假日书:Mindy Kaling和Bill Clinton挑选最爱

假日书:Mindy Kaling和Bill Clinton挑选最爱


克林顿谈到卡林的选秀时说:“我一定很想读前四,”并承认他是蒂娜菲的粉丝。这位前总统的名单,其中包括一些聪明的选择,让Kaling开玩笑说她正在重新考虑她的。 “当我列出名单时,我不知道他的名单,”她说。 “我会让它更加博士友好。”


Mindy Kaling的名单

1.“11/22/63”作者:Stephen King(斯克里布纳)

2.“Bossypants”作者:Tina Fey(Reagan Arthur Books)

3.“Lady Gaga X Terry Richardson”由Lady Gaga和Terry Richardson(Grand Central Publishing)

4.“我父亲的女儿:美味,轻松的食谱,庆祝家庭和团结”格温妮丝·帕特洛(Grand Central Life&Style)

5.“Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty”作者:Andrew Bolton(大都会艺术博物馆)

6.“绿色雨衣中的女孩:苔丝莫纳汉小说”作者:Laura Lippman(William Morrow)

7.“婚姻情节:小说”作者:Jeffrey Eugenides(Farrar,Straus和Giroux)8。 “看我戴帽子:收集歌词(1981-2011)与随从评论,放大,教条,Harangues,Digressions,轶事和杂项”作者:Stephen Sondheim(Knopf)

9.“菲尔丁的艺术”作者:Chad Harbach(小,布朗和公司)

10.“穿什么,哪里:任何风格情况的操作手册”作者:Hilary Kerr和Katherine Power(艾布拉姆斯图像)


1.“耶路撒冷”由Simon Sebag Montefiore(Knopf)

2.“林肯”大卫赫伯特唐纳德(Simon&Schuster)3。 “冥想”作者:Marcus Aurelius(Simon&Brown)

4.“世界的道路:从文明的曙光到二十一世纪的前夜”作者:David Fromkin(Knopf)

5.“特洛伊的治疗:索福克勒斯的Philoctetes版本”作者:Seamus Heaney(Farrar,Straus和Giroux)

6.“百年孤独”加布里埃尔·加西亚·马克斯(Harper Perennial)7。 “利奥波德国王的鬼魂:非洲殖民地的贪婪,恐怖和英雄主义故事”作者:Adam Hochschild(Mariner Books)

8.“非零:人类命运的逻辑”作者:Robert Wright(Vintage)

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference for books. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English for better understanding.

    With only a few days left before Christmas, a unique duo gathered today to find out which books each person would recommend for book lovers on their gift list. Actress, comedian, writer, and producer Mindy Kaling, most famous for her role in “The Office,” and former US President Bill Clinton sat down to list their truly diverse picks. Clinton talked about Kalings picks and said, “I definitely want to read the first four,” and admitted he is a fan of Tina Fey. The former presidents list, which includes some smart choices, made Kaling joke that she is reconsidering hers. “When I made my list, I didnt know his list,” she said. “Ill make it more PhD-friendly.” Check out their selections and tell us which books you choose in the comments below!

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference for books. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English for better understanding.

    With only a few days left before Christmas, a unique duo gathered today to find out which books each person would recommend for book lovers on their gift list. Actress, comedian, writer, and producer Mindy Kaling, best known for her roles in “The Office” and former US President Bill Clinton sat down to list their truly diverse picks. Clinton talked about Kalings picks and said, “I definitely want to read the first four,” and admitted he was a fan of Tina Fey. The former presidents list, which includes some smart choices, made Kaling joke that she was reconsidering hers. “When I made my list, I didnt know his list,” she said. “I would have made it more PhD-friendly.” Check out their selections and tell us in the comments below which books you would choose!

    Mindy Kalings List:
    1. “11/22/63” by Stephen King (Scribner)
    2. “Bossypants” by Tina Fey (Reagan Arthur Books)
    3. “Lady Gaga X Terry Richardson” by Lady Gaga and Terry Richardson (Grand Central Publishing)
    4. “My Fathers Daughter: Delicious, Easy Recipes Celebrating Family & Togetherness” by Gwyneth Paltrow (Grand Central Life & Style)
    5. “Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty” by Andrew Bolton (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
    6. “The Girl in the Green Raincoat: A Tess Monaghan Novel” by Laura Lippman (William Morrow)
    7. “The Marriage Plot: A Novel” by Jeffrey Eugenides (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
    8. “Look, I Made a Hat: Collected Lyrics (1981-2011) with Attendant Comments, Amplifications, Dogmas, Harangues, Digressions, Anecdotes and Miscellany” by Stephen Sondheim (Knopf)
    9. “The Art of Fielding” by Chad Harbach (Little, Brown and Company)
    10. “What to Wear, Where: The How-to Handbook for Any Style Situation” by Hillary Kerr and Katherine Power (Abrams Image)

    Bill Clintons List:
    1. “Jerusalem” by Simon Se

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