


2月份,莎拉达林在他平常的地方经过哈里斯,并在他的杯子里放了一些变化。但是,在她不知情的情况下,她也不小心掉进了订婚戒指。虽然哈里斯考虑出售戒指 – 他得到了4,000美元的评价 – 他最终无法用它来完成,几天后,他将戒指送回达林.

比利 Ray Harris is no longer homeless, six months after returning a stranger's ring.
在回到陌生人的戒指六个月后,Billy Ray Harris不再无家可归.今天


作为一种表示感谢的方式,Darling和她的丈夫Bill Krejci创办了一个基金,为哈里斯筹集资金,帮助他重新走上正轨。 “我们设定了一千美元的目标,”达林在三月告诉今天。 “我们设置它是因为许多被这个故事所感动的人表示有兴趣帮助Billy Ray。”

该基金筹集的资金远远超过其中任何一个预期 – 在短短三个月内,人们捐赠的资金超过19万美元.

莎拉 Darling and her husband Bill have formed a lifelong friendship with Harris.
Sarah Darling和她的丈夫Bill Krejci与Harris建立了终生的友谊.今天



“当我想起过去时,我想,感谢上帝,它结束了,”他告诉今天。 “我的意思是,我现在感觉自己。” 

堪萨斯城社区并没有忘记哈里斯和他的好事。 “我仍然会看到一些相同的人,”他说,“但是直到现在,他们不是出现并给我改变,而是在握手,你知道,他们说’嘿,干得好’。”

比利 Ray Harris with the car he was able to buy, thanks to donations from people who heard his story.

自从Darling的戒指落入他的杯子的那个重要日子以来,Harris的生活已经完成了180度。“这就是他们所谓的美国梦,”他说。 “我要感谢帮助我的所有人。我希望他们看到他们所有的努力,祝福和善意在哪里。“


Krejci和Darling现在有一个20个月大的女儿,他们期待着将她介绍给Harris并解释他在父母生活中扮演的角色。 “我和其他母亲谈过这件事,”达林说。 “它给[其他妈妈]一个真正有形的故事,真实地教导了什么是错的,什么是正确的.“

该 ring that started it all.

哈里斯不仅为这对夫妇带来了好运 – 他对本地棒球队来说似乎也是好运! Krejci和Darling已经将Harris带到堪萨斯城皇家队的六场比赛中,其中一场比赛是Krejci最近的生日,主队每次都赢了.

“总的来说,这只会让我感觉良好,”达林谈到对哈里斯的慷慨支持。 “很多人聚在一起改变这个人的生活,因为他是一个真正应得的人。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Six months ago, 55-year-old Billy Ray Harris was homeless. He lived on a street corner in Kansas City, holding out a cup and asking passersby for spare change. But one day, his life changed. In February, Sarah Darling passed by Harriss usual spot and put some change in his cup. But unbeknownst to her, she also accidentally dropped in her engagement ring. Although Harris considered selling the ring – he was offered $4,000 for it – he ultimately couldnt go through with it and returned the ring to Darling a few days later. Six months after returning the strangers ring, Billy Ray Harris was no longer homeless. “Im not saying Im a saint, but Im not a devil either,” he said at the time. As a way of showing their gratitude, Darling and her husband Bill Krejci started a fund to raise money for Harris and help him get back on his feet. “We set a goal of $1,000,” Darling told Today in March. “We set it because so many people who were touched by this story expressed interest in helping Billy Ray.” The fund raised far more than either of them expected – in just three months, people donated over $190,000. Sarah Darling and her husband Bill Krejci have established a lifelong friendship with Harris. Today, Harris has spoken with a lawyer who helped him put the money into a trust. Since then, hes been able to buy a car and even put money towards a house, while hes working on fixing himself up. And thats not all: after appearing on television, his family, who hadnt been able to find him for 16 years and had heard rumors that he had died, were able to track him down. They were thrilled to be reunited, and Harris is now exploring his relationships with them, including nieces and nephews he didnt even know he had. “When I think about the past, I think, thank God its over,” he told Today. “I mean, I feel myself now.” The Kansas City community hasnt forgotten Harris and his good deed. “I still see some of the same people,” he said, “but instead of showing up and giving me change, theyre shaking my hand, you know, saying Hey, good job.”

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