拿着’grassy knoll’照片的女人回忆起JFK拍摄的那一刻

拿着’grassy knoll’照片的女人回忆起JFK拍摄的那一刻

约翰·肯尼迪总统来到达拉斯时,31岁的家庭主妇玛丽·安·莫尔曼和一位朋友来到市中心看望他 – 以及他那迷人的妻子.  



“我看到他的头发跳了起来。但这不仅仅是他的头发,而是他头脑的一部分,“克拉默说。 “直到今天,在我的脑海里,这是如此清晰。”



在当天亚伯拉罕·扎普鲁德拍摄的着名电影中,显示总统被枪杀,可以看到克拉默穿着蓝色外套,准备拍摄她的照片 .

绿色的 knoll photo.

1963年11月22日那天Krahmer照片的放大照片现在在Dealey Plaza的六楼博物馆展出达拉斯.



我听到了镜头,拿下相机,我又听到了两次镜头,“她说,将镜头的声音与爆炸的爆竹进行比较。 “只是战俘,战俘,战俘。”

上周,试图拍卖实际的宝丽来失败了,因为它没有达到它的储备。 Cowan在辛辛那提的拍卖预计这张照片价格在50,000美元到75,000美元之间.


“这真是一个创伤时期,”她说。 “这个想法总是回到我身边,我看到一个人在我眼前被谋杀了。这个想法现在仍然存在于我的脑海里。“

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    When President John F. Kennedy arrived in Dallas, 31-year-old housewife Mary Ann Moorman and a friend came downtown to see him – and his charming wife. “It was an exciting moment, we could see the president, but we liked Jackie. We wanted to see Jackie, that was the main reason we came downtown,” said Moorman, now known as Mary Ann Krahmer, recalling Tuesday for todays Matt Lauer. Krahmer saw the charismatic young president and first lady from such a close and advantageous position on the motorcade route that her camera captured a crucial piece of history. When he was struck by the assassins bullets, her Polaroid camera took the only photograph of Kennedy. The so-called grassy knoll can be seen in the background. “I saw his hair jump up. But it wasnt just his hair, it was a part of his brain,” Krahmer said. “To this day, its so vivid in my mind.” She was so close to the president that she heard his wifes reaction to the chaos. “I heard Jackie yell, Oh my God, hes been shot,” she said. In the famous film shot by Abraham Zapruder that day, which shows the president being shot, Krahmer can be seen wearing a blue coat, preparing to take her photograph. Moormans famous “grassy knoll photo” shows President Kennedy being struck by a fatal bullet. Today, the enlarged version of Krahmers photo from that day in 1963 is on display at the sixth-floor museum in Dealey Plaza, Dallas. Conspiracy theorists explore the possibility that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone in killing the president, and the original photo has been scrutinized thousands of times. They believe a second gunman may have targeted the president from the grassy knoll. But Krahmer says she distinctly remembers only three shots being fired that day. “I heard the shot, took down the camera, and then I heard two more shots,” she said, comparing the sound of the shots to exploding firecrackers. “Just pop, pop, pop.” Last week, an attempt to auction the actual Polaroid failed to meet its reserve. Cowans auction in Cincinnati estimated the photo would fetch between $50,000 and $75,000. Over the years

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