




布什和特朗普之间的讨论录像带 – 在“好莱坞访问”上关闭时在热门话筒上拍摄 – 引起了特朗普对猥亵言论的强烈反对,其中他谈到亲吻和摸索女性并试图勾引已婚女性。可以在录音带上听到布什和特朗普一起开怀大笑.

“我知道我们都被过去48小时的曝光深感困扰,”高级副总裁诺亚奥本海姆在一份内部备忘录中写道。“让我说清楚 – 比利的语言和行为根本就没有借口胶带。 NBC决定暂停比利,等待对此事的进一步审查。“

布什没有出现在今天的星期一。小时由Tamron Hall和Al Roker主持.






“显然我很尴尬和羞愧,”他说。“这不是借口,但这发生在11年前 – 我年轻,不太成熟,并且在玩耍时行事愚蠢。我非常抱歉。”

在Twitter上关注TODAY.com作家Scott Stump.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the matter. However, the article discusses the suspension of Billy Bush by NBC News due to his involvement in a controversial conversation with Donald Trump in 2005. The conversation, which was recorded during the filming of “Access Hollywood,” included Trump making lewd comments about women and Bush laughing along. The suspension is pending further investigation. Bush has apologized for his behavior, stating that he was young and immature at the time. Trump has also apologized for his comments.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the matter. However, the article discusses the suspension of Billy Bush by NBC News due to his involvement in a controversial conversation with Donald Trump in 2005. The conversation, which was recorded during the filming of “Access Hollywood,” featured Trump making lewd comments about women and Bush laughing along. The suspension is pending further investigation. Bush has apologized for his behavior, stating that he was young and immature at the time. Trump has also apologized for his comments.

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