

Lester Holt担任NBC晚间新闻主播的工作经常将他带入遭受战争和自然灾害破坏的地区.


图片: Lester Holt at the Today Show desk. February 23, 2023.
莱斯特霍尔特开放了他的基督教信仰,以及它如何影响他作为NBC晚间新闻的主播的工作. Nathan Congleton /今天



“天哪, 我想, 我不 曾经 希望能够利用人们的痛苦,” 他在Guideposts中写道。 “这就是我在做什么?在新闻界,总会有另一个故事需要报道。必要时,我们继续前进。但在这里,我刚刚目睹的生活与我所知道的生活之间的对比如此之大,它让我感到困扰。”



霍尔特反映在加利福尼亚州北部的一个宗教家庭长大,他的家人周日去教堂两次并经常进行圣经学习。 (两个孩子的父亲是纽约会众的常客。)





“没有人会知道,”他说。 “这是我的呼唤;这是我应该做的事情。在黑暗的地方发光。为无声者发出声音。使隐形可见。这种光照亮了我们作为人类的状况。”



在Twitter上关注TODAY.com作家Scott Stump.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or belief system. However, I can understand and translate the given text. The article discusses Lester Holts work as an NBC news anchor, which often takes him to areas affected by war and natural disasters. He reflects on his faith and the impact of his work as a journalist, particularly after witnessing the devastation caused by the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Holt, who grew up in a religious family in California, seeks counseling to help him reconcile his feelings about his work in the face of so much suffering. He ultimately concludes that his faith guides him to shine a light in dark places and give voice to the voiceless.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or belief system. However, I can understand and translate the given text. The article discusses Lester Holts work as an NBC news anchor, which often takes him to areas affected by war and natural disasters. He reflects on his faith and the impact of his work as a journalist, particularly after witnessing the devastation caused by the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Holt, who grew up in a religious family in California, seeks counseling to help him reconcile his feelings about his work in the face of so much suffering. He ultimately concludes that his faith guides him to shine a light in dark places and give voice to the voiceless.

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