

野马 sculpture





截至上个月,Mile High City的居民可以做的不仅仅是在网上发泄 – 他们可以要求官员摆脱这匹马.




野马 sculpture



“我们继续收到关于’野马’的反复意见,”科尔说。 “这就像任何其他艺术作品一样。有些人非常喜欢,有些人则不喜欢。“

Count Denver房地产经纪人Rachel Hultin在“不喜欢”阵营。 Hultin曾经推出了一个名为“DIA的令人发指的蓝色野马已经走了”的Facebook页面 – 称该作品很有趣,但不适合它的位置。当旅行者开车去机场时,他们很快就会骑马并瞥见它只有几秒钟,所以他们没有机会了解更多关于它的信息。.





该报在上个月的一篇社论中宣称:“雕塑是 – 真正意义上的 – 非凡。” “’Mustang’是一种奇怪的Ed先生,因为这是一匹让人意外地谈论艺术的马。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English for better understanding:

    Denver residents can now request the city to get rid of the controversial statue “Mustang” at Denver International Airport. After five years of wandering, the captivating or delightful traveler, the “Devil Horse” at Denver International Airport, is attracting new attention, as some critics say, but it looks like it will stay. Look at the “Blue Mustang,” a 32-foot, 9,000-pound, electric blue, anatomically correct fiberglass sculpture of a feeding horse on Peña Boulevard, a major road leading to the airport. Its fierce appearance and fiery red eyes have earned it nicknames such as “Blucifer,” “Satans Steed,” and “Blue Death Stallion.” The artist who created it, Luis Jiménez, died when a sculpture fell on his leg, cutting an artery, adding to the bizarre nature of the exhibition. Comments left on Denver Internationals Facebook page range from “a terrible embarrassment” to “terrifying and a bit nauseating.” But other posters call it “awe-inspiring” and “amazing.” As of last month, Mile High City residents could do more than vent online – they could ask officials to get rid of the horse. The groups spokeswoman, Ginger White, said that in Denver, public art is usually retained for five years before the citys cultural committee considers any removal requests. The waiting period is intended to provide growth opportunities for new installations. For “Mustang,” the window closed on February 11, which means it is now eligible for removal. But so far, the Denver Cultural Affairs Committee has not received any requests to get rid of the sculpture, White told NBC News. There are no plans to discuss the horse at the groups monthly meeting on Tuesday. White said petitioners must show “extremely adverse public reactions” for the committee to take action. Officials are skeptical of what will happen. Some find the 32-foot, 9,000-pound statue creepy, while others think it gets people talking about art. Today, Denver International spokeswoman Laura Coale said “Mustang” is most likely to stay, calling it a signature work in the area. In a recent survey, travelers said the sculpture was one of the airports most memorable features, second only to its famous tent roof, she said. But she admits not everyone is a fan

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