医生说Kate Gosselin得了拙劣的肉毒杆菌毒素

医生说Kate Gosselin得了拙劣的肉毒杆菌毒素



照片:凯特的样子 – 和头发! – 多年来一直在变化





Pearlman认为Gosselin可能在她的前额注射了一个“V”的形状,这意味着她的太阳穴附近的肌肉没有受到影响“所以他们过度行动,给了Jack Nicholson这样的样子!她的上眼睑看起来有点空洞这可能是因为眉毛向上拉。“


Gosselin的外科医生受到ScientificSkin.com所有者Kenneth Beer博士的猛烈抨击:“这是一种不良注射技术,位置不佳。注射是在食谱模式下进行的,没有考虑到她的特殊解剖结构。她的外眉太尖锐,这给出了她是一个恶魔般的外表。“

对于Gosselin来说幸运的是,拙劣的Botox“可以通过眉毛上方的一些注射来纠正,让它们稍微下降,”Tony Youn博士说。 “或者等待几个月后肉毒杆菌毒素效应消退。”

视频:见Danielle Staub的“寒冷,坚硬,变形”的布布工作


美国周刊报道称,“扭曲的凯特”明星在接受2009年3月的丰胸活动之前,咨询了她的保镖史蒂夫·尼尔德(她与之有否认有外遇)。在送出六胞胎之后,劳伦斯·格拉斯曼博士也得到了一个自由的肚子。 (几年后,她疏远的丈夫乔恩和医生23岁的女儿海莉格拉斯曼约会。)

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, the article discusses Kate Gosselins recent appearance after a botched Botox treatment in Pennsylvania. The article quotes plastic surgeons who explain the technical reasons for her strange appearance, including the placement of the injections and the shape of the muscles affected. The article also mentions Gosselins previous plastic surgeries, including breast augmentation and a tummy tuck. The article concludes by suggesting corrective measures for Gosselins current appearance.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, the article discusses Kate Gosselins recent appearance after a botched Botox treatment in Pennsylvania. The article includes comments from plastic surgeons who explain the possible reasons for her strange appearance, including the placement of the injections and the shape of the muscles affected. The article also mentions Gosselins previous plastic surgeries, including breast augmentation and a tummy tuck. The article concludes by stating that the effects of the botched Botox treatment can be corrected with additional injections or by waiting for the effects to wear off.

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