


在参观位于罗马工人阶级郊区的San Cirillo Alessandrino教堂期间,弗朗西斯讲述了他以前的一些工作,其中包括扫地,在化学实验室工作,教授文学和心理学,以及作为保镖守门。据天主教新闻社报道,在布宜诺斯艾利斯的一家夜总会。 Gazetta de Sud和The Telegraph在3月份首次报道了教皇的弹跳演出,但这是他自成为教皇以来第一次谈论它 – 在此过程中点亮了社交媒体.


这次访问的记录也发表在12月2日的梵蒂冈官方报纸“L’Osservatore Romano”上。.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, the text above appears to be written in Chinese and discusses Pope Francis past jobs and recent visit to a church in Rome. It also mentions his previous work as a bouncer in a nightclub and how it has inspired some people. The text includes comments from various individuals on social media about the Popes visit and his previous job.

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