


“此时我并不觉得他犯了叛国罪。事实上,他已经违反了美国法律,因为他已经发布了机密信息,“Lonnie Snowden在今天播出的专访中告诉NBC的Michael Isikoff。 “如果人们想把他归类为叛徒,事实上他已经背叛了他的政府。但我不相信他背叛了美国人民。 “





“为了实现这一点,一个国家将不得不允许他进入其尚未到来的领土,”科雷亚说。 “我们不知道它会被解决。”







Lonnie Snowden自4月份以来就没有和他的儿子说过话,但是他担心爱德华可能被维基解密的处理者操纵,并希望与他取得联系.

“我不想让他处于危险之中,但我担心那些围绕他的人,”朗尼斯诺登说。 “我认为维基解密,如果你看过去的历史,你知道,他们的重点不一定是美国的宪法。它只是发布尽可能多的信息。“

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the father of Edward Snowden admitting that his son violated US law by releasing confidential information about the governments secret surveillance program, but he does not believe his son is a traitor. Edward Snowden is currently seeking asylum in Ecuador, but the countrys president has described the situation as complex. The article also mentions the involvement of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in helping Snowden escape. The situation has caused diplomatic tensions between the US and Ecuador, with the latter abandoning a trade agreement as a result. Snowdens father expressed concern about his sons safety and the influence of those around him, particularly WikiLeaks.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the father of Edward Snowden admitting that his son violated US law by releasing confidential information about the governments secret surveillance program, but he does not believe his son is a traitor. Edward Snowden is currently seeking asylum in Ecuador, but the countrys president has described the situation as complex. The article also mentions the involvement of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in helping Snowden escape. The situation has caused diplomatic tensions between the US and Ecuador, with the latter abandoning a trade agreement as part of a “blackmail” plan. Snowdens father expressed concern about his sons safety and the influence of those around him, particularly WikiLeaks.

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