"America's Got Talent" има 12-годишен шампион! Дари Лин Фармър печели 2023

“America’s Got Talent” има 12-годишен шампион! Дари Лин Фармър печели

Последното шоудаун на “Американският талант” се появи на две малки момичета с големи мечти – 12-годишната певица вентрилок Darci Lynne Farmer и 10-годишната вокалистка Angelica Hale.

И двамата спечелиха публиката с шоупрограми в сряда, но тя беше Дари Лин, която взе най-голямата чест.

Тя спечели и наградите – 1 млн. Долара и място за гладене в Лас Вегас.

Дарси Лин се държеше за куклите си, Петуния, като домакин Тайра Банкс, съобщила, че остави тълпата в сълзи.

Америка's Got Talent - Season 12
Дарси Линн Фармър научава за голямата си победа по време на резултатите на живо на “Америка има талант”. Trae Patton / NBC

Макар че е била ранна фаворитка в състезанието, получавайки златния зумер от съдията Мел Б по време на кръговете на прослушването, Анджелика се оказала достоен финалист и излъчи публиката с мощно изпълнение заедно с Кели Кларксън и Топ 10 претендент Кечи Okwuchi.

И докато тя викаше с новината за победата на Дари Лин, Ангелика каза, че те са “сълзи на радост!”

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Tears of joy!! Congratulations @itsdarcilynne I ❤️U! #AGT @agt #AGTFinale

A post shared by Angelica Hale (@angelicahale) on

Що се отнася до “Дари Лин”, тя проследява някои известни стъпки на “американски танц”. Беше преди 10 години, че вентрилоквистът и звездата на Вегас Тери Фатор бяха обявени за победител във втория сезон на шоуто.

Той дори се върнал в сряда вечерта, за да сподели сцената с новия победител.

Поздравления, Дари Лин!

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    The last showdown of “Americas Got Talent” featured two little girls with big dreams – 12-year-old ventriloquist Darci Lynne Farmer and 10-year-old vocalist Angelica Hale. Both won the audience with their performances on Wednesday, but it was Darci Lynne who took the biggest honor. She also won the prizes – $1 million and a spot for a show in Las Vegas. Darci Lynne held onto her puppets, Petunia, and host Tyra Banks announced that she left the crowd in tears. Darci Lynne Farmer learned about her big win during the live results of “Americas Got Talent.” Although she was an early favorite in the competition, receiving the golden buzzer from judge Mel B during the audition rounds, Angelica proved to be a worthy finalist and thrilled the audience with a powerful performance alongside Kelly Clarkson and Top 10 contender Kechi Okwuchi. And while she shouted the news of Darci Lynnes victory, Angelica said they were “tears of joy!” As for “Darci Lynne,” she follows in some famous footsteps on “American Talent.” It was 10 years ago that ventriloquist and Vegas star Terry Fator was declared the winner in the shows second season. He even returned on Wednesday night to share the stage with the new winner. Congratulations, Darci Lynne!

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    The last showdown of “Americas Got Talent” featured two little girls with big dreams – 12-year-old ventriloquist Darci Lynne Farmer and 10-year-old vocalist Angelica Hale. Both won the audience with their performances on Wednesday, but it was Darci Lynne who took the biggest honor. She also won the prizes – $1 million and a spot for a show in Las Vegas. Darci Lynne held onto her puppets, Petunia, and host Tyra Banks announced that she left the crowd in tears. Darci Lynne Farmer learned about her big win during the live results of “Americas Got Talent.” Although she was an early favorite in the competition, receiving the golden buzzer from judge Mel B during the audition rounds, Angelica proved to be a worthy finalist and thrilled the audience with a powerful performance alongside Kelly Clarkson and Top 10 contender Kechi Okwuchi. And while she shouted the news of Darci Lynnes victory, Angelica said they were “tears of joy!” As for “Darci Lynne,” she follows in some famous footsteps on “American Talent.” It was 10 years ago that ventriloquist and Vegas star Terry Fator was declared the winner in the shows second season. He even returned on Wednesday night to share the stage with the new winner. Congratulations, Darci Lynne!

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