George Zimmerman的妻子:’我有疑虑,但我也相信证据’

George Zimmerman的妻子:’我有疑虑,但我也相信证据’

在对丈夫George Zimmerman的离婚诉讼中,Shellie Zimmerman表示,她对去年佛罗里达青少年Trayvon Martin枪击事件的真实情况表示怀疑,她在接受Matt Lauer独家采访时说。. 


劳尔进一步说道,“所以你现在怀疑他是无辜的,至少他是在Trayvon Martin被杀的那天晚上自卫的事实?”

“我认为任何人都会怀疑这种无辜,因为我不认识那个与我结婚的人,”贝利回应道。 “我有疑虑,但我也相信证据。” 


“他没有描述Trayvon Martin,”她说.





26岁的Shellie Zimmerman于9月5日向乔治·齐默尔曼提出离婚,这是他在7月13日因佛罗里达青少年特拉维恩·马丁拍摄的二级谋杀罪被判无罪后不到两个月。在法庭文件中,她声称婚姻“无可挽回地破裂”。 

她告诉警方,她和她近三年的丈夫乔治已经同意,在他不在的时候,她可以带回家里的一些东西。然而,根据她的律师凯莉·西姆斯(Kelly Sims)的说法,当她出现时,他带着一个“重达400英镑的保镖”被确认为29岁的朋友韦斯利·罗宾逊(Wesley Robinson)和27岁的萨金莎·谢贝(Samantha Scheibe)的“金发朋友”,并开始录制她的。西姆斯说,她的回应是使用iPad来录制他.


乔治 Zimmerman, left, arrives in Seminole circuit court, with his wife Shellie, in Sanford, Fla., Monday, June 24, 2013. Zimmerman is accused in the...
2013年6月24日星期一,乔治·齐默尔曼(George Zimmerman)在佛罗里达州桑福德(Sanford)的妻子贝利(Shellie)的法庭上展示了在拍摄Trayvon Martin的审判期间.Joe Burbank /今天





“他们是煽动性的言论,考虑到你的丈夫因谋杀指控被判无罪,”他说。 “他们故意用来提出问题,不仅怀疑他在这场争吵中的行为,还有他在夜间被Trayvon Martin枪杀的行为?” 








编者按:George Zimmerman起诉NBC环球公司诽谤。该公司强烈否认这一指控.

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    In the divorce proceedings against her husband George Zimmerman, Shellie Zimmerman expressed doubts about the true circumstances of the shooting of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin last year, she said in an exclusive interview with Matt Lauer. “Im conflicted,” Bailey told Raul on Thursday. “I believe in evidence, but this revelation in my life has helped me resolve issues and start looking at things differently.” Raul went on to say, “So you now doubt that he was innocent, at least in the fact that he was defending himself on the night Trayvon Martin was killed?” “I think anyone would doubt that kind of innocence because I dont know the person I married,” Bailey responded. “I have doubts, but I also believe in evidence.” Despite these doubts, Bailey strongly denies that George described the teenager. “He didnt describe Trayvon Martin,” she said. Domestic disputes between the Zimmermans led to a “revelation” for Shellie. On September 9, authorities in Lake Mary, Florida were summoned to the couples former rental home from Shellies father, according to police reports, 911 reports that George threatened her with a gun, providing conflicting images of the sequence of events. Neither side has filed charges in the matter, and Bailey says she now wishes she had. “In hindsight, I should have, I really regret it, but I was on probation, and if I pressed charges, those officials made it very clear that we would all go to jail, and I would be the only one staying there,” she told Raul. Today, representatives of George Zimmerman said they were not interested in commenting. Shellie Zimmerman, 26, filed for divorce from George Zimmerman on September 5, less than two months after he was acquitted of second-degree murder in the shooting of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin on July 13. In court documents, she claimed the marriage was “irretrievably broken.” She told police that she and her husband of nearly three years had agreed that she could bring some things home when he wasnt there. However, according to her lawyer Kelly Sims, when she showed up, he was confirmed to be a 29-year-old friend named Wesley Robinson and a 27-year-old blonde friend named Sajinsha Scheibe, who weighed 400 pounds and began

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