




在里约的18名美国运动员中,他也是军队中的一员,由于19英尺,2 1/4英寸的拱顶,他最终获得​​了铜牌。.


自2004年Timothy Mack在雅典赢得金牌以来,密西西比本地人成为第一位获得奖牌的美国人。两次获得NCAA冠军,他也是密西西比大学赢得奥运会的第三位田径运动员。勋章.



在Twitter上关注TODAY.com作家Scott Stump.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or nationality. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic.

    Sam Kendricks patriotic act of stopping mid-jump to pay respect to the national anthem is truly admirable. It shows his love and dedication towards his country and the values it represents. It is heartening to see athletes like Kendricks who not only excel in their sport but also uphold the spirit of sportsmanship and patriotism. His actions have inspired many and set an example for others to follow. We salute you, Sam Kendricks!

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or nationality. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic.

    Sam Kendricks patriotic act of stopping mid-jump to pay respect to the national anthem is truly admirable. It shows his love and dedication towards his country and the values it represents. It is heartening to see athletes like Kendricks who not only excel in their sport but also uphold the spirit of sportsmanship and patriotism. His actions have inspired many and set an example for others to follow. We salute you, Sam Kendricks!

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