前人质阿什利史密斯讲述了改变生活的可怕夜晚 2023






2005年3月11日,Brian Nichols逃离亚特兰大强奸审判,从一名治安官的副手那里偷了一把枪,并在逃离之前将一名法官和一名法庭记者枪杀。那天晚上,他在完成工作后跑到史密斯身边,强行进入她的公寓,在那里他把她限制了七个小时.


在尼科尔斯把她扣为人质的那个晚上,史密斯从圣经中读了她的俘虏段落和一本自助书,并谈到了她的女儿。她告诉TODAY的Savannah Guthrie,她还做出了改变生活方式的决定.


“那天晚上,我被迫决定是否要与Brian Nichols一起使用毒品,”她说。 “毒品一直是我生活的一种方式,在此之前我已经让我消费多年了,我可以选择,无论我是否打算使用它们。几乎就好像……耶稣在那一刻拿走了布莱恩尼科尔斯的遗体说:’你想要这样做,还是想要有不同的生活?’“








“他不得不放弃我的记忆,并对布莱恩的母亲说一点,”她说。 “在大多数情况下,它做得非常好。我认为我不会改变它。“

在Twitter上关注TODAY.com作家Eun Kyung Kim.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English:

    After being held hostage for ten years by her shooter following her murder at a courthouse in Georgia, Ashley Smith says she barely recognized the woman who talked to her and let her go. “Most of the time, just because Im different today, the life I lead and the decisions I make are so different today that I never really did that person,” she said on Monday. Ashley Smith recalls the seven-hour ordeal as the shooters hostage on Sep. 14, 2015. On March 11, 2005, Brian Nichols escaped from an Atlanta rape trial, stole a gun from a deputy, and killed a judge and a court reporter before running into Smith that night. At the time, Smith was a 26-year-old waitress trying to put her life back together. She was a widow with a five-year-old daughter and was living with an aunt while trying to address drug abuse issues. That night, Smith read her hostage passage from the Bible and a self-help book and talked about her daughter. She told TODAYs Savannah Guthrie that she also made a decision to change her lifestyle. “That night, I was forced to decide whether or not to use drugs with Brian Nichols,” she said. “Drugs had been a way of life for me, and I had been consuming them for years before this. I had a choice, whether or not I was going to use them. It was almost like… Jesus took Brian Nichols body away and said, Do you want to do this, or do you want a different life?” She decided to improve her life, “and by the grace of God, I havent used illegal drugs since that day.” Today, Smith, who married eight years ago, goes by Ashley Robinson and has a 16-year-old daughter, a 14-year-old stepdaughter, and a four-year-old son. “These days we definitely lead a busy life,” she said. Her interview is part of a week-long TODAY series called “Where Are They Now?” that explores news stories through the eyes of people who have experienced them. Smiths ordeal has recently been turned into a Hollywood movie, “Captive,” which opens this Friday. The film stars Kate Mara and David Oyelowo. “Its definitely surreal,” she said of watching her life play out on the big screen,

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