nearly 100 acting awards during his short life, the Oscar would have been most significant for him, said the elder Ledger, 66. “It was recognition from peers, which was important to Heath, and the Oscar was the embodiment of that.” The family – Kim; Heaths mother, Sally; sister Kate; and half-sisters Ashley and Olivia – were still very saddened at the time, but their spirits were buoyed by Hollywoods recognition of Heath. “We hadnt caught our heads around the tragedy of losing him, but at the same time he was receiving such accolades for what he knew was his best work.” The Oscar statuette is part of a display that describes the actors life at the Western Australian Museum in Perth, but one day it will be handed over to his 10-year-old daughter, Matilda, who lives in Brooklyn with her mother, actress Michelle Williams. “Michelle is aware that the remains of the Oscars are secured with the museum, and at the end of the day, its all for Matilda, and when she can take possession of it, its all hers,” Ledger said. Ledger keeps his sons memory alive by supporting the Heath Ledger Scholarship, which recognizes talented Australian actors each year. He is also a patron of ScriptWise, an Australian non-profit organization that provides information on prescription drug abuse.

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