

一个 park ranger at Grand Canyon National Park.
大峡谷国家公园的公园管理员.©Superstock /通过预算旅行/今天

有一个关于公园护林员的说法:“你得到日出和日落的报酬。”那是真的。你没有为薪水做这份工作。有时你不得不想知道为什么我们这么努力地获得这些联邦职位。被工作所吸引的人是外人 – 他们喜欢孤独,喜欢大自然。这是你期望与联邦政府合作的最不可能的一群人。你必须放弃很多。有一个家庭或遇到某人是非常困难的。你工作季节性职位多年,直到你最终获得一个永久性的位置,只是意识到你像一个季节性的女孩谁不会在六个月内到处.


无论你在哪个公园工作,人们就像车头灯中的鹿一样。他们完全脱离了他们的元素,他们不知道在哪里,他们有一半时间没有做过任何研究。在大峡谷,人们将出现在北缘只是为了发现他们在错误的一面 – 然后他们感到震惊,他们必须一路开车穿过峡谷才能到达南缘。当我告诉她这是一个五个半小时的车程到另一边时,我有一位女士大声嚷嚷。她说,“没有桥梁?!”

当谈到人们会做什么时,不乏愚蠢。他们将坐在峡谷的边缘,那里没有护栏,下降了1000英尺。而人们忘记了它们的高度为8,500英尺。他们想知道为什么他们有胸痛。他们认为他们心脏病发作,我们必须提醒他们这是海拔高度。然后总会有人徒步进入峡谷并且完全没有准备 – 没有水,不知道需要多长时间。当你从8,500英尺下降到2,200英尺时,他们没有意识到温度和条件发生了很大的变化。这是我们最常见的救援之一。他们总是说他们是如此敬畏美丽,以至于他们没有意识到他们走了多远.

几乎 400 national parks can be found all across America, and feature breathtaking vistas, rock formations millions of years old, and more.

令人惊讶的是,人们只会证明他们看到了什么。它们会从岩柱跳到岩柱 – 没有下面 – 只是为了拍摄峡谷的正确角度。有时某人的相机摔倒在边缘,他们正在爬过去试图获得它。或者他们会停在路中间,车后面有车,只是为了得到一张鹿的照片(你知道,我们都看过鹿,但这些是背景中有大峡谷的鹿).


我会告诉你一个秘密 – 也许吧
人们总是在问公园里最好的地方,或者他们应该去哪里观看日落。如果我能告诉别人真的有兴趣,我可能会告诉他。但是,如果有一些有资格的驴子冲向我,就像,“嘿,伙计,我在公园里有20分钟的时间。绝对是什么?” – 没办法。然后有时你会分享,它会适得其反。有人曾告诉我,我毁了他的假期,因为我给了他错误的地方观看日落.

每 offers a unique take on the American landscape, the nation's history and our collective culture. Best of all, you won't have to fight the crowds along the way.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    The Park Rangers of the Grand Canyon National Park. ©Superstock / via Budget Travel / Today there is a saying about park rangers: “You get paid in sunrises and sunsets.” Thats true. You dont do this job for the salary. Sometimes you have to wonder why we work so hard to get these federal positions. The people attracted to this job are outsiders – they like solitude, they like nature. This is the least likely group of people you would expect to work with the federal government. You have to give up a lot. Having a family or meeting someone is very difficult. You work seasonal jobs for years until you finally get a permanent position, only to realize that you are like a seasonal girl who wont be around in six months. Two parts adventure movie, one part “Office Space.” Ive had exciting jobs like you can imagine. Youre fighting wildfires, rescuing people in helicopters, chasing someone with a gun next to you, going out on a manhunt. Then sometimes youre directing traffic or dealing with federal bureaucracy.

    From the beginning, no matter where you work in the park, people are like deer in headlights. They are completely out of their element, they dont know where they are, they have half the time not done any research. In the Grand Canyon, people will show up on the North Rim just to find out theyre on the wrong side – then theyre shocked and have to drive all the way through the canyon to get to the South Rim. When I told her it was a five-and-a-half-hour drive to the other side, I had a lady yelling loudly. She said, “No bridge?!” There is no common sense when it comes to what people will do, no shortage of stupidity. They will sit on the edge of the canyon where there is no railing and drop 1,000 feet. And people forget that they are at an altitude of 8,500 feet. They wonder why they have chest pains. They think theyre having a heart attack, and we have to remind them its the altitude. Then theres always someone who hikes into the canyon completely unprepared – no water, no idea how long it will take. When you drop from 8,500 feet to 2,200 feet, they dont realize

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