


周五晚上参观了位于洛杉矶Tarzana区的Esther’s Haircutting Studio,随后前往一家纹身店,25岁的两个小儿子的母亲为她的身体增添了两个设计。.


“荷尔蒙”明星从造型师那里抓起了快船Spears忙碌的星期五晚上在Esther Tognozzi的沙龙开始,他告诉辛迪加的电视八卦节目“Extra”,她害怕剃掉Spears的头,以防她因破坏歌手的形象而被起诉.

在Tognozzi抗议Spears可能是“荷尔蒙”并且第二天感觉不同之后,Spears冷静地“抓住蜂鸣器并开始嗡嗡作响。” ……当她完成它时,我就把它清理干净了,“她说.



“她尖叫着,翻了个身”在Spears的保镖向Tognozzi支付小费后,该派对前往Sherman Oaks郊区的Body and Soul客厅,在那里她花了80美元在她的下臀部和红色和粉红色的嘴唇上做了一个黑白色和粉红色的十字架在她的手腕上.

客厅里的一位艺术家Emily Wynne Hughes说,斯皮尔斯看起来“心烦意乱,不安”,很难与之合作。.




自去年11月她与她的第二任丈夫凯文·费德林(Kevin Federline)分手后,她已成为夜总会巡回赛的一员。.

去年12月,Spears在名人帕丽斯·希尔顿(Paris Hilton)的陪伴下,多次拍摄了一辆不穿内裤的汽车.

斯皮尔斯和希尔顿最近在“新闻周刊”杂志的封面上刊登了一篇题为“The Girls Gone Wild Effect”的故事以及对读者的民意调查,他们表示像他们这样的名人对年轻女孩影响太大.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    On Saturday, news reports stated that a tearful Britney Spears had provocatively shaved her head at a Los Angeles hair salon after her stylist refused to participate in her latest extreme makeover. On Friday night, the pop star visited Esthers Haircutting Studio in Tarzana, Los Angeles, and then went to a tattoo parlor, where the mother of two 25-year-olds added two designs to her body. The transformation occurred on the same day that People magazine and other entertainment media reported that Spears had recently entered a rehab center in Antigua, in the Caribbean, and checked out a day later. Spears representatives denied these reports. The “hormonal” star grabbed the Clippers from the stylist and started buzzing Spears busy Friday night at Esther Tognozzis salon, she told the syndicated gossip show “Extra,” and she was afraid to shave Spears head in case she was sued for damaging the singers image. After Tognozzi protested that Spears might be “hormonal” and felt different the next day, Spears calmly “grabbed the buzzer and started buzzing.” … When she finished it, I cleaned it up,” she said. Tognozzi said Spears seemed to be “just in her body and not really feeling it,” but she did get a little “teary-eyed” when she realized her mother might be upset. The fate of the hair is a mystery, although an enterprising person in Pennsylvania sold 10 alleged locks on eBay for $50 each. “She screamed and turned over” after Spears bodyguard paid Tognozzi a tip, the party went to Body and Soul Lounge in the Sherman Oaks suburb, where she spent $80 on a black and pink cross on her wrist and red and pink lips on her lower buttocks. Emily Wynne Hughes, an artist in the lounge, said Spears looked “upset and restless” and was difficult to work with. Hughes told reporters, “She screamed and writhed in pain, swinging her body around.” Spears representatives could not be immediately reached for comment. The party girls story began eight years ago when Spears became famous as a virgin student and had hits like “Oops! I Did It Again” and the Grammy-winning “Toxic.” As little girls around the world clam

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